How many are from the old OC?

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Retire Member
Oct 12, 2007
Colorado Springs Co
How many of you are from the original OC site from 2000-now?

I'm not on here much anymore. cause it is not the same as before, Not to many people are on here anymore.
There used to be more posting and more topics to post on.People were posting all day and night on different things... and having fun..
I know there are now facebook and the other site that some of the old OC'er are on. but they dont post much either.

What Happened?


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
I think we still have plenty of posting but you are right a lot of the "old timers" aren't posting as much. Part of it for me at least....and I used to post that life is super busy, facebook does fill in some online social networking....but mostly and maybe this is just me.....

I just don't feel very creative of late....I feel like I have posted all of my ideas and now just seem to rehash them. Oh maybe my creative juices would flow more if I had more

I do think we still have a GREAT community with lots of great ideas....sometimes I almost wonder if the board has too many "sections" and maybe it would be better to make it smaller and cosier....but whenever I think of taking away something....I'm not sure what it would be....Hmmmm...something to ponder in the new year.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
P.S. Currently there are 8 members and 115 guests on here....I think that is part of it too...we have lots of guests but not as many members...the members are the life blood of a board and we have some great ones but life does get hectic.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I find that people find their way back as their lives change.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I am from the original Organzied Christmas, when it had the message forum :)

I think people come and go, sometimes life just gets away on us.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I had just started on the original OC when it was disbanned....had just gotten my feet under me with navigation and finding the topics I wanted to follow. I guess I was a member for about 6 months before it went away.

I agree with Ginger. I think many of us are busier according to the phase of our lives and there are many other social sites or sites with creative ideas.

I also agree with Diedra...I think people find their way back. And one of the reasons there are so many sites to choose from is that one place isn't a "one size fits all." That's okay too!
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I'm an original OC board member too! I still remember finding the OC forums...I'd googled stocking stuffers and stumbled across pure gold! LOL
I do know what u mean about how busy the old boards used to be. Things would really get hopping...especially around this time of year. Things tend to run in cycles...folks get busy...etc.

But even if we drift away for a while we all seem to drift back again. :)

And yes, we do cover a lot of the same topics from year to year...but I remind myself that even if I've shared an idea in years past, readers this year may.not have heard it before. My apologies to those of you with really good memories that I may have been repeating myself to!

What I love about this site is that even if the topic is one we've covered a dozen times before, it is rare to not have some new twist or nuance surface.

Ill be completely honest here...I "lost" my family, my entire social structure, at a young age. I wasn't raised to celebrate Christmas, to know how to cook or bake or craft or take any joy from life. I had to build from the ground so many areas of my life.

All of you...on this board and on the old OC have been my sisters, my aunts, my cousins...your advice, your common sense, your humor and your bone deep, unfailing kindness have truly truly been a huge thing to me. An epiphany I only had fairly recently.

You are all fantastic!

Post when you can...if you usually read but hesitate to post out.of shyness, just know that on this site you have found one of the best places on the net...everyone is always so kind...and we love new thoughts and ideas!

Ok ... I'm done now. Sorry for the heavy! I'm going to go drink my wine now. :)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Thanks, Aunt Jamelle for the honesty. I think it was well said.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Very well said....we are like family here....and even when we "move away" for awhile we are always our home....right here!!


Retire Member
Jan 29, 2011
Honestly, I think the not posting as much is a trend I've noticed on every type of message board forum I visit or even used to visit whether crafting, scrapbooking, Christmas or coupon related. It seems like Facebook and sites like it may be one reason. I think a lot of people spend quite a bit of time on social media. Also, I Know for me personally, if I am reading and not posting it usually because I am jumping on and off line more often with my ipod touch. Using smartphones, ereaders, ipods etc. it is just such a pain to type, but much quicker to browse your favorite sites. I only get on my netbook about every other day or every couple of days now it seems and the PC--I can't even remember the last time I got on that. But, I do check in to this site and a handful of others from my ipod; sometimes even a few times a day. Once you have a site in your history, it pulls up very quickly for future quick glances on handheld devices.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
candysprinkle....I do agree that message boards in general have less posting, social media is often filling that online void. I do still like forums though because they offer more "space" to really talk about a topic.

We will just keep posting away as we have plenty of guest readers! lol that we don;t even know about!

Here are some tips that might get more people involved.

1. Try to respond to other people's posts, ask questions or for clarification etc. This gets a conversation going. One and two word response are ok sometimes but do nothing to really get a more indepth conversation going.

