Week 5: Guest or Focus Room

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Thanks! I don't have a guest room per say but I do need to declutter basement where the sofa-bed is.


Retire Member
Jan 5, 2008
St. Louis, MO
I'll be putting together a guest basket - just in case! But, I don't have a guest room of any sort, so this will just be a catch up week for me - something that I am desperately in need of!!!

Housewise, I'll be working on:
Finishing DD's room (organize toys, sort toys for garage sale, vacuum & clean the closet)
Finish my room (declutter, new shades, sweep, mop, flip the mattress, clean fan blades)

Holidaywise, I'll be working on:
Buy Cards
Write 1/4 of cards
Put together guest basket
Start planning Advent
Schedule Branson vacation for the Polar Express train ride

I also have a few other miscellaneous items from previous weeks to check off. DD decided today that she wants to be a ballerina for Halloween. That makes life easier, as I have 3 nieces that have done ballet and I can just find one of their recital costumes for Halloween. She'll look so sweet!

I hope to stay on task this week, since this is the last "catch up week" that fits into my plan for a couple of weeks! Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
we don't have a guest room so I may focus on the game room. We want to redo it for the boys for Christmas and just brought home the futon from mom so we need to make room for it in that room any way. I will work on a list this week. I need to get back on track.


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
My guest room is nearly finished. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks because it's also where my Christmas activity center is set up. I just need to pick up the futon from my cousin's house.


Retire Member
Nov 6, 2007
In the words of that lady on Clean House my guest room is a hot mess. My goal is by the end of the week that it will be ready to welcome whatever family member gets to sleep there whenever this baby comes. Alot of stuff has been thrown in there and needs to be cleared out as well as the closet straightened out and under the bed where I think there may be just be a couple of things.

As for Christmas stuff this week:
I have decided not to do Christmas cards but to do a new year's birth announcement instead. So i want to begin a database of addresses so I can just print off labels once we have cards made.

I am hopingto:
finish girls Dec Bible Study folders
wrap all elf countdown presents
organize elf file box by days


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Aug 31, 2010
SW Louisiana
This Week's Houseworks Checklist

•Declutter, clean and organize guest areas. I have seasonal clothing on the guest bed and unwrapped gifts hidden behind it so that needs attention.

No guest room or guest space? Take a bonus week, tackling another area of the household.

This Week's Holiday Prep Checklist
•Begin planning holiday decor. Check magazines, library books and the Web for decor inspirations. Use a room-by-room decor planner form to coordinate decor plans.This is actually my favorite part of the holidays so I'm looking forward to getting this done over the weekend while DH goes hunting.
•Inventory holiday decorations. Make a quick inspection and determine what you have to work with. Will you need to replace or upgrade decor items? Make a note on the decor inventory form. Okay, I must confess that at this moment there is no way possible to get to the decorations until the storage room is gutted, decluttered and organized. It's in there, but which stack of boxes is the million dollar question.
•Declutter before you decorate. Do your visual field a favor with a quick decor declutter. A clean sweep now makes holiday decorations all the more impressive!
•Decorate for autumn. Choose "generic" decor items. Nearer to Halloween, add a few Halloween items which can be removed easily after the holiday.DONE
•Schedule houseguest stays. Check in with family--will you host houseguests this year?My houseguests are generally my grandsons and I've already asked the parents to give me dates that I will be babysitting.
•Make a guest room "pamper basket". Guests feel welcome when the guest room or guest area boasts a simple basket of toiletries and personal care supplies. Add a coffeemaker and beverage supplies for a "bed and breakfast" touch. DONE
•Divide the Christmas card list into five sections. Complete one section this week. Goal: to be finished writing, signing and addressing cards by November 1.Ummmmm, they are sitting next to me, does this count? Seriously, I'm waiting on family pictures to be put into each one.

I simply could not resist the absolutely spectacular weather that we've been having for the past two days. It finally dropped below 90 for daytime highs and below 75 for nighttime lows. I've spent the past two days from sunrise to past sunset getting some much needed work done outdoors decluttering the garden shed & well shed, installing new entrance beds, refinished the patio surface, dividing sego palms and bannana trees and replanting, repairing and getting fish pond set back up, trimming 200' of trees, repairing garden fence, building new compost bins and planting the fall garden beds. It's those jobs that always get neglected because it's either smoldering hot or cold and wet so I decided to get it done while the weather was perfect. It's suppose to be really nice, although warmer for a few more days so cleaning and decluttering the garage has been bumped up to this week as well. My large garage gets alot of use during the cool holidays as an overflow area for people to gather, smoke, visit or for the kids to play.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I don't have a guest room, so this week is going to be my catch up week.

I need to:

- finish decluttering DS's room - DONE
- update Christmas card list - DONE
- finish scheduling session - DONE
- make Thanksgiving cards and send out - DONE
- start Halloween cards
- start Christmas cards

Going to be busy.

Have a great week.
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
I did a quick look through of the games in there and picked 2 to get rid of (I did it recentlly so shouldn't be much left we don't use) I am going to go back in there now to clean off the game table and take picts to get it listed on craigs list. We want to sell it (pool/air hockey/ ping pong) so that come Christmas we can try to redo it for the boys to put a tv and the video games in there w/ a couch and such. We don't have the money to do it the right way but we can get a good start. Guess I better go do that now.