Christmas baby shower idea

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
Hmm....I was thinking of some ideas for a baby shower for someone who is due close to Christmas. I know some people who deliver very close to Christmas kind of miss the excitement of that year as their attentions are more focused elsewhere.

What about setting up a Christmas tree...even a mini one...and hanging things like rattles, baby mittens, booties, pacifiers, etc. like ornaments for the mother?

Songs could include: Christmas, baby please come home, Merry Christmas baby, etc.

Gingerbread men could be decorated to be wearing diapers, have baby faces etc.

I know coffee is generally not recommended, but is hot chocolate okay for an expecting mother?

For a craft you could purchase cheap onsies and have baby-safe items (fabric paint, iron-ons, felt, etc) for people to decorate. Maybe even make polarfleece blankets for the mother?

Just brainstorming here. I think another idea could be to ask everyone to bring a potluck dish that can be frozen for the mother-to-be.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Wow, frostyshimmer, these are all great ideas. I especially like the idea of hanging little baby realted things on a mini tree. Great ideas.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Great ideas! While hot chocolate does have caffeine in it, it should be fine. Caffeine in moderation is allowed. They usually recommend no more than 2 cups a day of caffeine like soda or coffee so you should be fine serving that.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
It depends on the mother and whether they have given up caffeine. A punch made with cranberry juice, pineapple-orange juice and ginger ale is really good. My family always has this at Christmas.

Babies grow fast and a new Mom might have a lot of really small stuff already. What about having a book shower or DVD/CD shower and have guests bring holiday themed books, movies or music for the little one. My son is four and my daughter is almost 18 months and I'm still trying to build up our collection of holiday books (not just Christmas but Halloween and Valentines, etc).

You could also play up the baby decorations with the most famous Christmas image of Mother and Child if your friends/family aren't offended by that. It doesn't have to be viewed in the religious way.

I love the stock the freezer idea as well. :)


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
FS...I love all of your ideas. I especially like the painting of the onsies. My DS and DIL did that for their son's 1st birthday, they purchased all different sizes and had a table set up with all the paint and shirts..they also trimed socks in graduated was a huge success. They even had a small clothesline with clothes pins to hang them all up to dry and everyone could see them. Not sure tho that you would want Christmasy shirts in larger sizes!/!

I also liked the book/CD/movie idea...we did that for the shower we had and asked that instead of bringing a card, everyone bring a copy of their favorite book, either read to them or one they read to their children to help start the baby's collection of books.( Make sure it is signed with what ever they would have put in the card) We had a nice basket for the books on the gift table. It would work really well for Christmas books and CD's and movies.

Perhaps you could have the guests make an ornament for the baby or family...of course make sure they put on it who it was from and date...that would start a nice collection of ornaments. You could have on hand different colors and shapes of ornaments and write on paint, glitter glue, ribbon and hooks...these too could be hung up till dry.

What a fun shower this will be...good luck and let us know how it goes. :skate:
