Holiday Traditions

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
I was working on my 2010 Christmas Notebook ... printing off some pages at OC.

So, I was writing up some new "traditions" and was wondering what everyone else has on their sheet??

I have things like (but can't do everything every year):

Thanksgiving - Watch Macy's Parade while cooking, Eat at 2pm, Watch "Miracle on 34th St" movie 'the old one', and Decorate for Christmas on Friday (I don't shop!!)

Christmas - Bake and Decorate Cookies with kids
Make a Kuchen (old family pastry)
Visit friends for gift exchanges
Light looking around town
Read the "A Christmas Carol" outloud
Watch a lot of Christmas movies
Visit with grandparents and sister (my niece stays the week after Christmas till New Years with us!!)
Concert Music
Live Nativity

New Year's - Niece is still here for Sparkling Apple Cider and snacks, play with glow in the dark rings, watch neighbors do fireworks, watch the ball drop, watch "When Harry Met Sally"

Anyway ... just thinking out loud here.


Super Moderator
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Premiere Member
Oct 14, 2007
South NJ
Thanksgiving -
*The night before read The Night Before Thanksgiving to the kids
*Make pepperoni bread and buy fruit and veggie trays to have on hand for the football games.
*Watch parade on TV
*Shop BF
*Decorate that weekend!

*Drive around looking at lights
*movie weekend with the kids where we watch all kinds of Christmas shows/movies
*Bakefest the last full weekend before Christmas
*Magical Elves arrive Dec 1 and leave the night of the 23rd.
*make a gingerbread house with the DD (didn't have time to do that this year)

Christmas Eve -
*kids to open their gift from their magical elves - new PJs,
*kids get to open their gift from each other
*track Santa on norad
*Read the Christmas story and Twas the Night Before Christmas to the kids at bedtime


Retire Member
Dec 3, 2007
This year we had a family meeting ahead of time and discussed tradtions. Everyone told me what their top three were and Icompiled them into a list of can't miss activities. These are the ones that made the cut:

1. Jingle Bell Drive
2. Giving the kids a new ornament each year
3. Christmas PJs on Christmas Eve
4. Decorating Day
5. Xmas morning competition to see who can wake up first (Hubby REALLY wants to change this one)
6. Making gingerbread houses
7. Taking the kids shopping for each other's stocking stuffers
8. Reading the Christmas story on Christmas morning
9. Oranges and pomegranates in the stockings
10. Cinnamon bun tree and/or wreath a Christmas breakfast