Plans and Goals of 2023

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Sep 12, 2009
In 2022, I fell short in my Self-Care goal. Only one of the three were accomplished. This year I want to do better with self-care and I want to work on my 2023 word weekly.

2023 Goals:

Word of Year: Fearless

Face Fear of:
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Disappointing family
  • Death
  • Journal daily.
  • Exercise daily.(Walk, PT exercises, 30 Day challenges)
  • Listen to spiritual podcast daily.
  • Read one book a month.
  • I would like to use the ribbon and material that I have to decorate all of the brown handled Kraft paper bags I have.
  • I would like to use the craft items I currently have to finish the projects I thought I'd do these last 3 years or so.
Family History
  • This is something I keep saying each year but I'm going to say it again and hope it happens - I'd like to put together a mini bio of some of the people I've researched.
  • Answer one autobiographical question a week.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I was pretty happy with last year. Yes, there is room for improvement but overall I did quiet well.
I have realised that I am happy with the life that I have here. It is simple and it works for DH and I. The things I enjoy most are organising events (I like the organising more than the event most times), getting together with my family, being comfortable in my home, doing a good job at work. Simple meals, day trips, shopping trips, watching a good movie. I don't need fancy things to make me happy.

Here are some goals for 2023.

*Read 10 books, it is OK to have time away from screens.
*Do a few more crafts, give myself permission to have some down time and do what I enjoy.
*Use what I have in this house. I have nice things and it is OK to use them.
*I would like to do more baking days and maybe do some more batch cooking.
*Set a savings target and reach it.
*Revisit every room in this house. Declutter, organise and make it work best for us.
*Set a few major projects. Revisit family history, print photos, revisit the household budget.
*Celebrate my family, they are a small but loyal tribe.
*Finding the balance between keeping busy and getting some me time.
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
Plans and goals for 2023 --

Health -- Continue to work on getting my weight down. I took and kept off 10# last year, and need to remove a lot more. Goal is 10# per quarter, and minus #25 by summer. Additionally, I need to work at getting my cholesterol numbers under better control. I need to schedule with a specialist in the next week or two. (Note: My numbers would have been good, but the chart was revised some time mid-2022 and I'm no longer in the "acceptabe" range. Argh!)

Walking -- extend walking time/distance, to help achieve weight loss and improve heart health.

Nutrition -- Continue upping my water intake by always having water at hand, whether at home or in the car.
Cooking at home will help with better nutrition. I have a fully stocked pantry and freezer, and need to utilize that, rather than grab fast food.

Financial -- Continue tracking spending by category and stay within allocated window for grociers, entertainment/eating out with friends, fuel, etc. Keep all credit cards in check, paying off entire amount monthly. Get credit score back where it needs to be. Eliminate cable bill in favor of streaming services.

Travel -- Take monthly excursion to an unfamiliar place, even if only a day trip. Take one "bucket list" trip.

Household -- Keep common areas in-check, so that if an opportunity presents itself to have someone over, I don't feel as if I have to apologize. Will try a combination of my traditional system and the extended HGP year-around. Get office in order / archived paperwork shredded. Be able to use the office as the office.

Edited to add --

-- Learn new homemaking and household skills to help improve household budget. Examples include learning to make my own yogurt, improve bread-making skills, try new recipes for preserving, expand pantry through small-batch canning, learn household repairs and preventative measures to help extend life expectancy of certain items, etc.
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Oct 13, 2007
Plans and Goals for 2023:

Let's see, I haven't thought too much about this yet as i'm just kind of tiptoeing in like the meme I keep seeing says. Kind of afraid to make any sudden moves or touch anything. LOL

Health and Nutrition- Seems like a good place to start. I need to take better care of myself. My body is revolting against me. I need to focus on drinking more water (or any water) and less coffee. I can have my 2 cups in the morning and then stop and focus on water consumption. The hard part is not being able to use the bathroom when I need to at school. If i'm home, I can drink water all day, but at school it's difficult. I can only use the bathroom during plan time and at lunch unless my para is in the room and that's only in the morning and before break even that was sporadic. I also need to improve my nutrition. I'm thinking about cutting out gluten, even though I was tested and do not have a sensitivity. I don't do much dairy as it is, I use almond milk and only eat hard cheese, and very rarely eat ice cream or anything else. I need to eat more greens and vegetables for sure. I need to take better lunches and eat better breakfast, and actually eat at all really. I need to take care of this iron deficiency issue. Exercise some too.

