May declutter club

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Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Any decluttering getting done in May?

I know Sparklenana is doing LOTS of decluttering these days. Even decluttering the big old attic. And Katrina is doing lots too with her moving to another house.

I still have a few hot spots that need to be done in the basement mostly, always the same ones!

Little Elf

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Mine will take a while...I'm working on the garage this month. It might take all summer as I don't have any vehicle to take things to the dump. But what I have decided to do it recycle what I can whether boxes, or clothes, or toys, etc. I'm also bagging up all the bottles, etc. to get money. Last year we got $70.00 for the haul so I can't complain there! ;)
Plus with the warmer weather finally hitting the Canadian prairies I'll be going through the kids clothes to see what fits and what doesn't as well as turn jeans torn at the knees into capris for my daughter.
If I am able to, I will also tackle the basement.


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Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
I still have a stack of scrapbook magazines that I need to toss. I thought about going through them and tearing out pages, but why?? To create yet another pile of paper??

This weekend I need to declutter our dining table. Its totally out of control with DH being in the hospital last week and my work schedule. I have things "sorted" but really need to get them filed away and out of sight!


Retire Member
Jan 5, 2008
SE Wisconsin
Little Elf---sounds like your garage is in the same state as mine...could easily take all summer to get it done!
Christmaslvr---hope all is well w/your DH

STILL working on decluttering the craft never ends.

Freaking out a little, as we can no longer put off having the boy's bathroom redone (walls could be damaged). That means I'll have to declutter any room the plumbers, electricians may have to go to like...our bathroom, DH's office (they need to go through it to get access to whirlpool), our bedroom (to get to our bathroom), and the basement (pipes, etc.). Yikes doesn't seem like a strong enough word!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
You gals are all doing great!

This weekend I put away some winter clothes (got rid of 3 sweaters). DH got his summer clothes out and got rid of a few t-shirts & shirts (not enough in my opinion).
Took 5 books out of the library and put it in the donation bag this morning. Every little bit helps!


Retire Member
Jan 5, 2008
SE Wisconsin
Got another paper grocery bag filled to donate to DS's school's annual barn sale. Have to hold onto it, though, until the 24th (that's their field day and each team gets points for each item donated...GO GREEN!). I think our family's donations alone should put them over the top---can't wait to get them out of the house, though.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Got the books out of the house! my neighbor took them to give to her friends. Also got ds's coat out of the house and at SIL's.

Got ds to throw away about 10 papers from his desk tonight. LOTS to go through on his desk but he just doesn't do it. Told him if he wants a couch in there his desk & closet has to be cleared of papers (don't know if he wants one or not, but hoping he does)


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Nov 4, 2007
We had our big event and all went well. I'm exhausted. The house looks the best it ever has. When it came down to the wire, it became very clear what was clutter and what was not. A load went to the dumpster. A load went into storage and then we put the rest in the attic. Yes, that attic I had just cleaned out and organized a couple months back? It is now buried. Doh! So I have my work cut out for me in the coming months to get rid of it. A chunk of it is home decor related, but I'm pretty much happy with my house as it is. Needs touch-ups certainly and more decluttering in spots, but I think I can get rid of the rest of this stuff and send it on to someone that would really love it.

Same with the stuff in storage. We aren't using it now and we are paying that bill. We'll be clearing that out this summer too. Sure feels good to lighten the load.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
We took a large box to the charity bin yesterday. I think we are now officially decluttered. Woo hoo.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Almost at the end of my rope
I've been to my 50th high school reunion! Had a wonderful time, talking, talking, talking. My friends and I just kind of pick up where we left off. We had lost 21 members of our small class of 88. We plan to have another one in 5 years.

It's back to the salt mines. I'm organizing, dusting, and putting books back on the shelves that had been re-painted. I'm actually finding books that I'm willing to part with, and putting them in boxes for the Habitat for Humanity thrift store and/or the public library book sale. Every time I put one in a box, I feel so good! I didn't realize that I had so many, though some are from my Mother's estate, so there actually ARE more than I took off the shelves.

I'm also changing the strings on my harp, which is a real pain, pun intended. I can only do a few at a time, because it makes my wrist sore. Then there are the ever-present sewing room, closet, and TV room. Slow and steady. You all are working so hard -- you really are inspiring.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Katrina great job on the delcuttering!
Cindylouwho - you are getting alot accomplished too.
ChristmasRose - glad you enjoyed your high school reunion, but 21 gone? that is alot. I never had a high-school reunion which is just sad. I don't live there anymore but I would've liked to go. You too are doing great on the decluttering.

This weekend I do want to do more decluttering in the basement especially since the temps call for cold & rain - perfect temperatures for that!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
One of the LC's has started decluttering. She's keeping track of how many trash bags of items she brings to the thrift store. She's at 14 right now but isn't keep track of how much she is putting in the trash. She's getting hooked on deluttering.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Good for you Diedra - getting the LC hooked!

This morning in the basement, I decluttered 19 books... will find a number 20 to add to the pile. Decluttered some pjs & bras. Got another winter sweater & scarf out. Got a small bag of kids toys & plushies out too. woohoo!
Still think I've got way too much stuff in that basement.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
continued some decluttering... had tons of kids' birthday partyhats ... no more young kids so don't need them, some baskets, a fruit plate I've never and never will use, and more odds & ends.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Today's update:
Got all the phentex wool in a bag to give to dh's aunt (I don't use that kind of wool anymore). Got another smaller bag in the garbage can. Another bag is full to donate too. Tomorrow I need to continue as my bins are open in the basement... putting wool together & fabric together. Will put Halloween & Christmas stuff apart too.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
You guys are doing so good!

I started in my bedroom on Saturday 10th---but have a ways to go. Mostly just got 2 sacks of trash (going thru papers, old bills etc.), some magazines for recycling. Will take some time to finish the paper sorting then will do drawers.

Hoping by end of May to have it all done. Shall see!

Diedra, WTG getting others on the boat!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
365 Less Things Mini Mission Monday , here's a copy of the email I got today
Monday– Having too many kitchen items makes it difficult to access items when you need them and blasé about cleaning them quickly. Declutter a few items you don’t need or are in over abundance.
Tuesday – Reading materials are another thing that end up accumulating around the house, in racks and on benches, tables and floors. Magazines, newspapers, specials catalogues… There is no reason why most of these can’t immediately go in the recycling bin once read.
Wednesday – Aside from all the picking up and wasted storage space, indulging your children with too many toys teaches them the habit of excess and can also stifle their imagination. Have your children choose three toys each to donate to charity this week.
Thursday- Décor items can certainly warm up a room and make it feel homely but too many can have a detrimental effect. They can clutter the space, make it appear untidy and harbour dust mite among other things. Declutter one or two dust collecting décor items this week. Scatter cushions, rugs, throw rugs, wall hangings, drapes…
Friday - Having too many items of clothing to choose from can lead to baskets of unwashed and/or unfolded washing laying around. This can also cause wasted time making choices on what to wear. Declutter some excess clothing. Think about whether the number of clothing items you own represents the amount you really need or how often you can be bothered washing and ironing them. I DO NOT mean for you to consider washing small loads more frequently (that would be bad for the environment). What I am saying is do you still have several weeks worth of this seasons clothes in your wardrobe at the time you are doing a full load of laundry. If that is the case perhaps you are overstocked.
Saturday – Last but not least I am once again going to harp on about those tchotchkes collecting dust around the home. They have to be cleaned, they have to be housed and they take up valuable space that could be used for something useful. I am not saying get rid of them all, I certainly won’t be. Just do yourself a favour and lighten your space and your work load. Declutter a few more this week.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I have sent 2 bags of clothes to goodwill when I did the seasonal change, sent a load of inculabia (i.e. tickets and other memorablia, trash to loads of folks) to the recycling bin, and managed to get rid of 2 large white sacks of paperwork to the confidential waste, and a 3' stack sent to the secretary for filing, from my office at work too.

I am working on clearing the study over the next 3 weeks while DH is away, and we have plans to clear out the garden shed when he gets home as well (but that is a June job).

As SN would say, "Baby steps"!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
ChristmasRose - Habitat for Humanity and the Public Library are great charities. We don't have a Habitat for Humanity around here but there is a location about an hour or so away. Reminds me that I want to swing in there and check them out. That would be one to entice me to give away even more. Our Public Library I always fall over myself to help. I'm so impressed with them and the services that are provided these days that I just can't give them enough.

Luludou -- Great post. Liked Monday's where it said that too many items in the kitchen can make one blasé about cleaning it. So true! If it isn't clean when I do the basic dishes, it can be uninspiring. Almost like it needs to be cleaned twice. We are still clearing the extra serving dishes back to their homes in the closets.

Everyone is doing so well getting rid of stuff! Gives me the oomph I needed for the day!