July 16th-22nd 2023

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
The forecast for the week is calling for cool temperatures but no rain, looking forward to a sunny week. It is about now that I really yearn for Spring but I know that for us August is the coldest month of the year so have to wait a little while yet. I will though start looking at HGP plans and set aside days at the end of August to make a start. I fell behind last year so am keen to make it all the way through in 2023. We generally take some holidays in September or October so need to make allowances for this. I would like to be completely finished by December so that I have time to concentrate on other things.

Water throughout day, especially as we have the heating on.
Shower/bath at night,
Moisturise, brush teeth, lip balm, hand cream
Clean kitchen and DW on before bed.
Read and sleep at reasonable time

*washing (X)(X)
*fold washing ( )
*vacuum floors ( )
*clean bathrooms (X)( )
*meal planning ( )
*general tidy up ( )
*clean fridge/freezers ( )
*tidy pantry/stockpile (X)
*make work lunches (X)
*shopping list (fortnightly) ( ) grocery shopping (fortnightly) ( )

Quarterly/Seasonal Goals:
June, July and August.....WINTER

*Baking day, try a new recipe and an old favourite (X)
*Target savings in bank (X) Set a new goal to hit buy the end of Winter, and save for cruise. Have full payment by December.
*Review word of the year ( )
*Visit DH's Uncle ( )
*Day trip to Yass ( )
*Day trip to Oura (X)
*Sort through and organise Family History (X) This is my Winter project for 2023, must get it done..it took 4 days but it is done!!!!
*Work on and post June Rudy Day (X)
*Work on and post CIJ (/ )
*Work on and post wrapping party dates to post in August (/ )
*Start planning HGP (/ )
*Start decluttering for move next year (/ ) I have a plan for this at least, will ramp up during HGP
*Plan mini vacation to coast September ( )
*Holidays in September/October? ( )
*At least one no spend day/week per month (X)(X)( )
*Start thinking ahead for Winter, meals (X)plans (X)celebrations ( )goals (X)

Fun/Christmas prep:

*tidy gift closet ( )
*update planner (X)
*work on CIJ posts ( ) 4 days done just need to edit.
*work on wrapping party posts ( )
*do something that is just for me (X)
*start/continue/finish one craft project (X) Using up scrap wool, finished bookmark.
*start/continue/finish one book/magazine ( ) Goal for the year is to read 10. I have read 9
*continue looking for stocking fillers, gifts and supplies ( ) My challenge for 2023 is to do great stockings, useful and interesting items.

This week:

*Connect with family via phone, email or text (X)
*Increase rent deposit (X)
*Work Monday and Tuesday (X)
*Shopping trip with DB Thursday (X)
*Trip to farm Friday/meet with plasterer (X)

5 small chores:
*Dust furniture ( )
*Shred paper ( )
*Empty pantry/make meal plan ( )
*Tidy medicine cupboard (X)
*Pay car registration ( )
*Ironing (X)

*CIJ project..
Empty and check
*Gift closet ( )
*Christmas Eve basket items (X)
*NYE items (X)
*Family dinner items (X)
*Stockpile ( )
*Add/delete any items to planner ( )

Word of the Year 2023: Progress
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
We went from a very dry spring with lots of sunny days to a hot, humid and rainy summer so far. Last weekend we got 8 inches of rain. This weekend another 2-3 inches is expected.

This is my Reality Check week. It's where my goals/dreams for my own personal projects happen or they hit the road. Either those things I put off for "some day" happen this week or they don't. This is the week that I move on guilt-free because "some day" is here.

  • Exercise
  • Prayer
  • Calendar Review of Appointments/Meetings
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Dust/Vacuum/Mop
  • Bills
  • Laundry
  • Menu Planning
  • Groceries
  • End of Week Reflection
  • Set Research/Writing Goals
  • Weed Garden
  • Bedroom
    • Dust.
    • Vacuum.
    • Clean Windows.
    • Declutter room.
    • Shred papers.
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Declutter/Organize Office
  • Christmas Prep List from June and July
  • Garage Declutter
  • Hall Declutter
  • Austen Book
  • Declutter Art Supplies


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Mary, once again I get great inspiration from your to do list. Your week and mine are very similar this week.

I am interested that you have decided to let go of some things. I am getting to that stage where things have been on the list for far too long and are obviously not a priority to me. Time to ditch them and make ways for more important things.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
I am back to report that having a "Reality Week" was the best thing I could do for myself. I realized three things:

  • The first thing I realized is that my needs and my dreams go hand in hand. At the root of those dreams is a thread that leads to my needs.
  • The second thing I realized is that for a reason I have yet to uncover fully, I put off taking care of my "needs" at the expense of my dreams.
  • The third thing I realized is that the dream may look different and change over time and it's absolutely okay if that happens. I am not a failure. Last summer, I achieved one of my dreams but it came at a cost of burnout. I lost my creative spirit until this Reality Week. That time I made to be creative allowed my mind to be free and as a result, I had this great epiphany on how I wanted to do my family research writing with all of my sources noted. This past week all I did was work on my family research writing with some breaks to watch DIY programs.

Reality Week accomplishment:
  • I made a twine rope covered container. I glued two heavy duty cardboard tubes together from my stash. Then I glued the twine rope around the bottom and sides. I painted the interior of the container white and then I did a bit of white paint on the top inch of the rope.
  • I had these glazed pottery ornaments that were ugly from the get go. They were going to be tossed but I thought I'd try to give them new life first. I painted them with chalk paint and put glitter on them. They are basic looking but will fit into our Christmas decor.
Going forward, I'm going to add in a quarterly Reality Week for those things that inspire me and make me feel alive and creative.
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Going forward, I'm going to add in a quarterly Reality Week for those things that inspire me and make me feel alive and creative.
Mary. you are so inspiring to me. You always have such a pragmatic way of looking at things!
I love that once a quarter you are going to take some timeout for a reset.....a fabulous idea which I may be borrowing.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
Thank you and yes, please do borrow it! It's funny you mention "reset" because I wouldn't have thought that initially but I do feel like that now. I may sneak in another week at the end of September just to be sure I'm in the right frame of mind for the final three months of 2023. I'll let you know if I do.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Thank you and yes, please do borrow it! It's funny you mention "reset" because I wouldn't have thought that initially but I do feel like that now. I may sneak in another week at the end of September just to be sure I'm in the right frame of mind for the final three months of 2023. I'll let you know if I do.
Let me know if you do.
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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I had these glazed pottery ornaments that were ugly from the get go. They were going to be tossed but I thought I'd try to give them new life first. I painted them with chalk paint and put glitter on them. They are basic looking but will fit into our Christmas decor.
Going forward, I'm going to add in a quarterly Reality Week for those things that inspire me and make me feel alive and creative.
Some times our soul is like your pottery ornaments. We need to repaint and glitter ourself.
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