Self-care- I scheduled myself a massage for this week. I need to do more of that. I do get my nails done every two weeks and keep up with my hair appointments for myself. However, I need to read more and do more of what I like to do and what makes me happy. I feel like i'm just running ragged all the time and doing nothing but working or going to DH's work stuff and never actually taking care of me. I take my nightly bath, but even that has become routine and not enjoyable anymore. It's more a way to decompress and escape than anything else. I need to get back to "ME". So I will be working on rediscovering what that means.

Household- We need to cook more at home (and I need to help with that). The kids need to take a more active role around the house, they live here too. Yes, the older two work and two of them go to school, however we all live here and should do our parts. I have a habit of making chore charts and then not enforcing that things get done. I need to get better at that. I need to set up a cleaning schedule of some sort for all of us and maybe that will help keep things on track. Most of the bills come out automatically, so no worries there.

Finance- I need to start putting money back each pay period into Savings. There is no reason why I shouldn't do it, but for some reason I just let it sit in our checking account, which is dangerous. I need to see if our bank can do an autodraft like Ellen was talking about in her post, or just set myself a reminder to do it each time we get paid. I have been making double payments on my motorcycle to try to get it paid off faster. We need to meet with someone at a bank to have things ready if we find a house with land, so we don't miss out on an opportunity if we find one. That is our ultimate goal. Contingent upon the sale of this house of course if we found something, we want to be ready.

Miscellaneous- I set a reading goal of 25 books again this year. I love to bake and I did very little of that last year, so I want to do more of that this year. I was a terrible gift giver, doing everything last minute, so I want to be more thoughtful in my gifts this year. I would like to start journaling some. There's a podcast i've been meaning to listen to but just haven't made the time. I want to make more time for the things that matter this year, the people that matter and worry less about work and what I feel like are obligations that really aren't.

I'm sure there will be more, but this is plenty for now.


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Aug 30, 2008
Long Island, NY
This is an excellent thread! I'll make a start and add more later. I am trying to be realistic.

Nutrition - the one thing I'd really like to do is drink less Diet Pepsi - but it is hard. It is my only caffeine. As far as diet and weight go, I eat OK and am really not going to change my diet and eating habits at this point in my life unless it becomes necessary for health reasons.

Exercise - I must walk more! That is really the only exercise I enjoy.

Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
... putting money back each pay period into Savings. ... I need to see if our bank can do an autodraft like Ellen was talking about in her post,
If you have auto-deposit, check to see if you can split it to deposit in two accounts. We were allowed to split our deposit among a max of 3 different accounts / banks. It prevented using funds when they needed to be saved.


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I'm sure there will be more, but this is plenty for now.
I feel the same Jess. Have started with a list with the purpose of adding as I go.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I spent the day yesterday honing into what I want 2023 to be. Some I'll hit, some I'll miss, some will change as the year goes on.

*Books- 12 for the year.
* Newspaper- Stick to the schedule I set so I don't fall behind. They really pile up fast.

Pray with intention. I get prayer requests from the church and here. I want to write the requests in a notebook and when
I have my prayer time, really pray for each person listed.

Health and Fitness:
More consistency (my word for last year). I'm too on again, off again.
Make this a way of life!

* Host 5 family get togethers
* Host just my niece's family 3x.
* Host just my nephew and his son 3x
* Host just my brother and Sil 3x
* Have Ladies Dinner group over for one dinner
* Do something with each niece and nephew 2x.

* Say financial affirmations out loud 3x a day.
* Consolidate accounts- know where everything is.
* Save $1,000.00 to have on hand- not something I have to get out from somewhere- for an emergency. Dave Ramsey's first baby step.
This would have helped me a lot when Ginny had to go to the vet on a Sunday. My savings is at a credit union that
I purposely did not give myself ATM access to. So stressful I had to figure out how to pay the vet $1,400.00 on a Sunday afternoon.
It would have been a lot easier paying $400.00 because I had my SOS fund.

* Debt reduction plan in place and working on consistently. Would like to pay car off ASAP.
* Christmas Club account- put $$ in consistently

*Keep Home company ready. If someone says they are coming by, it takes 10-15 minutes to do a quick run through.
* Deep clean each area, go through each drawer, closet, etc.
Have a list typed up.

* Everything bought and wrapped by December 2, 2023.
* Anything needing mailed- out the Weds before T-day.

I think this enough to keep me busy for the year.

