Mar. 14-27 Kids Rooms

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Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
Ok, I know, the 2 weeks are almost up before I get started. (SparkleNanna, you kept me more on track than I realised!!).

But at least getting started now means getting something done!!

I only have 1 kids room to deal with anyway, and she keeps it reasonably under control. But I do need to take out some clothes (she has sprouted - again!!) that she has outgrown, and sort through the toys again.

I am also working on an "automatic pilot plan" to have ready to pull out. This will get the house clean (noting the really important jobs, and what to do with certain things) when we get a call that funerals are happening and we will have hordes of family descending on us at short notice.

There is a list of household chores to do - cleaning, getting sleeping quarters ready, and also getting things ready for those who may not sleep with us but may need to arrive and shower, change etc in our house before going to other places.
There is a kitchen list - so that I can get organised for a few dinners (make now and reheat in a couple of days) and baking needs, including a plan to keep DD distracted making rice krispie buns. Including what pots I plan to use (as I only have 1 very large pot and need to use it a few times) and what dishes to put things into (suitable for oven, reminder to have a couple of single portions of things etc).
There is a shopping list - for the kitchen plans and also reminders of things that would be important to make sure we have so anyone can go shopping for me.

This means that, even if my head is in pieces (not particularly likely, but you never know), or if I am so busy with other things that DH or someone else does things either for or with me, I can just pick up the list and say "ABC are the next 3 things to do, can you please do A? And can person X do B? And I will do C."

I may never use it, but at least even having thought it out, I will probably at least remember enough to stay in control and get what I need done.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
I did the big cleaning in autumn so now it's maintenance. However, I have curtains to make for DD's room and I'd like to add an armoire & double bed to DS's room... now to find what I'd like may take some time.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
I'm working in my daughters room, full swing. Took the last couple days off, but over the weekend I got all her drawers done. That meant going through alot of junk and tossing alot of "toys" from her younger years. She's excited so far and now we have all the deep cleaning to do.

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I realised in my planning, that a basket of essentials for guests is a good thing to have anyway - even for regular guests not just those needing a shower but no bed.

So I have started to put together a basket of bits. I have lots of various free samples from the past couple of years that are unopened of deodorant, cleanser, toner, moisturiser, shampoo, etc. I have small emergy boards that I find useful that come in multi packs anyway, so I have unused ones. I have a spare handbag size hairspray. I had to get a disposable razor recently when away myself and they only come in multipacks too - so I have spares.

And when I was passing the pharmacy this morning, it was open so I got a few other bits. Like sample sizes of a male deodorant, more masculine shower gel, more feminine shower gel (but both reasonably neutral), "dry" shampoo (in case hairwashing time is not available). And the toothbrushes were on special offer (save 1/3 if buying 2), so I bought 4 to have spares on hand.

So I will gather the various bits together tonight and see if there is anything else I need.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Boy Oh Boy! I am SO GLAD to be back on this thread!!!!!! It really does help keep us organized, Winged One! I feel kind of lost having been without it for so many days!

So..... we have four more days left in this two-week-session.

We have no Kids Rooms.

We do have extra Kids lothing (for grandchildren's visits). And Kids Toys. Those things would certainly benefit from being organized!

AND.... the office/guest room can benefit from any extra time.

Of course.... this part of the year continues to be really, really busy....... with the bad stomach flu visiting one after another family member. And...... dd's work-at-home business continuing an overwhelmingly busy period.

PLUS.... ds#1, ddil#1 and dgd are visiting from Seattle.

So..... one day at a time. One hour at a time.

Tonight....... a nice, relaxed family dinner at our house. More about that later.

AND.... an Easter celebration. With an "Easter Treat Hunt" for the grandchildren.

Off to get ready. Be back later.... with more ideas for the remaining days!

It is SO GREAT to be back at our MHH!


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
As I had been so focused on my vacation plans, I thought I'd have a lot of catching up to do until I saw it was the kids rooms. I don't have children. I will take these last four days to "spring" up my apartment.

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
I need to finish clearing out the boys' drawers...lots of heavy winter clothes still lurking in there! Otherwise, their rooms are in pretty good shape, but my guest room could use some work!!!


Active Member
Premiere Member
Sep 8, 2008
I ahve a few things to get out of what use to b boys' room, as fostering... I have new things coming in, its' kid of a but then the other room is being occupied by my mother, so I can get it when we get her in her home, next month.....


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
I'm just about done with my daughters room...Thank goodness!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
I think it took me about a month to get my daughters room done 100%, but it looks great. She came home last night and was very pleased with everything. She says she could get use to coming home everyday and having her room look like that..... hmmm?? NOT!! LOL


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
We also did DD room with out realizing it was the month for it. Her room had not been redecorated since she was about 10, she is now 17.
We bought her a new bed, curtains, bookcase(for DVD's), and painted a feature wall in her room, bright blue. We re arranged furniture and de-cluttered a lot. She does a lot of baby sitting so we got her 2 totes that slide under her bed for all of the things she takes with her on jobs.

We NEED to clean out drawers and finish de-cluttering her wardrobe and I think that we will be done.