Its snowing

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New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Isn't it amazing how much the weather affects us? For lots of us, it is a really big factor in how we feel. It's kind of strange, since with heating and fans or air conditioning - we can sort of control our small inside environments.

It's cool and cloudy and raining where I am. That is weather that makes me feel like bustling around and doing lots of work inside. Luckily, I do not have lots of appointments and can work inside today.

I wish the summer didn't make me feel like a big slug!!!! I"m going to try to collect some tips to make myself feel better during the summer. I know that having things decluttered as much as possible helps. Clear surfaces are very soothing in the summer. For me, making dinner as early in the morning as possible is a big help. (Just knowing that that work is done and the mess is cleaned up, makes the whole day easier.) Do you have any things that help you keep going in the summer?
Or should we all just run away to the beach together?


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
It's been raining off and on since late Saturday night. :-( Early in the day Saturday the temps were up to 80 degrees. By 7:30 p.m. a cold wind came out of nowhere and chilled everything down very quickly.


Retire Member
Dec 25, 2007
Northern Germany
Yesterday we could sit outside in the garden. Today it´s very cloudy and they said it would give hail the next days ~ April fool ;)