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Oct 13, 2007
I need to read this thread when I have time to take some insight from each of you.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
We are half way through the year. How are you doing with your goals? Overall, I'm happy with my goals to this point. I've updated below in bold.
In 2022, I fell short in my Self-Care goal. Only one of the three were accomplished. This year I want to do better with self-care and I want to work on my 2023 word weekly.

2023 Goals:

Word of Year: Fearless

Face Fear of:
  • Success I wrote a cover letter and resume in a day. I sent out four applications the next day and heard back from two by the evening. Two days later, I had four interviews set up. That same day, I went to two interviews. At the second interview, I was offered the position. My reputation preceded me. I was highly recommended. I survived that.
  • Failure The job I was working at for the last four years isn't working out even though I and my other co-workers put our heart and soul into it. We went from being to top contender in a grant challenge with high impact kudos last August to trying to stay afloat by the winter. I didn't see it coming and I survived it.
  • Disappointing family I got over that one quick. I've disappointed people unintentionally and stood by my word on it. I did my best. It wasn't good enough or to their liking. Oh, well. I won't waste my time on that activity with them anymore. I survived that.
  • Death Well, I will have to die sometime. I drove the Cabot Trail which was 8% downgrades and switchbacks with the water to one side at times. I crossed a river with rope that was tied across it. I survived NYC driving. LOL!
  • Journal daily. No
  • Exercise daily.(Walk, PT exercises, 30 Day challenges) Yes
  • Listen to spiritual podcast daily. Yes
  • Read one book a month. No
  • I would like to use the ribbon and material that I have to decorate all of the brown handled Kraft paper bags I have. Not yet.
  • I would like to use the craft items I currently have to finish the projects I thought I'd do these last 3 years or so. Not yet. I'm changing jobs and know that I won't be able to do that. I'm going to donate the craft items this summer.
Family History
  • This is something I keep saying each year but I'm going to say it again and hope it happens - I'd like to put together a mini bio of some of the people I've researched. Not yet.
  • Answer one autobiographical question a week. Not yet.
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Oct 24, 2007


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Aug 30, 2008
Long Island, NY
Truthfully, this year has thrown me so many curve balls that my goal at this point is to get myself and those I love through it in health and happiness.

Lori K

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 13, 2018
Plans and goals for 2023 --

Health -- Continue to work on getting my weight down. I took and kept off 10# last year, and need to remove a lot more. Goal is 10# per quarter, and minus #25 by summer. Additionally, I need to work at getting my cholesterol numbers under better control. I need to schedule with a specialist in the next week or two. (Note: My numbers would have been good, but the chart was revised some time mid-2022 and I'm no longer in the "acceptabe" range. Argh!)

Walking -- extend walking time/distance, to help achieve weight loss and improve heart health.

Nutrition -- Continue upping my water intake by always having water at hand, whether at home or in the car.
Cooking at home will help with better nutrition. I have a fully stocked pantry and freezer, and need to utilize that, rather than grab fast food.

Financial -- Continue tracking spending by category and stay within allocated window for grociers, entertainment/eating out with friends, fuel, etc. Keep all credit cards in check, paying off entire amount monthly. Get credit score back where it needs to be. Eliminate cable bill in favor of streaming services.

Travel -- Take monthly excursion to an unfamiliar place, even if only a day trip. Take one "bucket list" trip.

Household -- Keep common areas in-check, so that if an opportunity presents itself to have someone over, I don't feel as if I have to apologize. Will try a combination of my traditional system and the extended HGP year-around. Get office in order / archived paperwork shredded. Be able to use the office as the office.

