How does everyone KEEP their house clean????????????????????

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MHH Member
Oct 15, 2007

It seems the more I try to get organized the worse I get. :slap: Do you just clean ALL the time with no sit down time.

I do know that one of my problems is that when I am cleaning and I get the area looking pretty good but not finished.....I quite. Why do I do that???? It drives me crazy. Everytime I tell myself that I am not going to do that...but I do.

One other thing I do is spend to much time on the computer!!!!!!!! :bang: I love checking this site. I get caught up here going from different links that everyone puts here and before I realize it has been an hour or two....and I have not gotten any housework done. I also like to play games on the computer. Isn't that crazy. I am a grown woman and I spend way to much time playing computer games. It is a good thing I don't go to the casinos cause it would be dangerous for me.

I am a list maker. If I would do everything on my list on the days I have written them down I would have the most organized and cleaniest house there was.

I know one of my problems is that I put things off till the last minute. I HATE THAT!!!!!!!

Tell wise, wise ladies of Magical Holiday Home......WHAT CAN I DO TO FIX THIS PROBLEM??? :thud:

Please :help: me.

:package: :package: :package:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
I know what you mean about being on the computer (and computer games). When I didn't have mine for about 6 weeks earlier this year, I got SO MUCH accomplished!!

Some things I have found that help me...

I've lowered my expectations of a "clean" house. With kids, a spotless home just ain't happening! I have come to the conclusion that doors are a good thing and, hey, if the health department doesn't shut down some of the food establishments I've been in, then my house is pretty darn good :haha: !

I also have 30-60 minutes of housekeeping (depends on the day) on my to-do list each day. Once I get that time in, I don't think about the house. If I don't get it in all in (whether it's a good reason or not), I don't stress over it either - I just put it at the top of the cleaning list for the next day/week/month.

As a family we do a 10 Minute Tidy each evening. I set a timer, everyone runs around and cleans up, when the timer goes off, we are done. Afterwards we have a dessert, play a game, watch a little tv or take a walk together. This helps motivate the kids and me to at least make the house presentable so that when I wake up in the morning, I want to try and keep it that way.

Hope this helps...good luck!


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
Do you mean clean or do you mean tidy? I have accepted the fact that my house will not be tidy as long as the children are here. That being said, I am pretty crazy about cleaning. I don't clean like I did before kids, because it's useless and just upsets me. I do keep the bathroom and kitchen clean. I wipe counters several times a day, keep the dishes put away or in the dishwasher, wipe down the stove after cooking and sweep the floor daily. The bathroom gets clorox wiped daily.

I'm not great at dusting. I do that weekly. I try to pick one task out of the usual every day...change sheets on the bed, clean the ceiling fans, dust the tall furniture (armoire, entertainment center, etc.), vacuum the steps, clean light fixtures, and so on. Then go through it again. Most people say my house is clean.

I have a short attention span, so I tend to flit from thing to thing unless I MAKE myself do something to completion. Then I reward myself with an email check or web visit.



New Member
Jan 3, 2008
A couple of tips -- (1) during commercials, run out of the room and do something while the commercial is on. (Throw in a load of laundry, do some clean-up in the kitchen, etc. (2) Use your favorite TV programs as cleaning time -- then you don't even think about the cleaning you are doing, because your mind is on the program. Don't sit down, just keep working.

Invite somebody over. It doesn't have to be for dinner -- just for coffee is fine. This really forces me to look critically at the areas the guest will see. You have to be sure the bathroom and kitchen are clean, the front entry, the living room (if that is whereyou will sit). It is always inspiring. Sometimes it inspires me to clean the whole house!


Retire Member
Jan 10, 2008
You could peruse FLYLady for tips.

I wrote some of my favorites in a FLYBaby notebook I made. You can browse the tips on my blog: Celebrate Starflake: FLYBaby Notebook. They're catered to my family/home, of course, so adapt to suit your unique needs.


MHH Member
Oct 15, 2007
Thanks ladies. I try to make a routine every morning and I have said that I am not getting on the computer till I have so much of my duties done. It is just not happening. When I get up in the morning, I get my coffee and head to the computer, check my email, and then come here. I have not posted alot here but I guess you would call me a lurker. But I am getting better about posting.

I do make my bed, start laundry, clean the kitchen (cause I did not do it the night before), go back to the laundry (it nevers ends). I make lunch, clean the kitchen, kids down for nap, and come here some but lately I have had to sit up a playpen in my office for a kid that I am keeping so he is taking his nap in the office so I can't get on so I am getting some things done but then sometimes I am soooo tried that I lay down to.

