2021 - HHP - Week 10 - Cooking Space

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Nov 4, 2007
Okay what did I miss last week? I've had life going on over here and am off-track now. I'll be back in line by next week. I'm pacing on Cooking I think, though I just found out I might have relatives coming so might have to change my plans a bit but not too much. I go with the same plan every year. This year though I want to be SURE we are trussing that turkey the night before. That is usually the biggest battle on Thanksgiving Day. I've been slowing gathering spices and the pantry goods that usually sell out before the holidays. Looking at my pots and pans and linens.

Things I need to check:
Traeger Pellets
Last year's notes
Thanksgiving Linens
Clean out the deep freezer. I'm late on that.
Batteries for both the regular and remote thermometers.
Take down Halloween decor
Stock up and freeze the Kerrygold butter -- which is SOO expensive right now!
Find the missing ingredients (cuz there are several I can't find!)

Reality check this week came with the temperature drop. The new furnace replacing out broken one just bumped up to the top of the priority list. Other than that I just don't really care about the state of the house this year other than that it is clean. Will catch up on the threads in the coming days and get myself back on track. Hope everyone is well!!


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Sep 12, 2009
Sigh... I wrote this out yesterday but never actually hit "Post Reply."

This will be the first year in 20 years that we are not going to be home for Thanksgiving! It's going to be very different. My parents find driving at night difficult and we thought of moving dinner to 3 pm so they could eat and leave by 5 pm at the latest. They offered to host and so we'll 2 bring side dishes and dessert. My brother will also bring two side dishes and dessert. My parents will do the turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes.

Household Checklist

  • Wipe down appliances and cabinets.
  • Clean oven and microwave.
  • Clear everything off the counter and wipe it down.
  • Declutter the kitchen shelves.
Holiday Prep Checklist
  • Do a Status check.
  • Put away Halloween decorations.
  • Decorate for Thanksgiving.
  • Organize holiday recipes.
  • Plan Thanksgiving shopping list.
  • Plan holiday baking (MHH cookbook).
  • Make a list of necessary food storage supplies:
    • Freezer bags (quart and gallon size)
    • plastic wrap
    • foil
    • parchment paper
    • waxed paper
  • Determine how to keep warm, transport and serve side dishes.
  • Look into traditional Christmas desserts to see if it is worth trying
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
Reality Check - The only thing I'm behind on is writing cards but I think I can get to that in the next couple of weeks. Other than that, I feel like I'm in a decent place right now. We are not hosting Thanksgiving but I'm still going to prepare the food as if we are and freeze it for another night during Christmas week. Most of the foods I make are only done on Thanksgiving and no other time of year.

Cindylouwho - Sorry to hear about the furnace. I hope you can get it replaced sooner than later.
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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
*test smoke & carbon monoxide detectors :)
*check fire extinguishers :)

*plan holiday baking :)
*work on Christmas cards
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Add me to the Christmas card team this week.
Update gift list and to-buy list
Was to go to town on Wednesday and run errands but not sure with this cold of mine.
Keep working on crocheted ornaments for friends & wrap them
Wrap stocking stuffers

Take down Halloween - done (needs to go back in the attic but dh can do that)
Take down more screen windows and wash inside windows
Find new curtains for my bedroom
I'm down to regular maintenance, all extras are done


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
The Halloween decorations are put away and the Thanksgiving decorations are out. I checked the pantry to make sure I had extras of foil, plastic wrap, etc. I did not! I didn't realize I was down to the last of basically everything on that list. I'll be adding those items to my Thanksgiving shopping list.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 4, 2007
Holiday Mom -- That's right! I have to organize my Holiday recipes too! That gets me every year! Putting it on my list! The other thing that gets me is not loading up my shopping carts early for when sales hit. I'm not waiting for the big big sales this year but maybe there will be some early ones?


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
I worked in 20 minute increments on the counter and the shelves this week. That was really helpful in not feeling overwhelmed. It's hard to clean and cook when everyone is around in the kitchen. Although, I just thought... I should have asked for help then everyone would have cleared out in no time. LOL!

I did a good declutter last year and one again this spring so the shelves weren't super bad. They just needed some TLC .


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
I worked in 20 minute increments on the counter and the shelves this week. That was really helpful in not feeling overwhelmed. It's hard to clean and cook when everyone is around in the kitchen. Although, I just thought... I should have asked for help then everyone would have cleared out in no time. LOL!

I did a good declutter last year and one again this spring so the shelves weren't super bad. They just needed some TLC .
I work in 20 min increments also! In fact, I'm doing it right now!