Edited to add --

-- Learn new homemaking and household skills to help improve household budget. Examples include learning to make my own yogurt, improve bread-making skills, try new recipes for preserving, expand pantry through small-batch canning, learn household repairs and preventative measures to help extend life expectancy of certain items, etc.
Half a year down, so need to take inventory and re-focus...
Health -- No where near where I wanted to be. Down 3-5. Need to get back on my plan.
Walking -- Walking distance is about the same, though I've upped the intensity whenever possible. When out with the pup, I try to keep him going. But, as dogs will, they need to mark every.single.tree.
Nutrition -- Better, when I stay on plan. As spring/summer arrived, I found myself back in the old habit of grab-n-go, in an effort to save time. Not working, for my health or my budget. Need to get back on track.
Financial -- Working on it, but too many slips. Focus, focus, focus.
Travel -- One "bucket list" taken (Ireland), but weekly / monthly outings (more local) have been limited due to needing to focus on "mom" issues. Will re-focus and try to take one a month -- for me, for my relaxation, for my energy.
Household -- Prepping for my 4th of July party served as a stark reminder on this goal. I've got my print-outs of daily chores in my notebook, and will focus on those daily tasks, to help prevent me from being so overwhelmed and stressed, and will allow me to enjoy my weekends, rather than play catch-up.
Education -- The one goal that I have actually worked on. I've made yogurt successfully, so in a pinch, I can survive. With prices on dairy declining, store-bought is actually more cost effective, and this section in my store has not shown supply chain issues in recent weeks. But at least I know I can make it myself. Bread-backing will pick back up in the Fall (though I may experiment over the summer, since the bread machine does not generate much heat). Canning is always a work in progress, and I'm trying to incorporate some new recipes. I'm also working on making some low-sodium seasonings, rather than using pre-made / commercial packets.


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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
With it being half way through the year and me just doing Q3 planning, I was thinking about what I had set up at the beginning of the year.
I love my intentions at the beginning of the year but I have not done much of that list. LOL.
With my job being so hard, a lot of my days/weeks have been "survival mode." NOT how I want to live day to day.
Things seem better and lighter and thankfully I have a whole 6 months to make some of this happen!

Thanks for bringing this to the forefront!



Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Half of the year gone and I am actually doing OK at this stage. Last year I hit a wall in July with the passing of my brother and grandmother and I never fully found my sdtride again. I am making up for it this year.

Here are some goals for 2023.

*Read 10 books, it is OK to have time away from screens.
Done. I could still improve the amount of screen time

*Do a few more crafts, give myself permission to have some down time and do what I enjoy.
I have been doing more crafts this year, it is easier for me to do things in Winter.

*Use what I have in this house. I have nice things and it is OK to use them.
This is something I am working on.

*I would like to do more baking days and maybe do some more batch cooking.
I have done 2 baking days this year, that is 2 more than last year.

*Set a savings target and reach it.
We have set and reached 4 savings goals this year, I have another total to reach by the end of August.

*Revisit every room in this house. Declutter, organise and make it work best for us.
Have started decluttering, some furniture has been donated, will do more when I start HGP.

*Set a few major projects. Revisit family history, print photos, revisit the household budget.
I finished both the major projects of family history and photo sorting. The budget is a work in progress.

*Celebrate my family, they are a small but loyal tribe.
Enjoying time with the kids and my Mum. Will get busier around Christmas so will need to make plans soon.

*Finding the balance between keeping busy and getting some me time.
This one I am still struggling with. I still feel a bit "guilty" if I spend too much time doing "fun" things other than work.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
Household -- Prepping for my 4th of July party served as a stark reminder on this goal. I've got my print-outs of daily chores in my notebook, and will focus on those daily tasks, to help prevent me from being so overwhelmed and stressed, and will allow me to enjoy my weekends, rather than play catch-up.
Lori, I realized the same thing as I prepped for the July entertaining. I was trying to keep up with the household in the spring but so much was going on. I was getting the bare minimum done. Summer started while I was away and when I returned it was right into resumes and job searching. I don't think that life will get any less busy and I just need to get the housework busy or not.
With my job being so hard, a lot of my days/weeks have been "survival mode." NOT how I want to live day to day.
Things seem better and lighter and thankfully I have a whole 6 months to make some of this happen!
Annie, there's a time and place for "survival mode" but I agree, it's not for every day living. I'm so glad to read that things seem better now.
*Finding the balance between keeping busy and getting some me time.
This one I am still struggling with. I still feel a bit "guilty" if I spend too much time doing "fun" things other than work.
Katrina, I feel this way if I watch TV. I think that is why I save some work to do while watching TV.

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Sep 12, 2009
How did everyone do with their 2023 goals?

Word of Year: Fearless

Face Fear of:
  • Success
  • Failure
  • Disappointing family
  • Death
  • Journal daily.
  • Exercise daily.(Walk, PT exercises, 30 Day challenges)
  • Listen to a spiritual podcast daily.
  • Read one book a month.
  • I would like to use the ribbon and material that I have to decorate all of the brown handled Kraft paper bags I have.
  • I would like to use the craft items I currently have to finish the projects I thought I'd do these last 3 years or so.
Family History
  • This is something I keep saying each year but I'm going to say it again and hope it happens - I'd like to put together a mini bio of some of the people I've researched.
  • Answer one autobiographical question a week.

