April 2012 - Declutter Club

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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I should be able to get back on board now that DD has her life guide. Frees up so much time for me.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Yep April is a great time to declutter... inside & outside! rotation of clothes means decluttering and prepping the backyard is decluttering too


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
Definitely need to declutter the backyard. Good way to think about it.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
I enjoy working outside SO MUCH... that I feel guilty! HOWEVER... I will keep telling myself that.... it is decluttering.... even if you "enjoy it"! (Gasp!)

Rain is predicted for this evening.... which will drive me inside. Then.... if there is anything "juicy" on TV.... I'll work on paperwork. (The TV will distract me... so that I will be able to.... keep at it!)


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
That is so smart, Lana! Incorporating "decluttering" into your regular life activities! I wonder if I can do that......


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
And, today is Monday April 3rd! And.... I WILL try to incorporate Lana's system.... into my Monday Home Blessing Day! I'll bring a trusty black trash bag along with me (AND a "recycle" bag.... AND a "donate bag"). I'll let you know how it goes.... Today is a perfect "home blessing day". It rained last night.... and it is too cool and wet.... to be really comfortable working outside! Time to grab this opening..... for working "inside"!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Remember last year when I gave myself permission to have a day to throw things out with no remorse because I wanted a clean house more than I wanted "junk?" I feel one of those days coming on this week. I will, of course, donate what can be donated, but with no regret or thoughts of, "Someday, I may need to...." with whatever it is I get rid of! lol If I haven't used or worn it in over a year, I more than likely don't need it. Happy decluttering, everyone!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
"No Remorse" is SUCH a good motto.... for decluttering!!!!!! (Lol.)

HERE is a problem that I have. I see something that I want to keep. There is "no place" for it. So.... I carry it off to the office/guest room. THUS: the office/guest room is a "dumping ground". What is the answer? Apparently..... the answer.... goes back to..... "no remorse"!!!! I mean.... if I really "need" the item...... then.... why does it have "no place"? In many cases..... it is because I am holding on to the item.... because "I might need it".... or "I like it and I DON'T WANT TO GIVE IT AWAY". BUT..... IT PROBABLY NEEDS TO BE DONATED.

I guess we develop better and better "decluttering muscles".... as we go along.

Oh... it is Monday, April 3rd.... of our 2012 Decluttering Club!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I had to work on that same problem. I did finally decide if I didn't have a place for it I should bless someone else with it. These are the questions I ask myself:

Do I love it.
Do I have a place to display it.
Do I WANT to keep it clean.
Will I honor it.
Would someone else love it more?

I blessed others with a lot of items. I try not to keep things boxed up. If I really want it there shouldn't be a reason to keep it packed away. Items like my kids baby clothes are getting put into shadow boxes for THEIR walls. With all the things I have gotten rid of there isn't much that I even remember. There are only two things I can think of that I might have liked to keep. One was a coffee can of buttons (I now use them in crafts but do not really need them) and a paper weight that was a glass fish given to me by a friend when I was in high school. Really didn't have a reason to keep that fish but I do think of it once in awhile. Still do not want to keep it clean. lol I do wish I had a photo of the fish. Photos are much easier to keep.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Two bags of clothes are going to Goodwill today!

I agree with what both Diedra and SN have said. There are only a few things I have gotten rid of that I did eventually need at some point. And, I like, SN find myself "migrating" certain items from room to room or place to place because they don't have a home. lol

Happy decluttering! I haven't had that unremorseful say this, yet...been too busy painting and helping with grandbabies! Love those grandbabies. I'll always have junk, but not time with grandbabies!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Missjane... you are so right! Precious time with the grandbabies.... wins every time! There is absolutely nothing like it! It is so wonderful!

In fact... that is exactly what I did... last night! And... it can be exhausting..... (the only time it is NOT exhausting.... seems to be when they are asleep... and you are lying on the couch.... reading and/or watching TV!

So... today will be lots of paperwork.... done sitting down!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 4th.

Yes... some paperwork is getting one. AND... a call from dd. The mother of one of their closest friends has died. Viewing/reception is tonight. So... dh and I are going over to stay with the three ds.... so dd and dsil can go to the viewing/reception.

Dh is a wonderful help! Although..... his actions consist of (1) a thorough search of the kitchen, because.... "DD buys things that you don't buy!" True... dd has three growing boys with big appetites. They get treats. Dh helps to... deal with those treats. He eats all treats that look good to him.

Then (2) dh goes to the big leather chair and gets a firm grip on the TV remote control. He does not leave that chair all night.... unless REALLY really forced to leave it! Still... he IS another adult in the house.

AND... I get lots of exercise... playing wigth dgs3. So... it is a win-win situation for everybody!

Plenty of time for more decluttering tomorrow....


Retire Member
May 15, 2010
Perth, Australia
April is my bathroom and toilet month. I don't need to do so much decluttering in that area - more organising. So my hair bits and pieces are together, the bath toys have a proper home etc. I do need to buy a new shower curtain though, and bath mats too. Not expensive, but will really make a difference.

SparkleNana, I am sorry to hear of your daughter's friend's loss :(


Retire Member
I've got some serious decluttering to do in my bedroom, and i've decided i'm going to commit to doing it today. Hopefully, i'll be able to update tomorrow and tell everyone that it's done. As my father always says, "'We shall see', said the blind man.":)


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Saquilla and Quin10,
Glad to see your posts. Good luck on decluttering.

SN, You and MissJane have been doing so well.

All of you have inspired me to keep at my Scrap Studio. Bit by bit, it will get done.


Active Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
Hey all, checking in and seeing how great you are all doing!

I have some news.....we got the good word today that our rental application has been approved and we will become Floridians on May 1st! We've been packing for weeks, but now have to kick it into high gear as we want to leave CA on the 24th.

OK how bad is this...DH has had 4 large trash bags full of clothes in the garage since he moved out here from NJ almost 4 yrs ago. I finally got him to go thru them the other day (fully expecting that most of it would be tossed, but no) and we had 2 bags to donate & 1 bag to be trashed!! I was very proud of him for letting so much go even though there were plenty of things kept. But that's ok, it's mostly shirts and his reasoning is now he won't need new clothes for awhile! I was very surprised to see that most of it all was in pretty good shape.

He's been pretty good saying "toss it" to a lot of things. Right now he's in the place where as someone who years ago went thru a divorce and most of his things were destroyed and trashed by his ex. Like we see on some of the hoarders shows, it's hard for them to let things go because so much has been taken away. But I'm proud of him for stepping out of that if even just a little bit.

Today (in addition to packing) he tossed an old pair of sneakers and we cleared off the fridge of all the magnets, business cards and such. We still have a LOT to do, but we are taking small steps...each night planning the next day. So far so good!!


Retire Member
I'm happy to report that...I did it! My bedroom is officially decluttered, and it only took me about an hour. I gotta say, it looked like a monster of a job at first, but by tackling one corner at a time, it really wasn't that bad. It was actually kind of fun.:D