Guy Gifts????

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Retire Member
Jan 9, 2008
This should give lots of time to plan and create guy gifts... My BIL's and FIL are VERY difficult to buy for. I NEVER know what to get these guys. We aren't very close and whatever they want they go and get. This year I got serving trays and loaded them with a poker set, their favorite beer, cheese and a cheese cutter, hot tony packos pickles and pepper, and some other treats for a guys night. So now I'm thinking ahead for next year because this year had me down to the wire with these guys.... What do you do for your guys?? :sad:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
How about a DVD of a guy movie:
- Jacki Chan?
- wild Hogs?
- National Lampoon's Xmas vacations?
- A humorist show?
with the popcorn tub, bear, etc...


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
These are some of the gifts I've given...

My DH usually gets DVDs, books, CDs and clothing. He's pretty easy to buy for. A lot of old tv series are coming out now on DVD so that might be an option to check into.

For my brother, this year he got a Home Depot giftcard since he bought a house in July last year. Far Side Collections are great for him too; I don't know how many books are out now.

For my BILs, I bought new, good quality, feather pillows; murder mystery games; gourmet salsa and black bean dip; gift certificates for a favourite restaurant.

Depending what they are into and depending on your budget, you could consider...
* gourmet/different barbeque sauces/hot sauces
* branding irons and barbeque tools
* a food dehydrator for making jerky and that kind of thing (a guy friend of ours got one this year)
* specialty editions of Trivial Pursuit (80s edition, sports edition, etc) or Monopoly (golf, NY Yankees, Vegas, Batman, US Army, etc)
* good heavy glass steins, dip bowls, specialty dips


Retire Member
Oct 25, 2007
The Bathroom Reader books are fun gifts for guys- I usually get one for FIL every few years-


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
I think video/DVD collections of their favorite sports teams are always great for guys. Sweatshirts/Hats/etc. with favorite team logos seem do always do well, too. I agree with the food gifts and the magazine subscriptions. This year ds sold gift certificates for magazine subscriptions, so they could pick which magazine to order.



Santa's Elves
Nov 20, 2007
One year starting in the summer I would buy 1 bottle of a micro brew beer every time I went to the store. By the time Christmas rolled around I had like a 24 pack of different micro brews as a gift for my brother.
** If you can't find a store that sells them by the bottle and you have a couple guys to buy for you could always buy a six pack of micro brews here and there then split them up between giftees , one or two bottles per giftee.
Add a can of beer nuts, peanuts and/or a cool bottle opener (if you buy non-twist-offs bottles) and you have a great gift to be used during football play-offs with there buds or whatever.

While on the beer theme--- once I bought a gift certificate for a mini-keg for my BIL- he ended up using it for a guys get together later that year with all his old college buddies and they had fun reliving their college kegger days without the hangovers!

Another idea -- a coupon book for single professional guy for ironing his shirts - like a coupon good for 10 shirts ironed or 5 pairs of pants ironed etc.... or for that matter just buy him a gift card to the dry cleaners he uses and dangle it from a hanger covered in a dry cleaner bag??? Or a coupon to go tie and shirt shopping for a guy who hates fashion/shopping but still wants to look good at work?

Tickets to a sports game can be expensive but a real treat for someone who is a die-hard fan but never goes to live games. We have a minor league baseball team here in the Twin Cities area and their games are reasonable priced and actually more fun to go to than the professional game. We also have a car racetrack (not NASCAR- smaller) near by that is super fun to go to also.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jan 1, 2008
With men you can't go wrong with food gifts. Just find out what kind of sacks they like then fill them a bag up.

You could stretch it out all year for him. Just make him a coupon that says each month you will present 1 of his favorite foods to him. For ex. my hubby loves popcorn he'd love to get some free popcorn once a month lol


MHH Member
Nov 18, 2007
These are great ideas....I'm thinking Father's Day ideas!!!!! I like the idea for a set for BBQ and a six pack of mico brew beer. my dad is big into hunting so anything that he can take on his hunting trips help.


Retire Member
Jan 7, 2008
A weird thing happened this Christmas. DH go NO jocks, sox or hankies. And he was quite disappointed! Guess these will be on the list for 2008!!


Santa's Elves


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I was having a hard time with my 4 brothers this year. I actually did have one thing for one of my brothers. He loves to cook eggs in the microwave. I had a microwave egg cooker that I picked up for him sometime or another.

But what I ended up doing is making them all a chocolate basket filled with things that I made
oreo balls
goo-goo clusters
chocolate covered pretzels
peanutbutter cups
peppermint patties

They all liked having their own after they complained that I didn't make too much for Christmas eve and ate most of that stuff. But had to make a note to myself after Christmas morning while having our family breakfast of my stepdads great omlets to make him a seprate batch of oreo balls because he only got one because the boys ate them all and he was looking for them after everyone left Christmas eve.


Retire Member
Jan 9, 2008
You are so clever!!! Love the ideas... Any ideas for computer geeks???? I'm so copying and pasting these ideas so I can put them in my gift notebook!!! :party: