Organize Now! week 6 Feb 2

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
Here we are ladies the start of the second month. Today we will learn about organizing your finances. I will be honest we are really bad about this. I have tried to write stuff down and get on schedules and I don't do well. I need to really work on this.

To allow more abundance into your life you must invest in your financial health. Failing to keep you finanaces organized, will cost you dearly.

Goals for the week:
$ Gather bills and paperwork and decide on one places to always keep them
$ Makes a list of income and expenses. Using a software program or a pen and paper. Not the due date by each bill
* Fixed expenses (utilities, insurance, phone, mortgage,cable)
*Controllable expenses (food, entertainment, day care, sports)

$ create a budget based on your income and expenses
$ schedule times each month to pay bills . Consider diving bills to pay on each pay day
$ Commit to your future. create a savings or investing account of some kind
$ if you need set up a college fund for your kids

*take advantage of auto bill pay with your bank
*Consider using a software program to create a computerized checkbook to keep track of withdrawls and payments.
*do you have life insurance to help in case of the death of a family member?
*fixed expenses should be no more than 65% of your income
*choose to get ebills can cut down on clutter and can help with digital organizing


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Need to start one for dd as she wants to have an apprtment starting this summer. Also need to do some placements before the tax time.