I think my MAIN problem is that I never finish a room. I get it also most picked up and cleaned then I quite. Another main problem I have is not cleaning the kitchen after supper. The BIG problem there is we do not eat at the table. We eat in the livingroom. I never get up and go back to the kitchen. We send the kids back with our plates and my husband and I watch TV. And it can be shows that I don't even like :slap: :slap: :slap: . That is bad.

I am being really honest with you girls. Maybe confusion is good for the soul and now I will do better. I do have all my laundry done and all of it put up except what is drying on hangers, and I have everything ironed (No pile, waiting to be ironed). The real test will come tonight after dinner. Wish me luck girls.....I am going to need it.

:package: :package: :package:


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA are not alone...LOl

Here are some things I try doing...

1. Daily "to dos" focus on a specific room....if I get nothing else done that day...except that room...I consider it a success...and since each room comes up once a week...over time they start being easier to clean as they are getting consistent attention.

2. I do have a Quick Kitchen Clean and General pick up on my daily list also...cause without understand that one.

3. I am working hard to declutter...look around and see if clutter is standing in your way of being able to clean better and quicker. If so...make a plan to declutter for 15 minutes a day.

4. Do not get discouraged...messes and clutter were not created overnight but little by little you can get them under control.

5. I too...spend far to much time playing/writing on the play a little game...clean for for 15...set a timer. Or do your room for the day and then reward yourself with the computer.

6. Make a plan...keep it simple and doable for each day...for example I take Friday evening off....I know I am not coming home and cleaning on a Friday. BUT do make a plan...write it it several places...fridge...on your desk...etc...Stick wqith any plan for at least a month...then revise if needed.


Retire Member
Jul 18, 2008
I echo everyone's response that you are not alone, Christmas3. I think most of us have struggled or still do struggle with getting in a routine that works for us and that we are able to keep up with. Here are some things that have helped me.

1. I made a weekly check-off list on the computer then put it in a plastic sheet protector. I use wipe-off markers to mark everything off the list. There is something gratifying about seeing the page filled (or even mostly filled) with blue check marks.

2. I agree with MomOf4's advice about moving those tasks that didn't get done to the next day (or week....or month.....) It takes the pressure off of me to get absolutely EVERYTHING done. I know that it will get done next week.

3. I also like MomOf4's advice to lower your expectations. I've had to do that too. It's just me in my house (I'm single) but I work a lot of long hours. I have to remind myself sometimes that I'm not living in a museum. My home WILL look lived in. I can't help that because I do live here. It can look presentable but it doesn't have to be perfect. It only has to be "perfect" for me.

4. There's some great advice in these posts...........just keep trying different things (i.e., different ways to reward yourself when you finish tasks, different organizational tools, different plans) until you find one that fits your lifestyle and works for you.

5. Lastly, I'd say cut yourself some slack and don't compare yourself to anyone else or your home to anyone else's home. And squash any "head talk" that tells you that you are failing. You're not. Your taking care of your family. Sometimes that's enough.


Premiere Member
Dec 27, 2007
Austria - Europe
Don't put yourself under too much pressure! A few days ago, I also posted a
thread about cleaining: viewtopic.php?f=57&t=3206

Additional to your daily/weekly minimum routines I recommend you to have short cleaning/decluttering sessions and finish them (eg not longer
than 15min). Maybe you can schedule one 15min session definitely and if you have time and if you want add another one or
two 15min session on this day.

I think most of use are struggeling with this and it it good to know that you are not alone!

You will make it!



Santa's Elves
Oct 13, 2007
West Midlands, UK.
I am pretty good at tidying and cleaning, but must admit I tend to fall off the wagon a bit when the kids are off school. No sooner have I tidied something then it's a mess again.

I'm still doing my morning routine - making beds, cleaning toilets, emptying/re-filling dishwasher and washing machine and doing a tidy round. I usually like to do this before I take my daughter to school, so while she is off I'm trying to get this done as soon as I get up.

As for dusting, hoovering, cleaning I like to do the whole house in 1 day so that it's finished but again while the kids ar off I'm doing a bit each day.

There are certain tasks which I do monthly - clean windows, wash ornaments, hoover curtains, descale dishwasher/washing machine etc. I shall try and do them for August but if I don't manage it I won't fret as the HHP starts 31 August and I know I will try my best to get everything ship shape for Christmas.