I am really happy with the way my word of the year, Fearless, went. I faced a lot of my fears and while in the short term, it was uncomfortable, in the long run, I came out stronger because of it.

My self-care has been really good! It’s funny how eating a little bit of this and a little bit of that adds up over time. Eating a little less of this and a little less of that over time also adds up. That’s what happened in my case. I dropped almost 20 pounds by making good decisions every day - 15 starch carbs per meal, early to bed, early to rise, daily stretching. It was tough in the beginning but I don’t ever want to go back.

Creativity and Family History, well, that was a bust. In fact that is what has led me to the 2024 word - Complete. More on that in a different thread. I'm still working through what I want out of that word and 2024.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Here are the goals I set for 2023 and my success/failure of those goals

*Read 10 books, it is OK to have time away from screens.
Done. DH and I set aside a few screen free nights a week..I call this one a success

*Do a few more crafts, give myself permission to have some down time and do what I enjoy.
I did a few more crafts this year, it is easier for me to do things in Winter. I will be cutting back the amount of crafts I do next year.

*Use what I have in this house. I have nice things and it is OK to use them.
I purposely made notes to use my good dishes throughout the year. I wore my good clothes more often.

*I would like to do more baking days and maybe do some more batch cooking.
I have done 2 baking days this year, that is 2 more than last year. I am hoping to schedule more baking days early in 2024.

*Set a savings target and reach it.
We have set and reached all our savings goals for this year. We spent a lot on necessary farm renovations with our savings. Time to start refilling the bank as it is very low.

*Revisit every room in this house. Declutter, organise and make it work best for us.
Have started decluttering, some furniture has been donated. My SIL will take some old family furniture. The house is in good shape, I have managed to maintain it all this year. A success.

*Set a few major projects. Revisit family history, print photos, revisit the household budget.
I finished both the major projects of family history and photo sorting. I was so pleased to get these done, they had been on the to do list for a while.

*Celebrate my family, they are a small but loyal tribe.
Enjoying time with the kids and my Mum. Missed DS a lot but spent a lot of time with my family this year. Enjoyed it all. Success.

*Finding the balance between keeping busy and getting some me time.
This one I am still struggling with. I still feel a bit "guilty" if I spend too much time doing "fun" things other than work. A work in progress.

I was very happy with how things went this year. My word of the year was progress and I felt that I made steady progress throughout the year and I am in a good place. Time to sit and set some goals for 2024

Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
End of year summary -- .
Health -- No where near where I wanted my weight to be. Down 10, but not nearly where I need to be. Will be a 2024 focus, for sure.
Walking -- Walking distance is about the same, though I've upped the intensity whenever possible. Still, need to do more / farther / more intensity.
Nutrition -- Goal was to increase water consumption -- especially when in the car, to avoid making drive-thru runs for something to dirink. This was a good one for me, and one that I managed to follow, except for the end of the year, when things got really busy. Will continue to focum on this in 2024.
Financial -- I set my "monthly spend" in all categories - groceries, fuel, entertainment, etc. This was a struggle, as prices increased in all areas. Time to regroup ...
Travel -- I DID travel in 2023, marking one bucket-list trip off my list. 2024 will begin with a trip in late January.
Household -- I stayed on task with my cleaning plans and, for the first time ever, completed the cleaning portion of the HGP!!!!
Education -- Yes, I learned a lot of new homemaking skills in 2023, including yogurt-making and breadmaking. My DSis#3 is going to pull out my DM's recipe books and find some of the low-sodium recipes she used for cooking for my DF; I've asked her to share them with me. So this area of focus will continue.


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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I love what I set out for 2023!!!
I gives me a great mindset for what I want next year.

I got very little accomplished from that list this year.

Work was so very hard that I spent most of the year trying to "survive the day/work week."
When I wasn't working and I was home, I was gearing myself up to face work.
NOT HOW I WANT 2024 to be!!! And it looks like it will be an even harder year at work with the projects we have going and it being a presidential election year. The second I can, I am out of that job!!! I look every day for other opportunities. I need to start thinking out of the box- maybe some remote possibilities.

I will say my personal life was very good! I took 2 trips to our beloved Mountain spot- 1 being for Thanksgiving. I got to go to a World Series baseball game! I went to several great concerts and a lot of musicals! I got a new kitten (but that came with losing my Chloe sad/happy).

Yup, much of what I wrote for 2023 is what I want for 2024.
