Well it seems that I....

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am going to be an Aunt again!!! Not sure how I feel about this since it is my brothers girlfriend who just graduated high school. She manipulates my brother constantly to get her way and we found out in June that she had cheated on him. Then she left for Michigan, came back, and is now pregnant. I hope that the baby truly is HIS but I am not so sure I can trust that it is. We don't know how far along she is and I am not sure if she is telling the truth as to when her last cycle was. I guess time will tell but in the meantime I hope they will be "happy" together and that the baby is healthy.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Phew! rough way to start in life! hope the baby is happy too and that it all works out for the best...

your story is like my friends' (it was her son's girlfriend the problem).... when the child was 4 she left and wanted to take the child¸.... they went to court and with tests they found out it wasn't even his child... but he still loved him as his own and kept paying for him and for the privilege of having him once in a while (she just wanted to win... not really have the child full-time). He's now around 10 and father & son are just fine together (mom is around less and less).


Retire Member
Jun 22, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
So sad to hear stories like this and that precious children are in the middle of them. I can only quote Dr. Laura, she once commented that it's too bad uteruses work before brains do!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
We went thru this with my brothers ex. We did not know for sure my nefew was ours or one of the other possible 3 fathers (she is a real winner and we all had told him that from the beginning to the end of their relationship) until he was 3. Yea he did look like my brother somewhat but he also could have looked like one of the other possiblities. Wow 2 years worth of looks changing and he is identical to what my brother looked like at 5. But if we did find out he wasn't my brothers I really can say it would have not made to much of a diffence because we were all attached to him from the day he was born.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
That is tough! Ultimately it will be your brother’s decision to have a paternity test done (a wise choice), she may protest, but if it is his then what would she have to hide?

Good luck.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
One trip with her to the doctors will tell you how far along she is now. Ask to come along so you can take photos because you want to scrapbook this exciting event.


MHH Member
Oct 14, 2007
Tall Corn state
Splendid idea, Ahorsesoul!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Christmascreations - congratulations on becoming an aunt again. Please be very very careful about saying anything negative about your possible sister-in-law. (I have said some negative things that I would give anything to take back.)

Let's just pray that your brother will be mature and use good judgement in his own behavior. (Personally, I adore babies and would welcome a new baby into my family no matter how the baby got there.) I know that you love your brother and are very concerned for his welfare. I will say prayers for all of you.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Vancouver, B.C. (Canada)
ChristmasCreations, congrats on becoming an aunt again. I know you may feel a bit conflicted about the news regarding the new addition to the family and understandably so, but hopefully you and your family will be able to welcome your new niece or nephew without this clouding the relationship that you all have with this new little person.

Our hopes and prayers are with your family, particularly with your brother. :rain:


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
hi, this also happened with my brother. He had been dating, living with his girlfriend and they came over for christmas. She was about 5 months pregnant and it was a surprise to all of us - my brother had never said anything about her being pregnant. Well, come to find out, my brother knew it was not his baby, she had cheated on him and became pregnant by other man who left her. We threw her a big baby shower, bought all the baby furniture, tons of clothes, etc for the baby, thinking my brother was the father. Her family also came to the shower, they knew the baby was not my brothers, and were just delighted that my family had bought the crib, car seats, stroller, changing table, etc etc etc. We did find out that baby was not my brothers, but not till she was four years old and they broke up. We were told by girlfriend we could no longer see my niece because my brother was not father, my brother did admit he knew all along he was not the father and that her family knew he was not the father. She is 15 years old now, and she carries our last name. my brother also lied to the insurnace company that he was the father so she could have health insurance. I am glad they never found out about the fraud. My mother heard from the ex-girlfriend about three years ago. the child now wanted to change her last name, because she did not know us and did not want a different name from everyone else in her family - mom married, had other children. she needed my brothers contact info to notify by brother of th change of name in probate court.

I still love her and think about her as my brothers child. I do not regret buying all the things I did for the baby. I just think it was wrong for her family to ask us for more purchases of the babys needed things (they asked us to buy diapers, formula, wipes on a continued basis so they would not have to do all the buying) - oh, my brother, very cheap and did not supply baby with many things that he bought on his own.

congratulations on becoming an aunt - babies are a wonderful thing, it is not the babys fault, the baby does not get to pick their mom.

Pam Spaur

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jul 17, 2008
Muncie, IN

Congratulations. Babies are such wonderful blessings. I'm sorry for all the garbage going on, but it is not the baby's fault, as others have said. I'm sure you will love this little one, no matter what. I will be adding my prayers for a healthy baby.

Please don't get me wrong, if it is my brothers baby he/she will be most loved. My brother did tell her he wanted a paternity test when the baby was born and they wound up in ANOTHER fight. She came to our house and my dad noticed she wasn't happy and he asked her what was wrong and she told him about their fight. My dad simply said to her-If you know it is his then what are you worried about, take the test and it'll be over with.

My biggest worry is that if they choose to part their ways, she will use this child to string my brother along or as revenge. They just moved into a new apartment and when my other brothers girlfriend was outside waiting for my brother someone asked if she needed help. It turned out to be the upstairs neighbor. She said she was waiting for her BIL and mentioned his name. The upstairs neighbor said "Oh, they fight all the time". They have only lived there for a month now. That is craziness!!!

Anyway like I said I wish the baby healthy and will wait to see how this turns out!!!