Doomed Party

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Pumpkin’s Mom

MHH Member
Jul 25, 2008
Did you ever plan a party you just did not have your heart into it and everything seemed against you???

DD's party is this Sunday for anywhere from 20-35 people, still waiting on RSVPs with kids from 2 months old to 16 yrs old. It is suppose to rain until Sunday morning. ACK at having that many people with little kids in the house.

We had planned on 2 simple games and the kids playing outside free play at DD's request.
I know it will all work out, but this party I am just so very unorganized and feel stressed. I knew you would understand that feeling.

Pam Spaur

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jul 17, 2008
Muncie, IN
Pumpkin's Mom

It will all work out. Try not to stress too much. You can't control the weather, you know. So try to relax; get as much done before hand as possible, and enjoy your DD's special day. I don't know where you live, but we will have happy thoughts go up for you that the weather will clear up and dry the yard out for everyone to be outside.

You can't control rude people who do not RSVP, either. Last year when my youngest DS got married, they had two, count them TWO rsvp's. Now, how rude is that?

Take a deep breath, now. In with the good air, out with the bad. It will all work out. Relax. Breathe. Have fun. Repeat.



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
Take a deep breath and relax! The wonderful thing about kids is that they can be awfully creative. If things don't go exactly as planned they will find other ways to have fun!
Some of the best days I can remember as a kid were "disasters"....picnics where it poured, getting snowed in on a day we were supposed to go on a day trip. These things happen.
Try to have a backup "plan" in case they can't go outside, but don't worry about it too much.
Hope all goes well!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Usually when you think everything will go wrong,.... that's when you have the greateat time! Relax & enjoy!


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
The best part of hosting a kids party is that they will not know if something is not living up to what WE envisioned. If there is friends and food - that is about as far as they need. Take a big breath, sit for a spell and relax.

Good luck :leprechaun:


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
DD birthday is July 3. One year it fall on saturday. She wanted to invite 21 people. I figured half would show up since many people are gone on the holiday weeknd. Nope, all came, some with their visiting friends!!! I had an adult guest race to the store for another cake and more ice cream. The kids ran around playing, eat and all were happy.

This will probably be the best party!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Pumpkin's Mom:

Here is my hint. Buy LOTS of wrapped minature candy bars -- the Halloween-size. (I mean lots - like 1 big bag PER CHILD!) If it doesn't rain - save the candy for Halloween. If it does rain, hide the candy in one room - the room with a TV. Hide lots and lots. I mean LOTS. And keep extras for the kids who don't find any. Gather the children to you and announce "A CANDY HUNT" Line the children up by age, youngest in front. And let them in bit by bit. So the youngest have time to find some candy. Then, after they have found them -- bring in a wastebasket for the wrappers. And TURN ON THE TV. Hand out more candy. Then hand out MORE candy.

The children will sit in front of SpongeBob or some show, eating lots of candy, and they will be happy!

And you will be sane.

Do you think I am kidding? I am NOT kidding.

A rainy day - with lots of children in your house for a birthday party - is like having 50 small terrorists in your house. Fight to win. Give them candy and TV. They will have a GREAT time. And you and your house will survive.

Kim Loves Snow

Santa's Elves
Aug 3, 2008
Richmond, Virginia
SparkleNana said:
Hide lots and lots. I mean LOTS. And keep extras for the kids who don't find any. Gather the children to you and announce "A CANDY HUNT" Line the children up by age, youngest in front. And let them in bit by bit. So the youngest have time to find some candy.

SparkleNana-I love this idea! The kids will think they are in heaven! My brother always video tapes key parts of my nieces parties - the kids coming in, the kids wishing the birthday child a happy birthday on video, etc. and at the end of the party he hooks the camera to his tv and lets all the kids gather around and watch themselves. It works everytime to bring a calm end to a busy day!

Most of all, think back to your parties and you might recall that your most memorable ones were the ones spent at your house with family and's not about the party pieces, it's about making the birthday child feel loved and special and I know you can do that!

Good luck and let us know how it goes!


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
:rotflol: SparkleNana :rotflol: Thanks I needed that - wish I would of thought of that when my boys where younger!