How many of us enter crafts and foods into our county fairs? Or maybe have had children involved in 4-H and FFA and the like? What do you do with all those ribbons? They are great memories and fun times and so .... decorate a tree! Make a wreath!

When my mom moved us to Florida Christmas of 1977, and I started a new school come January of 1978, I found out there was an FFA program. I had always LOVED the outdoors growing up on our parent's campground in Ohio. I participated in FFA all through high school. Later in life married with kids, I did enjoy entering crafts into our county fair. And our two kids grew up members of 4-H groups and also had fun earning ribbons for all sorts of things. I can't say I ever made anything out of the ribbons ... had I known about Pinterest then, eh!!!???!!!
Do you all have fond memories of competitions?
4-H Tree in a barn!
4-H Ribbons & Photos!
FFA Ornament!
FFA Animals Ornament!
https://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t45/michael_ebay/Christmas Ornaments/FF0100.jpg
I also thought this was a cute video on DIY for small spaces.
9 Unusual Unique Christmas Trees for Small Spaces and Small Apartments