HGP 2015 - Week 6 - Kids Rooms

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MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
OCTOBER 4, 2015 TO OCTOBER 10, 2015

Will Santa be visiting your house this year? Time to sort out the short stuff!

This week, we focus on kids' rooms for deep-cleaning, decluttering and organizing so that there's room to spare for holiday gifts.

Our holiday prep assignments include assembling freezer meals, working on hand-crafted gifts, and continuing to buy gifts and holiday supplies.

Ready? Let's get organized with the Holiday Grand Plan!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Can't believe it is week 6 already!!!

Kid's Room Tasks

[ ] Dust ceiling & fan for cobwebs
[ ] Scrape as needed (left over drywall blobs) and Windex window/Clean window sills
[ ] Dust/Clean blinds
[ ] Dust shelf, frames, etc.
[ ] Relocate outgrown items to totes in basement as needed
[ ] Empty/Clean/Reorg Dresser Drawer Contents
[ ] Empty/Clean/Reorg toy bins and drawers
[ ] Clean out/Reorg closet toy storage
[/] Organize clothes in closet as needed - Brought down winter clothing and hung in closet yesterday. But need to put away summer items.

Holiday Prep Tasks

[/] Gifts to Give (In Prog) - This will be a living document for a while!
[X] Meals to Freeze - Reviewed and edited list to account for limited space in freezers
[X] Make one freezer meal or meal component - Made 1 batch of Twice Baked Potatoes, 2 meals worth of Funeral Potatoes, two loaves of Sausage Bread and one loaf each of Pepperoni Bread and Chicken Bacon Ranch Bread
[X] Decorate for Halloween!!!
[ ] Start addressing Christmas Cards
[X] Sort freezer contents/Prepare room for freezer meal storage
[ ] Buy two non-perish items from Master Grocery List
[ ] Inventory clothing (size changes, etc.) for all of us and record
[/] Clear space in craft area (setup card table?)/Start wrapping gifts - Started to set up but need to finish
[ ] Make list of toys and/or other items DS could use for suggestions to family
[ ] Start planning home staged picture session for DS's Christmas photo! Outfit? Props?
[/] Craft Christmas Gifts - Working of felt ornaments meant as gifts


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
AJ, same here, cannot believe that we are 6 weeks into this plan.

Now my kids are adults I don't need to do their rooms so I will be working on different areas this week. I have 2 spare rooms and a rumpus room that need work so I think I will do one of those.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
My boys are older, so their input will be needed for their rooms. Overall a good scrub and sorting out their dressers will be the most time consuming task for them. DH is installing the storm windows and sealing for winter drafts as we work through the HGP.

Meat loaf, butternut squash/carrot/parsnip - roasted and bagged, ready to whip into soups and put in the freezer.

Have made three 'movie dates' with my DH (back to theatre locally - Home Alone, Polar Express, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas) - these three movies show at 11 am, will go for lunch then do final Christmas Shopping. I am very excited for this!:elf:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
HE - love the movie date! you picked very important movies :)

dd's room is in good shape. As it houses some of her things that she left when she comes she goes through more stuff and leave less and less.
Ds's room... well... work to do in that closet!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
DS has mentioned that he would like some help organizing his cupboard. Will try and find some time to help with this.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Hoping to hit DS room hard tomorrow - I have a day off scheduled. But I'll also be trying to do another burst of painting trim.

I got second coat of DS bathroom and finished caulking all door frames, floor trim corners etc. I also got the painter's tape in place in Master Bath so all I have to do is paint tomorrow.

And I got a double batch of Magic Bar Cookie dough in the freezer last night! :)

Also making good progress on crafts! Finished 3 felt cardinal ornaments (2 gifts 1 for me) and have made a good start on a dolphin theme felt ornament meant as another gift.


Retire Member
Aug 16, 2011
Hey all!

Running behind this week because I hit a deer with my car on Monday morning while I was headed in to work! I spent all of Monday getting the police report, getting the car towed, picking up a rental car, making all sorts of phone calls to the insurance company, etc. Whew! The car has been determined to be a complete loss, so I get to add "Shop for a new car" to my tasks for this upcoming weekend. Normally, I would be excited to be getting a new car, but since my previous car was completely paid off, I'm not entirely thrilled about starting up car payments again. Oh well... :)

Thankfully, this week isn't very chore-heavy for me because my husband and I don't currently have any children. I'm planning to spend some time cleaning our spare bedroom which serves as an exercise room and library. The library is actually in the bedroom closet. We organized this a few years ago, and it's awesome:

There won't be much to clean in that room -- mainly the typical dusting, vacuuming, wash the windows, etc. I'll post a more detailed list later! :)

I did manage to find some time yesterday to purchase the Peanuts holiday postage stamps. Those are tucked away with my Christmas cards now. I'm hoping to find some time to address those and get them ready to go within the next few weeks.

Sounds like all of you ladies are keeping busy and making great progress!



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
CheeryChick - So glad you are ok! Good luck on the car shopping! And your room looks SUPER organized! Love it!

I used my day off yesterday to get two coats on all the trim in Master Bath, spare bedroom, door frame of Master Bedroom and the trim in the living room.

Also spent a small amount of time I had left to start HGP'ing DS room. Got a decent start but a lot of work left to do!


Retire Member
Aug 16, 2011
Good morning!

I woke up early this morning because I wanted to catch up on the laundry from this past week. Just found a moment to check in here... :) I've been so busy in the evenings, including some added errands related to the car accident, that I really just didn't get as much done on weeknights as I usually do. We actually ended up eating one of the lasagnas I made earlier this week; it's so convenient to have a comforting meal ready to go when we're too tired to cook. We didn't turn to takeout or grocery store "freezer section" quick meals full of chemicals and preservatives. :) It really motivates me to keep the freezer stocking going year-round when I know I have something healthy and delicious to turn to in a pinch.

We did go car shopping yesterday and I ended up choosing a 2011 Ford Escape Limited. I'm pretty excited about it as it's a nice upgrade from my old car and has a lot of the "extras", including heated seats (which I am *really* looking forward to this winter!). We are waiting for our check from the insurance company which should arrive later this week, but we put a deposit down with the dealership and have everything else organized with the bank and such so we'll be set to pick it up next Saturday. In the meantime, I found a .PDF of the manual online and have been looking it over to be a little more familiar with it before I bring it home.

Today my plan is to finish up the laundry and get some grocery shopping done, then add a couple more things to the freezer. I'm considering doing a few pans of enchiladas this time. Dinner is going to be chicken parmesan (YUM). I also need to finish things in the office/library. The weather is supposed to be especially-pleasant for this time of year (mid-70s!) so I'm looking forward to a nice day.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Wish I had more progress to report on DS room :(

I did move his toy shelf with play food items into the play room - since that is where play kitchen is - and we organized that, sorted the food, etc.

But my weekend was consumed with apple picking and then canning them. Didn't leave much room for anything else!