Question 3

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Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
Wednesday's question is:

How involved is my family in the Christmas preparation?

In our family, I am the main organizer and planner, especially before the middle of October. So things like booking Santa Train tickets before they are booked out, organizing accommodation if we are travelling (so little available near our families), and getting the bones of the calendar and gift ideas on paper are all done by me (some of these start in January). And I am the 1 who writes the lists for travelling, makes sure we all have clothes that fit and are clean, does the packing, wrapping, writes the cards etc.

But DH does like to help plan and he started getting DD on board with the "big" Santa present over the summer the past 2 years, and then he organized the logistics of their ordering and delivery with the man in red over the following couple of months. We usually take a trip to a toyshop together, just the 2 of us, sometime in October to see what else might be wanted, and he will often go back later to do the purchasing (our trip is research only, followed by a lovely cup of coffee in peace together!). And we will do some shopping together, or he will do some himself, so I don't have to organize all of that (there are ONLY 48 people on my list this year!!) - but I tend to pick up things across the year anyway, and as I work near a major shopping street, I pick up 1/2 presents at a time during the build up so don't have to do a MAJOR SHOPPING DAY.

DD is not the best at thinking ahead, or helping out much at home. But she is getting better on the helping front and always has things she wants to do coming up to Christmas to help. And she will help me in going through her wardrobe and toy chest to cull things that no longer fit, she's grown too old for or are broken. She makes the paper chains for decorating the hall, and often will do a lot of other crafts. And she makes cookies in the run up to Christmas too - she is getting good enough to mostly do that by herself now, just needs help with weighing and I still do everything at the oven.

DH is pretty hands on at home anyway - we share the housework, he does all the ironing, we split lists of things to do etc. I end up taking on the lion's share to make sure it gets done, but I am learning more to relax about some things and share them out more. And we work together to make the Christmas meal always (I may do a lot of peeling and prep on Christmas Eve, but he makes the stuffing then too, and we work around each other on Christmas Day when we are at home).


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Who is involved? I'd say ME!

I'm mostly the ones who thinks about decorating (dh puts up the tree but I decorate and he puts up the exterior lights), food, clothes, gifts, crafts. Kids (22, 20) are not very interested.. after all everything is always done every year! They do appreciate the Christmas feeling & gifts though and they like the elves. DH enjoys sitting under the lights of the Christmas tree during the Season. He is starting to give ideas for nephews gifts.

Yep, that's why I start early every year... lots to do!

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
I am pretty much the Chief Elf at our house as well. Fortunately, my parents usually spend the majority of December at our house and my mom & dad are very helpful. We often wrap together at night - listening to music and drinking hot chocolate.

DH will come with me and the boys to pick out the tree and put it in the stand, but then we're on our own to decorate. I do all of the shopping (including stockings). I take the boys to get their picture taken and order and send all of the cards. And I plan all of the parties and get togethers that we host. DH does cook dinner on Christmas Day - that's the one thing he insists on!

My boys are still young, but they love to decorate, and we made Ninjabread cookies last year which was a big hit. Maybe they weren't the traditional Christmas cookies that I would choose, but the boys had such a good time and roped all of the relatives into the activity on Christmas Eve. It was a great way to spend the afternoon before Mass!

I used to try to drag DH along, but as I mentioned last year (in my Christmas debrief) I finally had an "epiphany"...If I just let him participate in what he WANTS to do and let him opt out of everything else, we're BOTH happier...and that means everyone else in the house is happier as well. I go overboard with decorating, etc. because I enjoy it. I've pared back a lot of "obligations" over the last few years and that has helped quite a bit.


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
I'm the one and only, but folks will ask me if there's anything I need help with and I do take advantage when they offer. It's usually small things I'll get them to help me with.

When my two oldest nephews were younger they would spend the night with me Thanksgiving weekend. So on Black Friday I'd get them up super early and we'd head out to the sales. Then when we get back home, they would help me put up the Christmas tree and decorate until they get tired and want to start watching cartoons. lol I really miss those days. (big SIGH!)
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 14, 2007
Cadyville, NY
I'm the only one thinking about Christmas in advance. Some years dh is totally involved in the decorating & other years he wants nothing to do with it. (Complete grinch.)
Dd is pretty good about helping out, but usually not until after Dec 1st.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Aug 30, 2008
Long Island, NY
I do most of the gift buying and all of the gift cooking/baking and decorating.

DH makes the latkes at our Hanukkah party and buys the gifts for my stocking.

Now that he is an adult DS does his own gift shopping for us both and his friends which is a help.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Me! DH will put up the outside decorations for me and setup the main tree, but the kids and I decorate it. I do the baking and most of the gift buying unless DH has a rare day off and the kids are in school and we can go alone together. I don't mind doing most of it as long as he does the heavy lifting getting the decorations down from storage and all that. He does help with elf ideas when i'm stuck without an idea.


Premiere Member
Dec 27, 2007
Austria - Europe
Everyone who wants to be involved. DH (helping with tree and other heavy things), DD (3.5 years old) and of course me as planner, organizer, etc. DS is too young for doing something. But DD helped already last year with decoration, baking and crafting). I love to do christmas preparation with my family - it brings us together as a family and deepens our relationship
