Elf Hat

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
I thought maybe this year I'd try the elf thing with my husband for fun. We're both going to be far away from our families at Christmas and it might be a fun little way to add some magic to the holidays.
I got to thinking that instead of an actual elf it would be cute if the elf just managed to lose his hat a lot and in odd places (inside the freezer, inside a lunchbox, etc.). Maybe sometimes there's be a small gift underneath it. Then I got to thinking about making some kind of cardboard cut outs of feet that I could press into the snow or some flour on the kitchen counter when *surprise* the elf made breakfast or Christmas cookies while we were sleeping.

So much for my attempt at creativity. I did a search to see what kind of pattern I could find for a hat and someone else is already selling them: http://www.elfhats.com/elfhats/mainpages/Page2.htm

I think I'll still make my own pattern and make a hat just the size I want it. May have to make a couple extras in case the elf decides to have a couple of his friends over.



Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Middle Georgia
That sounds like fun. I had thought about introducing a new elf this year for my husband too. I did the elf thing with my 21 y/o son last year. it was his first year as the only "child" since his brother got married. the elf sent his introduction letter to him at college informing him that Santa didn't trust him to be without adult supervision so he would have to be at his parents house. I set up a free yahoo email and the elf emailed him a couple of times after that. (as well as a few times during the year) Fortunately, my son is close enough to come home on weekends so we got to do things then as well as during break... Like the elf "borrowing" his car for a Krystal run, leaving pillows and Krystal containers in his car....along with a Krystal gift card and a note.

I found an elf that is permently attached to a gift box about 6"X6" so I left little "treats" in there for my son. I know it may seem silly, but with no small children in the family it was fun and he got a kick out of it. He asked me the other day if I thought Santa would let Bernie come back this year. BTW, his brother was totally jealous and tells everybody that HE didn't get an elf when he was home...did I mention that he's 25! :rotflol:

I think your husband would get a kick out of it.......


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Frosty sound's like alot of fun. I think your dh will get a kick out of it too. I was telling dh about the elves and he told me he wanted one too. :slap:

Eaglesax- DD13 wanted to be in charge of our magic elves. But our elves are coming in different forms (we have 2 elves, reindeer and teddy bear) since elves come in all shapes and forms. I told her about them and when we went looking for them since she wanted to be in charge of them she wanted to help find them also. She picked out her elf and she said the other kids would think something was up if she didn't have one too. Yes she is still only 13 but very mature for her age. I know she just wanted one and it had nothing todo with her sister and brothers.


Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Middle Georgia
KimD, sounds like you have a "Christmasfanic" in the making. not to mention 13 being a hard age, she now has an elf thing excuse with her friends. :haha: Sounds like a smart girl!


Retire Member
Sep 19, 2008
I am so glad to here that the older ones enjoyed this. I had already decided to do this for my DH and DD, who is 26, but living back at home at the moment. I thought it would be a lot of fun. We have had Advent Calendars the past few years and I am not sure that I will get them done this year for each of us. Anyway, I need some variety. I may do the calendars and use many days of just holiday sayings, jokes, etc. and a piece of candy. But, the elf idea will be great. I can use the elfkin antics for all kinds of things. I may even have DDs boss, sneak the elf in at work once or twice with some mayhem.

I think that I will kick mine off in a rather unusual way. I have an elf costume that was DHs when he was little. My late MIL made it for him for an elementary school program. It is adorable. My DD also wore it one Christmas when she was little. DHs brother used to have an awesome Santa suit and real looking beard. He would dress up during the holidays for his young grandkids and friend's kids. I had him come to my high school one year and we sold Santa photos to the kids. They loved it. Then one year he dressed up and appeared at a children's party that was held at our golf club. DD wore her daddy's elf suit and helped pass out the packages with her uncle.

So, I think that I will launch our dear elf by putting out the original elf costume and leave behind some cute letter instructing them that he (the elf) decided that it had been way too long since they had been involved with the elves and that although he was too old himself and retired now, that he was sending a magical elf to visit and keep them young. I'm hoping that this will get them involved in the antics.