Are You "Down" For No Reason

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New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Sometimes, we get set-backs and we sigh and take care of them.

Sometimes we get set-backs and - we're down!!!

Do you ever get depressed or sad by an event that other people would take in stride (while bigger things do not bother you nearly as much?)

Or can you proudly say that you are "appropriately" down when life happens?

Remember - even Oprah Winfrey gets depressed - and she is the richest woman in the world and everybody loves her (OK, millions and millions love her even if she is not your favorite. Who is? Angelina Jolie? I bet she gets depressed too and I bet Brad Pitt doesn't pick up his dirty socks. Or something.)


Premiere Member
Dec 27, 2007
Austria - Europe
I think that this it is absolutely normal to be depressed from time to time. We are humans
with emotions, not machines or robots. It is impossible to be happy all the time.
Sometimes we have problems in our family or at work or we have to manage challenges
and difficult situations in our life.
As we all are different we also show different reactions in the same situation. But you should
also take into account that people very often don't show what they really feel. Maybe they
feel also depressed and down but they don't show it.

I am also depressed from time to time. Sometimes I know the reason, sometimes not. As long
as the depressions and downs don't occur too often, I (try) to accept them as part of my personality.

Following might help:
Try to keep a diary for several weeks/months where you write down when you feel down or depressed. Maybe in special
situations, a special time of day or special season? Then you maybe find out when you are down
and you can work on this situations.
Furthermore find ways how you can cheer you up. Maybe a short walk, practicing sports, to take a bath, doing some craft...
In general daylight and sports can help to minimize depressions. Furthermore also St. John's wort is helpful
(as tea for example) but you have to take care with this when you use the birth control pill or other hormones
as the St. John's wort may influence this. Valerian would be also an alternative.



Santa's Elves
I agree and well said both of you. Life is so hectic, sometimes stress of it all makes you down and forget how great life is.

I have been snapping at my kids and husband for the last 2 days and I feel guilty about it. Worse yet I know I am going to be crying when these days are over and my kids are all grown up. So now I am moody and sad because I am mean! (not really, but I am sure they think I am sometimes.)

I think we need to try and do nice things for ourselves from time to time. I have been getting a pedicure every few weeks and going to a movie with girlfriends also every few weeks.

Visiting this web site always makes me feel better to. I am all ready to start all my planning now that we are at the half way point (i mean better then I have.)

Remember, your not alone in your feelings, and we have each other when we need to be identified with!

Kelly :-D


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Every once in a while I embrace a "down" mood. I think it's good for the soul. We need to be reminded of what we do have and how great things really are sometimes and one of the best ways to realize this is when you're trying to pick yourself up and out of that dark mood we sometimes fall into. When I say I embrace the mood, I mean I acknowledge it and have my little pity party for a bit and then get over it. LOL Sometimes i'm angry at the world for various reasons and without DH here, it's very easy to let those moods overtake me. But, I always prevail and come out a little stronger than I went in.


Premiere Member
Dec 27, 2007
Austria - Europe
MrsSoup said:
Every once in a while I embrace a "down" mood. I think it's good for the soul. We need to be reminded of what we do have and how great things really are sometimes and one of the best ways to realize this is when you're trying to pick yourself up and out of that dark mood we sometimes fall into. When I say I embrace the mood, I mean I acknowledge it and have my little pity party for a bit and then get over it. LOL Sometimes i'm angry at the world for various reasons and without DH here, it's very easy to let those moods overtake me. But, I always prevail and come out a little stronger than I went in.

MrsSoup: I agree with you! :applause:



Retire Member
Jan 10, 2008
Great topic, SparkleNana, and same here, MrsSoup and Chilli. I used to try to ignore the "down" times or fight then, but they'd only drag out longer or get worse. Best to let the entire range of human emotion have its space and pass through. And sometimes you're "down" for a very good "reason," so best to honor it and pay attention to what it might be saying (including to seek help if needed). Forming healthy "feel good" coping mechanisms goes a long way, too.


Retire Member
Oct 15, 2007
For me, it took me so many years to even identify the down times with what they were...depression. When I look back at my second baby, I now realized how badly I had post partum. Not the didn't want to be with the baby kind, but the always feeling inadequate and SOOO overwhelmed with being home with two kids all by myself for the whole day with a baby to nurse every 2 hours!

Anyway, last year was my final year in college. My fall semester was 26 credits (had to catch up because of the baby so I could graduate in the spring), so I was so busy, I didn't have time to have down times! My last semester was student teaching. My husband (also student teaching at the time) and I realized that we were going to have to move away from home (MN) if we were going to get jobs. We packed up and moved to TX with the kids...20 hours away from our families. Anyway, I finally checked in with a doc for some meds! At this point, I knew I was going crazy ;-) Not that I am promoting drugs...I hate puting chemicals in my body everyday, but sometimes people need that little bit of extra help. They help me not let one little event consume my energy...

anyway, mabye more than what this thread is about, but I wanted to share, that I think people just need to sit and think and be able to identify why they are down and if it's something they can't get over by themselves. I am so glad to be in the day and age where it is ok to discuss medical issues without feeling like some terrible person!


Santa's Elves
Holidaymama I agree! When you have small children (as I do) life is wonderful, but also very stressful. I want to enjoy the moments, not spend them yelling. I have one bad week a month (you can imagine what one), But it's really affecting my relationships because I am sooooo angry during that week. I have started taking a calcium suppliment because I hear that helps. If it doesn't I may concider something else just to allieviate the stress. I spend the other 3 weeks dreading that one!
Anyway, I will say it again, I am so happy to have this forum of people to identify with!!!

Love you guys!
Kelly :love:


Santa's Elves
Oct 9, 2007
Winter Wonderland
I think for a long time society viewed depression as negatively and that people who experienced moments of depression were crazy. I think the understanding of depression has come a long ways, but I still think people place a negative conotation on depression.

There are moments in life when we feel overwhelmed, exhausted, worried, anxious, etc and feeling depressed is no different. As was previously written, we are humans - we cannot expect ourselves to be robotic about things and not allow ourselves to feel the emotions in life, the good and the bad.

It's my personal belief that people who don't allow life to effect them or pretend to not feel any emotions are not really living. You have to feel the lows to appreciate the highs and you have to allow yourself to feel all that life brings your way.

It makes you a stronger person and makes you remember all that is right in life and all that you've been blessed with.