School Elves

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Retire Member
Dec 27, 2007
South Australia
I'm starting to prepare for Elwyn Elf's annual visit to the primary school I work in.

I usually try to set an "Elf Challenge" each day for the staff to complete.
This can be a simple craft, logic puzzle, etc.
Challenges that they can share with the students are a bonus.

This year I'm also going to try and provide more "Elf Mischief". I'd like for Elwyn to appear in each class at some stage having got up to some mischief. For example, sitting in the middle of the class art supplies complete with a snowflake he's made and holding scissors with paper scraps around him.

He'll probably also get up to some mischief in the library, staff room, principal's office, etc.

All ideas for challenges and mischief are welcome. This will be Elwyn's 3rd year at school and I'm finding it more difficult to come up with challenges for the staff.

South Australia
who has created a facebook account for Elwyn, among other things ...


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
That is so much fun! I'd love to be at your school just to have fun with Elwyn :)

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
PossumOz - this sounds wonderful! I love that your elf goes to school! It's so nice of you to create magic for the teachers as well as the students! I am sure they're all looking forward to Elwyn's return this year.

Sadly, my son's school has banned all "holiday" activities this year. Since it's a non-denominational school, they did not allow any references to Christmas last year, but one of the kids had their grandparents visit in December and they brought everyone a dreidel and taught them the song. I thought that was fabulous - my son was fascinated to learn about Hannukah. Unfortunately, several parents complained that it wasn't now, NOTHING! They have even sent home a memo already asking us not to allow our children to wear "holiday" santa, no elves...Frosty is on the line!

They also don't allow Halloween. Boo!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land

Kim Loves Snow

Santa's Elves
Aug 3, 2008
Richmond, Virginia
Colleen - I fear that it's going to happen more and more and in more places.

PossumOz - How fun for you to do this! What about an early morning scavenger hunt for the teachers to find some breakfast goodies Elwyn hid somewhere?


Retire Member
Dec 27, 2007
South Australia
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions everyone.
Elwyn is starting to get excited about his school visit this year. We have lots of new staff this year (including a new principal) that have not met Elwyn. He has written an introduction letter to staff that I will put in their pigeon holes next week. The letter gives a brief explanation of who Elwyn is and why he will be visiting the school. It also asks teachers to let him know if they don't want to have their class disrupted by elf mischief or won't be including Christmas in their class program.

Elwyn and I have been reading all the posts here to get ideas.

Some of the mischief Elwyn has planned:
Go fishing in one of the class fish tanks,
play Christmas games on a class computer,
watch Christmas DVDs and eat popcorn (either in the library or a class with a TV/DVD),
pile up books in the library to get to the top shelf,
read Christmas books in the library,
play solitaire on office computer,
make paper snowflakes (and a mess) in one of the classes overnight,
if the groundsman has his tractor out, "steal" it for a takeway food run,
answer the phone in the principal's office overnight (taking lots of messages from Santa of course),
hang from lots of places in the school,
listen to Christmas CDs in one of the classes,
make "snow" angels in the canteen,
probably hide in the staff room or canteen fridge/freezer,

He'll also leave gifts and challenges for the staff in the staff room. (crafts, quizzes, etc)

And have his photo taken at every opportunity so he can upload them to his facebook page.

South Australia