Easy Entertaining Tips

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Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
Given that we are heading into the Entertaining Season very swiftly now, what are your favourite entertaining tips to keep things stress free in the kitchen and create a welcoming home?

Just a few little ones for me - apart from really trying to live by the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid):

Well, OK the KISS one first. Keep things simple and it makes for a lot less stress and your guests will prbably still have a great time. No need for killing yourself making a gourmet menu, having "Martha Stewart"-esque decor and gleaming surfaces everywhere (including the garden shed, cos let's face it, a stray guest may end up in there!! LOL). Nothing wrong with Martha, but we are real women with real lives and no staff. So a generally clean and neat space where we'll have visitors (even if that means that you lock one closet door for safety purposes), with a tasty and filling meal or nibbles, and a warm welcome means an awful lot. Simple decoration if any - just laying the table nicely with your ware (which doesn't have to be the "best set of grandma's china" - everyday is often more than adequate, especially if it can go in the dishwasher afterwards), and serving plain but tasty food can work very well. If you have time, you can add fancy touches, but work on keeping the hosts calm and relaxed first.

I like to have a decent amount of ice in the freezer, as ours doesn't make ice terribly fast. So if I know I am having company, and once October comes anyway, I try to make sure that I turn over the icetrays into a spare plastic tub regularly, and make a spare couple of trays that way. So I can have plenty when I need it.

A related thing I like to do is making my "slices" in advance as well. This started when I got fed up finding half lemons and limes going off in the fridge, as there wasn't enough use made of them (I'd cut one open for a slice for one or 2 drinks, and the rest would not get used). So I began to slice the whole fruit when I opened it first. (Or use half for juice in cooking, but slice the other half rather than wasting it). Any that wasn't used that day, would get put on a baking tray and frozen for an hour. Once frozen, I popped the slices into a large tub and they are then ready for popping straight into drinks as needed (and already frozen means ice is less of an issue also!!). Freezing them on the tray first means that they don't stick together and it's easy to pull out a single slice, and you can also then put lemon, lime and orange all together in one tub once frozen.

Whatever you can do in advance is great. So for dinner parties, try a menu based around a cold or precooked starter (melon balls, smoked salmon on salad with brown bread, a pot of homemade soup) and an easy maincourse (I like a roast of some sort - whether a whole joint to be carved, or individual portions like chicken breasts on the bone, or individual racks of lamb). Roast potatoes with that. And some veg - either gently steamed (which are prepared before guests arrived and cook while having starter) or roasted with main course. Or pre-cooked and kept warm in the side oven - like green beans with bacon and cream, or cauliflower and cheese sauce. And a desert that either cooks while you eat (individual portions of fruit crumbles, or an apple pie say), or is cold (a cake or cheesecake, fruit salad, ice cream, chocolate or lemon tart etc).

Seriously, I think the best thing for good entertaining is a stress free hostess (having NOT been that far too often in the past) and the KISS principle is what I now aspire to. Meaning that DH is far more willing to entertain now than in the past (as I am not a bag of stressed out cats waiting to pounce on him for the slightest thing not done or done "wrong"). LOL!!!

What are your favourite entertaining tips?


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
Great tips Wings!

I think my main thing is to do as much as possible ahead of time so I can enjoy the party too. Also, evening parties are nice because you can "hide" the minor imperfections of your home with low level lighting and candlelight.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
I never thought of freezing my slices of leftover lemons! Love the idea.

I too try to prepare the meal in advance and have decided this year to try and use my crockpots for New Year's eve.


Active Member
Premiere Member
Aug 25, 2008
Well, I am all for preparing in advance, and making "semi-homemade" foods. And I learned to not turn down offers to help! I am hosting 8 women at my house tomorrow evening for a clothing swap, and I took up a few ladies on their offers to bring a fingerfood. I set up the area for food last night, so all I have to do is get the items on the plates and mix the punch. I did use my Mikasa leaf-shaped plates and some fall decor that was already out, but I am big on presentation... it's the Martha in me. However, this event has so far been completely stress-free. Let's hope it stays that way tomorrow! Other than no one showing up, I can't forsee any problems.


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Great ideas! I love the individually frozen slices of fruit-fabulous idea!!

My best tip is, like MissBrittany says, take help when it's offered. Potlucks are fun and easy for everyone. Plus, you get to taste a variety of good dishes...some of which you might not normally prepare yourself.

Last year I changed our Christmas Eve dinner (which is a small gathering with the 5 of us, my bff and her husband and son, and my mom) from a full sit down dinner to a soup supper. Big hit! Everyone liked the infomality of it, the warmth of the soup was perfect on the cold night and it just set the scene nicely for relaxing together after the hustle and bustle of the weeks leading up to, and before the exciting but hectic fun of Christmas Day. Nice.

Sometimes if my guests ask if they can bring something, I ask them to bring dessert. I choose this because (please don't run me off of these boards) I don't like to bake or make desserts too much. I make up for it by taking appetizers to their parties...for the same reason! LOL!!

And I'm all for easy, but I rarely use paper plates at my dinners, just because I prefer not to. I have a huge stack of white plates and dishes that I use for all occasions...and just change the linens to match the holiday/event/theme. They are not expensive and all go into the dishwasher..so it's relatively simple to clean up.

One of my favorite tablescapes was the first year I hosted Thanksgiving for DH's side of the family. It was shortly after their grandfather passed away..and Tgiving was always at his house. I wanted it to be nice for this grieving family. I used a black tablecloth (my kitchen is black and white with yellow, red, and green accents) with black and white toile fabric (left over from making my curtains)as a runner and heaps of small orange and white pumpkins on the table, all from our farm patch. I also sprinkled in some fall colored leaves and some clear votive cups with tealights (in the silver foil cups for sparkle) all down the table. I used my white dishes-about 3 different patterns at that time, I have about 5 different ones now-and white cloth napkins. If I do say so myself, it was very pretty and elegant. I am thinking about repeating it this year.

Great thread...keep those ideas coming, ladies! I'm taking notes!

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
I put post-its on the outside of serving dishes and utensils so that people can "help" me get food to the table without too much direction. I also usually assign someone to make sure everyone is offered a beverage when they arrive - set up away from the kitchen!

I generally have kid-friendly movies, games and snacks ready to go in the family room. (this helps cut down the chaos considerably)

Aside from that, I bake in advance - as much as possible!