We all use these monthly special days to help us in our individual ways.
For me, I use GPD to nurture friendships and to socialize. After a five-year gap, I've decided to institute our neighborhood block party again - a neighbor who is leaving soon offered to help. So we decided to do it on short notice. It is this Saturday - with rain date Sunday.
Organizing the party is a lot of work. Getting permission from the county to close the road. Making and distributing announcements. Putting out tables (for the food and drinks) and chairs. Exhausting. But so much fun!
In past years, we have had as many as 200 people - all bringing food and drink to share. This time will be smaller - since we got a really late start. (One week to organize.) I have decided not to be a perfectionist - to just enjoy as many people as are able to come. We can always have another block party in the fall - or next year! :hat:
For me, I use GPD to nurture friendships and to socialize. After a five-year gap, I've decided to institute our neighborhood block party again - a neighbor who is leaving soon offered to help. So we decided to do it on short notice. It is this Saturday - with rain date Sunday.
Organizing the party is a lot of work. Getting permission from the county to close the road. Making and distributing announcements. Putting out tables (for the food and drinks) and chairs. Exhausting. But so much fun!
In past years, we have had as many as 200 people - all bringing food and drink to share. This time will be smaller - since we got a really late start. (One week to organize.) I have decided not to be a perfectionist - to just enjoy as many people as are able to come. We can always have another block party in the fall - or next year! :hat: