December Magical Moment #21 Looking Back

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MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
December Magical Moment #21 Looking Back

Do you know when I look back....I can remember a time without a computer! When the internet was a pie in the sky idea...and nobody had cell phones, ipods, or myspaceaccounts. I've been reflecting a bit lately about whether all our wonderful inventions help us or hinder us. I've discovered that it depends on a couple of things. One is the situation we find ourselves in at the moment and two is our own personal choices about the management of technology.
First, lets look at number one: situations. I can remember the first cell phone I had. It was relatively large and I seldon used it, carrying it mainly for emergencies. Breaking down on a lonely road on a dark stormy night, a cell phone is a great asset. Being reached by work 24/7 when all you really need is to attend your child's Christmas program turns it into a nuisance.
Second, it is our management of technology that can skew our view. A cell phone without a camera can still aid us in an emergency, so why do we feel the drive to have the newest gadgets out there? This creates stress and dissatifaction not to mention a financial burden. Computer technology changes so quickly's outdated before we plug it in. But is bigger, faster, and hyped up really what we need? It's not just technology either, its every thing in our lives. One of my main personal goals for 2008 will be to simplify, which I've been playing around with for a while. It's a whole new way of looking at life around me and it's truly making my life easier!

Holiday Joy

MHH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Oh -- - oh! I have some pre-technology memories! I remember typing out my Christmas Letter on a typewriter, with white-out! It was electric, however. And using a book of clip-art to cut out and paste cute little decorations to jazz it up.

And, having to order your photo Christmas cards 7 to 10 days before you needed them, instead of running to the local kiosk and getting them printed while you wait.

I had a car air filter that was about five inches wide by 10 inches long, and my friends asked me if it was a CAR PHONE.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I was thinking how having computers and cell phones has made me so impatient for an answer. I now can E-mail someone and have an answer in less time than it would have took to dial (I'm talking about those old round dials, some of you might not know what I'm talking about, lol) a phone number and have the person walk over to answer the phone!

I remember writing to my Aunt for her recipe for Cranberry bread that she use to make for Christmas. I had to write in July to be sure I'd get an answer before Christmas!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I can remember not having a computer or a typewriter and handwriting all of my Christmas letters!! It would take me weeks to do, but I enjoyed it because each letter was personalized rather than the blanket letter everybody gets now.

Oh, the good ol' days!!

:snowman: Melanie


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 10, 2007
Spartan Country-mi
I can remember a time when there was no microwave, vcr pc computers or cell phones.
I do remember going to my dad's office and seeing a huge computer that used the cards with hole punch on them we would use these cards to make Christmas wreaths. My dad used the computer to start a mailing list for the organization he worked for,
I to remember using a typewriter when I firswt entered college. When I started my masters program it was required that we have a computer.
I am amazed when I post on these boards how close technology has made us. I can read posts from England, Australia, Sweden, Canada
who would have thought that back in the 70's.

Merry Christmas


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
devon, england
when i moved from london to north devon i threw my microwave away - it had almost given up on life - i didnt buy one when i got here and until 3 years later when dd arrived i never ever missed it. in fact i really enjoyed not having one.

mobile phone/cell phone. people cant understand why i loathe them - i think a phone is for your convenience not the callers and i dont like being reachable 24/7 i even have been without a landline a few times and people cant understand why - guess im not too sociable!!!!!!lol

do you know the record by sandi thoms ( i think) which basically says everything on this forum
and it really cheers me up. there are things of the past that are best left there - little wifey staying at home or being downtrodden (dont take that as offence - i am a stay at home mum and very proud of that fact) but at the same time things seem now to have gone too far the other way.

i think id like to go back 30 /40 years and see how much things have changed in my life time and if it really is for the better


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I tell my dd12 all the time when she has to have that newest thing out there or she will just die without it. Especially her cell she wants the newest one every 6 months. What do you think I did when I had to call home I used a pay phone she asked what that was. She was joking of course but the point was it was much simpler without these things. She told me mom get with it. You couldn't live with out the things we have now. Yes you can. Yes her cell is important because I can get ahold of her at anytime and she can me but you can live with out it.