MHH Member
Oct 15, 2007
Thanks everyone for your encouragement. I did alot better last night. The supper dishes got put in the dishwasher, the fish grilling things got washed, the table got wiped down, and even the ALL the groceries (last night was grocery night) got put up...nothing to do this morning but make my coffee and put my sausage casserole in the oven. It felt good!!!!!!!!!!! One thing that helped was we ALL sat at the table. I do alot better when we sit at the table in the kitchen. We will need to start doing that more. I really wanted to get on the computer last night and tell you girls this but my husband does not like for me to get on the computer when he is here. The computer is in the office and he is in the living room watching TV. He likes for me to be in the livingroom with him. He misses me during the day. (right). BUT when he turns on some type of sport, I get on the computer becuase I can not get into sports.

I had to get on this morning after I got my coffee and come visit with my Christmas friends. I missed you all last night. lol :haha: :haha:

I am going to try to do better today. I have told myself I will not get back on the computer till I have certain things done today. I will miss you all but I WILL get my things DONE and I will be back. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!

:package: :package: :package:


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
:party: Good for you!!! :party:


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
:party: WAY TO GO


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
:party: Hooray!! Way to go!! You are ahead of me this morning! I'd better get moving!! :-D


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 26, 2007
Central Vermont
I know that as long as I am kids living here, CLEAN is never an option. I just do the best I can...

~I make sure to throw all junk or unwanted mail in the trash after bringing it inside and looking thru it. This can be a huge clutter problem.

~I wash dishes AS I cook supper.

~I have a distinct chore for each day of the week. EX: Mondays I clean the bathroom. Thursdays I do laundry. Like my grandmother, this keeps me organized to regular chores and if I miss a day then I know where I need to be.

~For chores such a cleaning the bathroom, I keep the cleaners needed there. I keep a container of the window cleaner (alcohol, water and vinegar) under the sink for quick cleanups when unexpected company arrives. That cleaner does wonders on chrome!

Thank you for all the other hints I have read here. I always welcome ways to improve my system!


Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
Great job Christmas3 :applause:
My house is never as clean as I want it to be either. No matter what you clean there always seems to be something else that gets messy. Lately I have been thinking of little things I could do to help me accomplish more. Here are some things I do that have been working for me and new things I am trying to do. Like others here, I have specific tasks I do each day. Mopping bathrooms upstairs and dusting on Mondays, Mopping floors downstairs, errands and grocery shopping on Tuesdays, Wednesdays are free days or declutter days etc. I wrote down the bare minimum of cleaning tasks that have to be done daily or weekly then tried to divide them up in a way that is manageable for me and not take too long (Sundays are off except for the Kitchen and menu planning). The jobs that I tend to dread and want to put off (the bathrooms) I have broken down further. The thought of cleaning everything in all three bathrooms all on the same day wasn't working for me so I split it up. The mopping is done on Mondays, counters, mirrors and toilets on Thursdays unless another wipedown is necessary, and bathtubs/shower on Saturday. I'm trying to get everyone to rinse the sink after they use it. Since the kids are messy with the toothpaste, I cut a piece of clear rubber drawer liner to put under their toothbrushes and toothpaste so I can easily pick that up to clean it. If someone unexpectedly wants to come over I can quickly remove the mat and the bathroom is clean.
When my kids where in diapers I had a problem with eczema on my hands caused by soaps and frequent washing my hands. To help me with that I began to combine my tasks. Anytime I know I'm going to have to wash my hands, I think of what else I can quickly do. Start a load of laundry, empty garbage, load any new dishes into the dishwasher, wipe fingerprints off a door or two etc. then I wash my hands. All other jobs that are less frequent (wiping baseboards etc.) I have tried to incorporate into the room a week idea, but break it up too. Instead of doing all the baseboards, I might just do one or two walls after I wash the dishes etc. Within the day or week it gets done instead of all at once. I feel just doing just a little here and there instead of all at once really adds up. Start small otherwise it is hard to stick with it. ::eek:rnament:


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Congratulations on your progress, Christmas3! And congratulations to every one of us - for trying and trying and trying some more! And the hints really do help. Sometimes, a new way of looking at things inspires us! ::eek:rnament:


MHH Member
Oct 15, 2007

I did everything on my TO DO LIST. I knew everyone here was cheering my on. Thanks ladies. I even cleaned the kitchen tonight after supper. My kitchen looks so good. I have had time to sit down and work on my Christmas Notebook tonight.

I hope that I can keep this motivation going.

Thanks everyone!!!!!!

:package: :package: :package: