Easter Basket and Egg Fillers Older Boys

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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Not sure if anyone is in the same boat, but I'm struggling this year to fill an Easter basket and eggs for a tween boy on the "verge" of not only questioning things like the Easter Bunny, etc. but the verge of moving on to middle school and beyond...

I've gone over dozens of online lists of Easter basket and filler ideas and see a lot of the same ideas over and over again. I've put together a list of not so commonly seen ideas that are targeting tween boys although some things are definitely gender neutral depending on what you choose. I've also tried to stick with - mostly - non throw away type items - the kind that break after one use or never get played with again. YMWV of course! LOL

We could perhaps have other threads for older/tween girls, little ones and even for adults if there are those out there that do Easter baskets for that age range?

But just to get a conversation started I wanted to share the results of my brainstorming and research thus far. Please shout out additional ideas, questions and so on! :)

Tween Boys Easter (Non Candy) Egg Filler Ideas

Hex Bugs - There are larger ones that would only fit in really big Easter eggs, but the small standard ones are perfect Easter egg size!

Bakugan Figures - DS is over these now, but the figures are tiny little balls that open up into figures

LED Finger Lights

Hot Wheels Cars - Common idea, I know, but a classic!

Zipper Pulls/Keychains (can be used for backpack charms/pulls)

Light Pulls - If they have a ceiling fan or light will pull chain in their room it could be fun to find a decorate pull that matches room theme

Shoelaces - Fun colors or patterns

Monopoly Tokens - I've been seeing small "mystery" boxes of these at Walmart and Target lately - opened up they have 2-3 tokes, fancy houses or hotels, coins, etc. If not already owned, the game itself - a classic or themed version - would be a great addition to the Easter basket so that things all kind of go together!

Dominos - Set broken up among several eggs
Jacks Set - Set broken up among several eggs
Poker Chips - Set broken up among several eggs
Small Compass
Mini Lego Figures - Buy brand name or get the generic ones if you think it will fly! Target Dollar spot usually has them!
Any Mini Figure Set (Minions, Avengers, Mario, etc.) that still would strike their fancy works too - Just make sure the individual figures would fit in eggs then break up the set.
Transformers - There are fairly small ones that will fit in an egg if taken out of their packaging
Sew On/Iron On Patches
Face Masks, Purchase in Fun Designs or in solid colors and use Iron On Vinyl to decorate
Earbuds Case/Pouch
Socks! Brand name they are into, or just crazy patterns (which are "cool" here now), Star Wars, etc. - rolled up and put into eggs!

Polished Rocks/Gemstones (best bet here is from local store - you know the kind - the ones that sell incense - our local store is called Mystic Beads and Earthware and they have a TON of different rocks and stones and gems - not expensive kind - in very reasonable price ranges ) Great for kids into science/geology! You could include little print outs in the eggs explaining their properties, interesting facts, etc.

Slap Bracelets (even have LED ones)
Money - $1 bills, coins or even $1 coins (I get these easily by paying with a $5 or larger bill at the toll booths - they give back $ coins instead of bills for change)
Yes to You Cucumber Facial Wipes - Never too early to ease boys into skin care right?

Mini Soaps - I'm still searching for reasonable priced, boy friendly options but I did find these - a little pricey but super fun if you have a kid into geology!

Altoid "Minis" Container
Chewing Gum - Either buy packages small enough to fit in the eggs, or take out and break them up - gum is usually individually wrapped depending on brand
Tic Tacs - Smallest size would fit in egg well

Easy Egg Filler Add Ons:

To round things out or beef up the "impact" of eggs with candy or money I often add the following:

DIY Paper Coupons - Make and print or just draw yourself! Whether it's a Get out eating a vegetable free option or staying up an extra 15 minutes or what - sky is the limit!
Easter Jokes/Cartoons - I google, copy into Word, print, cut out and fold up to slip into eggs as needed

Easter Basket Ideas Tween Boys

There are of course a TON of expensive options for boys as they get older, here are my musings on less, ahem, salty options to round out a basket:

Bodywash/Shampoo - Axe, etc.
Body Spray - Adidas, Axe, etc. (kind of a precursor to cologne)
Water Bottle - You can go basic, brand name like Under Armour or even add a vinyl decal if you have access to Cricut or other similar machine

DVDs - Little pricier but still good deals to be had. With streaming being more common now this is less often something I'd choose. But some movies are cheaper to buy on DVD right now than to purchase digitally.

Snack bags of different chips, crackers, can of Pringles, etc. - To get a variety without buying huge jumbo packs of the same thing it might be better to browse near checkout lanes of a couple of big box stores - Walmart, Target, etc. and just handpick things you know they will like

1 or 2 bottles of pop or oversized cans of fun sparking water (Bubly, etc.) - We almost never have pop around so this would be a treat in our house!

Easter DIY or Semi DIY Candy and Food Ideas

As always, food can be an easy way to up the impact of an Easter basket without breaking the bank. There are lots of options but the following are ideas I found to be a little more budge savvy:

Plastic Icing Bag filled with Jelly Beans (all orange if possible) tied with green curling ribbon or green fringed paper to look like a carrot - You can buy these online too for around $7 for one "carrot" but much cheaper to do yourself!

Snack Cake repackaged with Paper Tag to look like Bunny or Chick

Bunny Brownies - Bake brownies in parchment or foil lined pan - cool - lift out of pan - cut with Easter themed cookie cutters and package in cellophane bags with cute paper tags

Homemade Marshamallow Peeps

Caramel Corn - Package in cellophane bags with paper tags. Make yourself (I have a great recipe if anyone wants it!) or buy it and repackage

There are really lots of cute ideas out there - on Pinterest, etc. - on repackaging food items with an Easter theme.

Okay so that is it for my ideas for now!
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
AJ, that is some list.
We never did a huge Easter basket for our kids. They got Winter PJ's and bed sox as it is the start of Winter here. If we did do extras it was Lego for DS and little makeup for DD, lip balm etc. Nowadays I would be adding some hand sanitiser and a new mask etc.
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
I'd add ...
  • A cool pair of socks with a "fun" pattern that would go nicely with dressier clothes, if they ever have to wear something other than jeans. Maybe stripes, dots, or argyle pattern in fun colors?
  • Tank top for summer, rolled up and tied with ribbon or raffia
  • A more "manly" fragrance travel-size hand sanitizer. These often come with clips and can attach to a backpack zipper or strap, keeping them handy. So many are floral fragrance ... for a boy, ugh!!!!
  • I picked up a pack of 3 travel-size hand wipes to carry in my backpack when I travel. They were cartoon-themed, but fit my need. Might be good to add, if you can find characters that would be OK for a boy. I want to say mine were Avengers???? (My bag's in another room, or I'd check, sorry. I picked them up at either Menards or at Meijer, near the check-out.)
  • If the kids are still masking at school, maybe a mask in school colors or with a pattern that reflects their school mascot.
  • Superball or other "bouncy" ball, hacky sack, or similar.
  • Small Rubic's cube [on a key chain?]
  • Small puzzle books -- word search, crossword, soduko, or the like
  • Baseball cap from their favorite sports team?

Miss JoDee

MHH Member
Premiere Member
Apr 22, 2011
Gurnee, IL
adding on:
  • brain teasers
  • fun erasers
  • sun glasses
  • sun screen
  • yo yo
  • Frisbee

  • game called LCR 1616606044684.png
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