2. Make it a goal to respond to one or two "new" people every day...It's great to have our "friends" but it really helps to make new friends also! :)

3. Start new topics that are open ended. Our daily threads and menus etc are GREAT but there are other topics we might explore too. Post about gifts you find....parites you give or attend and other things. It is essential to add details to these things...try to describe them with your words so if someone else wants to duplicate them they can/could.

4. If you have a great it...don't PM it. PMs are for more private conversations.

5. I'll try to be here more posting....but often I post and no one responds....that makes it difficult to want to keep posting... :) :) Think of posts like conversations....we wouldn't have someone SAY something to us and then not answer....I need to improve in this area too!

6. While links to things are would be really help if you wirte a bit about the link you post....have you tried it....does it look easy etc...this is what creates conversation.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I came over from the old OC boards and I love MHH!!!!!

One thing I noticed on the old OC boards was there seemed to be fighting going on. I remember one member posting about an issue of the children in her life weren't appreciative of the gifts she gave and then she listed the gifts- it was a ton. And the replies (to me) ganged up on that member. A lot were saying she spoiled these kids and it was her fault.

One thing about MHH that I truly, truly love is it is extremly positive, encouraging and supportive. No fights!!! Even when opinions differ.

MHH is what we, the members, make it. To be thriving- we must have a variety of topics and people posting!!!!



Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southeastern PA
I also came over from the OC boards (and the OH - how I miss that forum!). I think there's still a lot of posting here but I'll agree not as much as before perhaps.

One thing I think that is different from the OC was that as this time of year a lot of newcomers found the site and began posting. Many had questions or dilemas to share and that prompted older members to share their wisdom and newer member to chime in with their ideas. Much of it really was the same from year to year, though. "Should I tell my children the truth about Santa? ... My MIL doesn't understand we need to alternate families for the holidays. ...How many Christmas trees should we put up?"

Those discussions were always great and I loved them. Here, though, I think we have more of a core group of posters that have been a constant for a good while. So we don't see the activity that the new members generated every season. Those who are on here have already discussed these issues and tend to talk more about our day to day lives and families. I love the intimacy of that but it doesn't generate the same amount of posts.

Don't know if any of that make sense just a few thoughts I had. Also, I think as other have mentioned other forms of social media have taken the place of time spent on forums. Time was that was my only way of connecting online with people.

I love these forums, though! :)


Retire Member
Dec 6, 2009
I've been on the forum for about two years, I think. I don't post much (though I'm really trying to get better about that). I frequent one board more than the others (Magical elves) because it is a huge part of our Christmas tradition in my home. I typically don't get on some of the other boards such as the Christmas countdown one because I don't participate in that activity. But, lately I've been checking in on almost all of the boards just so I can become more active here and I really like what's in those other boards as well. Lots of good ideas and sometimes I actually have something to contribute, so I do!

The only board I find very difficult to feel "a part of" so to speak is the Chit-Chat board. And, it's nothing against that board or it's regular posters, but it seems to be mostly the posters who have been here for a long time and know each other so well, including family members and family histories. I read the board, but I don't feel like I can contribute. Not because anyone has told me I can't. And I know, just based on what little I know about the good people of this forum, that no one would ever suggest that I shouldn't post there. The people of this forum just simply aren't that kind of people. It's just a feeling of being on the outside of a well established group. I admire the sense of family/community on that board and I'd love to "chit-chat" about what's going on, but I guess (being a bit shy myself) I don't really know how to jump in.

I do notice A LOT of guests everyday when I'm on here. So, I think even though the board may not be as "busy" as it once was, it's still an inspirational place. I would encourage all newbies or lurkers to come on out and start posting. This forum is by far the most friendly that I've ever been a part of. No fighting and just constant encouragement, great ideas, and genuine holiday cheer!


Active Member
Premiere Member
I came over after the OC had ended as well.

I love this forum, I had just started posting and was gone for a bit because of deaths in my family. I came back and it was if I had never left, people remembered me and that has truly touched my heart! To me this is family. I can be excited about Christmas and all the prep and not be teased about it as everyone here is just like me. I find so many people in my everyday life complain about Christmas and that bothers me. I want to celebrate Christmas and all the craziness it brings. I can do that with all my friends here.

I think the key to more activity is that even though you may not feel that you have much to say , pop in and say hello anyway :) I can truly say that I have made some friendships through this site that I will treasure for always !


