HP- Week 38

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Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
It is week 38 of The Happiness Project. This month our theme is: Pursue a Passion. Corresponding reading pgs: 221-234
So far we have asked, What is your Passion, Making Time, Forget about Results and this week we add: Master a New Technology. Corresponding Reading Pages: 231-233.

For Gretchen, her passion is reading and anything to do with reading. So, with this Resolution she decided to learn how to do self publishing. She discovered a website that allowed her to create a book and would even print it out, including a hard cover.

She also learned how to navigate Shutterfly to deal with her photos and make a hard cover book with those.

Gretchen pointed out that when she decided to self publish a book, she was determined to conquer the task when it became frustrating and resist her desire and not rush through it. With the book publishing site, it ended up being easier than she thought it would. Shutterfly was a bit more challenging.

That is often the case when we are trying to learn a new technology. We may not want to go through the directions step by step. But, in order to master it, that is what we must do.

This Week's Resolution: Master a New Technology

This Week's Thought: The novelty and challenge of mastering the technology- though it can be maddening and frustrating at times- gives enormous satisfaction, and provides new ways to pursue a passion.

Please share your thoughts, journey here this week.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I love this challenge. I've been thinking I need to order a new Photoshop Elements program. I updated my computer's operating system so now the old one won't work correctly. I never did learn how to use it very well. I seem to have that problem with following directions step by step. I want to jump right in to the end results without doing the learning how to use it part.

The other idea is I should learn how to do digital scrapbooking. Would be lots easier than the 'ole fashion' way.

And I'd like to see if I can figure out how Cozi works.


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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I would love to get a photo program and figure out how to use it. I used to be pretty good at PSP (Print Shop Pro) and making pixel pictures and stuff like that but then I just didn't have time for it anymore and haven't done it in years.

I would also love to learn all the functions of our camera and how to use them correctly to take great pictures.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Another: Figuring out the new FB....


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Things I am taking to heart from this chapter:

“…advice from happiness experts, who advocate periods of deprivation to sharpen the pleasures” Love this thought. It seems so true but something we never think about when we have the things/people/pleasures in our life. It’s only when they are gone that we realize who lucky we were to have them.

I disagree with the professor who said the bit about do what you think about when you’re sitting on the toilet. I do not think “need to go to the store to pick up toilet paper, need to remember to wash the rugs in here” are anywhere near any of my passions. Lol

Must read Wise Blood, Fight Club, The Heir of Redclyffe.
Should re-read Catcher in the Rye and the Great Gatsby. Can’t remember how long it’s been since I’ve read them.

Make time. So true.

Interesting insight into getting 3rd and 4th graders to read. I think it applies to everyone.

I’d already started keeping my books at the library. I took boxes and boxes to them one year. They store, straighten, repair, clean them and keep track of who borrows them for me. They are still my books; I can check them out anytime.

Note taking. I’m doing this with the Outlander series. I have a small notebook that I keep my the computer. I’ve been putting other info in it too. A number to call, a recipe to look up, a book or movies I want to pick up at the library. Has been working much better than sticky notes for me.

And now I think I’ll do some thinking………….


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Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
I enjoy technology so that is a positive thought for me. I need to look into digital scrapbooking as well. Sometimes I wonder if I had a nicer camera would i take more pictures like a lot of people i know, but I am not so sure. I tend to take my camera places but don't use it that often. i do need to work on that.

Diedra- ITA I either think of what needs to be cleaned or I read a book while I am in there, not think about what I want to learn to do. Also Cozi is great! i wish my phone had a app for it like my other one so I just try to get on line to update a bunch of stuff at once. i love how it will send a text to me (and esp to DH) to remind us of stuff. i was tired of always telling him my work schedul but now no longer have to keep going over it.

I am behind in my reading on this book so need to do that soon....


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
With new technology- I tend to get frustrated using it. If it isn't super super basic I don't go there. I don't have a smart phone because I would not use most of the apps and I have no desire to get on the internet from my phone.

True story- I had a record player for years before getting a CD player, and just a VCR for years without getting a DVD player. And I still don't have an ipod. I'm old school.

Even with my camera, I probably don't know half of what it does, I simply take pics and download them.

Funny thing is, I'm pretty capable technologically. I have learned SO MUCH from work- can work any computer program.

Maybe that's why I stay away from it at home- I'm working with it all day at work.

Ahorsesoul- I re-read The Great Gatsby a couple summers back but would read it again, Love it! Catcher in the Rye is one of my all time favs- but I've only read it in high school.

I do think that cozi site looks cool- thanks for sharing the link. Will play around with that a bit.
My older brother sent my mom a Kindle for her b-day and my dad told me it is up to me to figure it out- so that will fulfill this week's challenge. :)

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Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
I tried cozi when school started...I have been looking for a way to keep all of the kids activities and appts straight with DH and my work/travel schedules...AND have it accessible to our nanny...sadly, our work calendar just WILL NOT sync! The IT people couldn't figure it out either. It's a shame because the program looks great. Our current system is a color coded paper calendar in the kitchen - which is fine as long as everyone updates it each day!

I also need to find a better program to manage my digital pictures. I am intrigued by the digital scrapbooking idea...what program do you use?

Diedra - I love your comments about still "owning" the books. I just donated a dozen boxes of books to Good Will...it was hard to part with them, but our library has been closed for over a year due to construction.

I also keep notes in a small notebook that is always at hand...quotes from books, ideas, etc.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I'm surprised at how handy the little notebook is becoming. If I can't remember doing something I just grab my little book. There usually is some type of note that will remind me or there might be just a phone number with no check mark that I called. It's not neat and most of it wouldn't mean a thing to someone else but it's my pal.

Annie, I know what you mean about the smart phones. When I picked out this phone at the store I just kept trying them until I found one that was Diedra Friendly (a My Touch---smart enough phone for me). My DH had his old phone two years and I still do not know how to make a call with it. Funny thing is I'm the one he goes to if he has a techie question. lol

Collen, I can't image the library couldn't have found a big empty building to set up at least partly to keep the library going during construction. I'd hate to be without our library.