2011 Resolutions

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Wasn't sure where to put this thread... but it is a way to celebrate us.

Do you make resolutions?

I read in an article where you put the resolutions in 4 categories:
Health, Love, money, friendship and how you can improve each of these aspects of your life.

This exercise makes you think of the future but also to think about the past year to all that has been accomplished or not.

Even if you don't hold the resolution... some small things might get improved on.. and that's what counts in the end... improving a little at a time.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I hate New Year's resolution or goals or whatever you want to call them.

Having said that, the last few days I have been thinking about a lot of things I want to do and work on for 2011.

What's a girl to do?


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
I'll make a list of what I want to do for 2011 and then we'll see if I actually do something! :)


Well-Known Member
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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I am going to do the same thing, Lucie.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 1, 2008
I prefer intentions to resolutions...


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Starting a new year gives me time to reflect and evaluate where I am and where I want to be. I think that's what resolutions are for me. It's less what I think I "must" get done and more what I want to do differently or improve upon.

I try to not set unrealistic goals. Like I didn't put on these extra 60 pounds in one year, I may not take them off in one, but if I work each day to just make healthier, smarter food choices, I'll be content. I need to measure my success by my standards, not what a TV show/celebrity with 5 hours a day to train with a personal trainer and chef says or what a magazine says is success.

I also work 8 hours a day, then work another 1 or so a day when I get home to get ready to teach the next day or grade papers. Plus I have a husband and children with needs that have to be met. With our busy schedules, I am at home with useable time about 1-2 hours a day. PLUS, I have to sleep and bathe. With that being said, if things get off track at home and I get behind...that's fine, too. I'll catch up when I can. I will not punish myself if my house is not spotless and organized like an operating room! Do I like organization? Yes. Is my house organized most of the time? Yes, but it's according to my standards.

I do believe we all have areas we want to change. And I think too many people beat themselves up and quit because they are too hard on themselves. Instead they should celebrate the accomplishments they make, get up and dust themselves off when they don't succeed, and get back on the wagon. So what if you aren't perfect...only one Man was.

Sorry I ranted. I just get tired of all the morning news shows and talk show hosts telling me how i don't measure up. After they come live my life for a year, then they can tell me how to live it.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Yes I do, and do attempt to actually do it ;)

I have the same one as last year - lbs to be lost, exercise more. :leprechaun3:


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Let's enjoy this thread.... mulling over ideas and plans...... looking back at the good things we have done this year. I DO like to build on the good things......


Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I'm going to spend some quiet evenings in January thinking about this.

After the hustle and bustle and things have quieted down.

That's what January is for- huddled in, a big pot of soup on the stove, and peace and quiet- time to think and ponder.



Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
I don't do resolutions exactly. What I do is set a list of ten things I want to do over the course of the year. For example, this year my list included things like run a half marathon, frame/hang some family photos in my house and finish edits on two novels. I'm at 5/10 of my goals and will likely complete 8/10 which I'll be satisfied with. Of the ones I won't finish, one is editing my novel, but I've added a lot to it and written another in the meantime. Part of the point of that goal was to work more on my writing.

I'm still working on ideas for 2011. I've got three things on my list of ideas so far. :)


Retire Member
Dec 20, 2010
MissJane one of my biggest downfalls is trying to live up to everyone's standards and when I fall short, I get discouraged and usually do nothing. I really understand what you mean about it needing to be what works for you!

I do not really do resolutions, but I do like the idea of goals. I plan on working on these during the next week or so and figuring out how to accomplish them.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Do you have any short stories online that we can read? Waiting for your books to be published very impatiently.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Sorry I was so negative. I must have been really tired and out of sorts that night.

Merry Christmas

MHH Member
Oct 16, 2007
Rocky Mountains
I was actually talking to DH about this last night, you know...those conversations while you're laying in bed, not quite asleep.

I told him that I don't usually do this, but that this year, I think that I'm going make one for 2011.

My New Years Resolution is to try and spend less. I'm going to get back to shopping to coupons. I did this for a little while this year, and I couldn't believe the money I was saving on my groceries, but it's a lot of work to cut out and plan your shopping trips with them. But in the long run, it's worth it.

I also want to work on paying off our debt. We want to buy a new car in the fall, but I want to have our credit cards paid off before we do this. So I need to find way to cut down on the budget and be frugal, more than just shopping with coupons.

I still need to do a lot of research on this, but I figure that it's some that I know I can do..unlike saying that I'm going to go on a diet. I know that's going to go as far as....well, you know what I mean.



Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
On the contrary, MissJane, I think you made some brilliant observations. I think we all have our moments where we think we don't measure up to someone else's standards, but really we just have to do what works for our homes, families and lives.

Some of my goals-I prefer that word to resolutions-are:
1. Get back to monthly family breakfasts, beginning in January.
2. Work on getting our debt paid off. We'll have a major debt paid off at the end of Feburary-whoo hoo!! and I want to start applying that payment amount to other things...maybe the principle on our mortgage and possibly a new car fund-so that DS18 can have my car to take to college this fall and I can get a "new" one.
3. Clean out kitchen cabinets and make room for all of my dishes to live in one cabinet=easier said than done, that'll be a 2 day job at least. I think I'll plan a couple of days off in a row after the kids go back to school and just work on that.
4. Mini projects around the house-rooms to be painted and reorganized, a spruce up for our back yard, a new porch on the front (extend the current porch all across the front of the house and put a roof on it all-right now we don't have a roof on our front porch. I think this is more practical than it sounds...our house faces east and gets unbearably hot in the summer-this should shade those windows and cut our electric bill in half-which will still be too much! LOL).
5. Get flowerbeds "done" this year=dug, mulched, and planted with herbs and flowers.
6. Spend time with my kids-they are growing so fast. We plan on lots of lake trips this summer-which we planned last summer and only did 3 times. This summer, I want to go at least every 2 or 3 weeks.

That's it for now...and that's a lot. Again, we'll see how it goes. This is a fun, interesting thread.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
I have a resolution every year! and it is always the same one.

To trust in the Lord with all of my heart, Lean not to my own understanding; but to acknowledge Him in all my ways and to allow Him to direct my paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I made this my resolution years ago, and I try to keep it, though I fail. But he always welcomes me back. And every January I reconfirm it to my self.
It has kept me sane threw many tragedies and hard ships. And everyday stuff that I can't deal with.


Active Member
Premiere Member
Aug 25, 2008
1. Do all that I can to make sure Baby stays healthy, before and after birth
2. Lose the baby weight! It will be hard but it's not impossible.
3. Declutter as always, keeping the house in order
4. Keep track of expenses better, continue to coupon
5. Make Christmas more homemade in 2011.
6. Learn to use more of the features on all 3 cameras, mp3, and digital reader
7. Buy a new sofa and a new flatscreen TV
8. Read the Bible more, journal more


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
I haven't made resolutions for years because I never followed through on them. I think my feelings are like what MissBrittany posted earlier. There are some things I know I want to improve on in 2011. I will need to really sit and think about this.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008


You are going to have a baby?

When? (How did I miss THIS?)

Wow! this is GREAT news for 2011, MissBrittany!!!!!