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I know from experience that at one time this site was not letting people log on. It was telling me I was banned from the site. No one could figure out how to fix it. So a lot of people may have left because of that same problem. I wouldn't be back expect the day I went to delete the bookmark (after about 9 months) it signed me right in. If that hadn't have happened I wouldn't be here now.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Ahorsesoul- That was awful when you couldn't get here.

I wonder how many others that has happened to?

I liked Gingerbug's suggestion of replying to people's posts- especially if it's an idea or question.

sloanmama- I have thought often about what you said about the chit chat thread because I know it is a core group that posts there.

Start posting there. Everyone is so, so welcoming!

Three years ago at the New Year, I said I was going to post twice a day to the chit chat thread- once in the morning, once in the afternoon. And a lot of my posts really didn't have much to say. They were like: I have work today. And then: I'm home from work now.

Little by little, I got to know the other posters and they got to know me. Now I can't imagine my day, my life without this group!

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007


I think I found this site when the old one was just stopping ... gee, hard to remember what I ate for lunch yesterday let alone ..... years ago! LOL

For me, I seem to pop in about this time of year through March ... for some reason ... the summer seems to have me forgetting to check on here. Don't mean to seem "unappreciative" or "forgetful" or "unfriendly" ... it's just, well, what ends up happening.

I love the sense of community here!

This was a GREAT thread to start conversation!


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
I came over from OC...almost positive...and I love it here. Of course, we are all open to new ideas and new comers...and I love to chat about what works and what doesn't when it comes to holidays and parties. Lives are hectic and busy, so things just don't get as much attention as in previous years...and social networking and pinterest have really put a dent into forums, IMO.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
I want to address the Chit Chat forum a bit. Many boards do not have a chit-chat area or a forum for off topic discussion. The old OC boards did not. A lot of times it is for space (not wanting to use the board space for off topic conversations. And sometimes it is for the reasons that are mentioned here. A core group may form and newbies may feel unwelcome (Even though I know that is not the intent here at MHH)

A while back we seemed to be getting a lot of off topic conversations going and since we are a community I wanted to give people a chance to socialize on line and form friendships. I could have squashed the conversations and said "please stay on topic" but I chose not to. Thus I formed the Chit Chat forum.

I think the feelings people sense about the weekly chit chat threads are valid. BUT most likely not for the reasons they might think. This is not the first discussion of this topic to come to my notice. I have had people PM me some similar feelings off and on over time. Again I emphasize that I think the group that posts in those threads are friendly and great members so please if you are part of them DO NOT think this is directed at you in a negative way. Here's what I think is the real issue(s).....

1. I tried posting a few times in the weekly chit chat threads....but honestly I just couldn't keep up with everyone's life...the tendency is to respond to other people's posts just like a real conversation and I just didn't have the time to read and respond in kind. I will say at times I would post and people would ignore my post and comment on someone else's. I don't think they did that to exclude me but simply that they already had formed a "friendship" and knew more about that person's life etc. I wasn't offended because I knew right away that the weekly threads were not something I could keep up with.

2. I also think the weekly threads are vibrant because they are a group that can post daily or at least several times a week and respond to each other. That's a great group to be part of but my limited on line time does not lend itself to those types of threads. For those of us that pop in and out, we would be completly lost trying to keep I do think one negative is that if you come to the board with only limited time to post and do so only in the weekly chit chat threads then we lose out on your creativity and fun posts in other areas. I'm not saying that is the case here but just something to keep in mind.

3. I also think that group size is a factor. I'm not sure how many are posting daily/weekly in those threads but honestly a "group" can reach its limit of members to effectively communicate and provide that homey group feeling. After you reach a certain number it's hard to add more and maintain the "feel" of the group. Sort of like in the story of The Mitten where all the animals cram into the mitten and eventually the little cricket causes it to burst at the seams. For the type of weekly threads they have going it would be difficult to have a large number and for everyone to feel included and valued.

4. Point to consider....if you like the "feel" of those weekly threads but don't seem to fit in or you feel like the established group is too large or whatever the reason. You can always start your own chit chat it something those that are grandmothers might have Through Grandma's Eyes....or some catchy title that lets people know the people that might be interested in chatting in that thread. I DO NOT want it to become a situation where we feel groups are excluding others AND AGAIN....I do not feel our current chit chatters are doing that....But I'm just saying the MORE the if the current weekly chit chats aren't for you....enjoy the other sections of the boards....and there are plenty!! OR start a little chit chat group of your own...OR start posting in the weekly threads and get to know the wonderful ladies there already....I just can't keep up with them...LOL