Kicking myself now!

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Retire Member
Jan 5, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Well, I'm kicking myself now for not keeping up last week with JJ and getting the living room taken care of. I had a long week at work and ended up with quite a bit of overtime. Between that and taking care of my baby, I never got to the living room last week. Oh yeah, and it was too cold to do the porch the week before.

So, now I've gone and invited friends over for dinner on Thursday night. I spent most of this morning trying to pull the living room together, but now I've got to leave for work for the evening and I'll be gone all day Wed. I have work for about 3 hours on Thursday morning, so I'll have about 4 hours on Thursday afternoon to clean the kitchen, the bathroom, the front porch (the walk way is covered with a 6 in. pile of leaves - I don't mind walking through them, but not my guests!) and finish up the living room. Oh yeah - and cook up a lasagna - that I haven't gone grocery shopping for yet!!!!

What was I thinking?!?! Ack!!! If only I had followed the JJ like I was supposed to, I would have most of the cleaning done and all I would have had to do was spot clean and cook. I really need to work on this organization bit....

~Laney :help:


Santa's Elves
Don't worry about it! It will work out fine! We all live and learn. Besides, you may find you work better under pressure!

I got sick in December about a week and a half before my daughters birthday. I always throw a big Christmas/Birthday party in her honor. I was so sick for like 9 days, felt better 2 days before, but had nothing done whats so ever for the party. I resigned to the fact what got done, got done, and who cares if something wasn't perfect. Do you know it was the best. most stress free party ever! No pressure! You get together will be perfect, even if there are leaves on the porch!

Enjoy your company!

Kelly :bigsnow:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
Noelsmommy you are right, what gets done gets done. About 10- 12 yrs. ago I worked with a lady that was having a big celebration for their 25th ann.. She madeus nervous at work always talking about wanted needed done and no decorations and on and on. But at the hall it was one of the nicest I went to. Looked so nice and she wasn't stressed.


Retire Member
Jan 5, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Well, I guess there is good news. A snow storm is supposed to hit tomorrow night right about the time my friends were coming over and they live 30-40 min. away. SO in the interest of their safety (and my sanity) we're rescheduling to next week I think.

Phew, another emergency avaded. I never thought I would say "Thank God for the snow." LOL!!!

So now I have a week to get things together - and I'm going to take it seriously this time!!! I'll just do a bit each day and whatever gets done, gets done. If things aren't perfect, my friends won't care. Why do we get so worked up?

A much calmer Laney :)


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
LOL, Laney! Good luck!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Two minutes with the a leaf blower will take care of the leaves before the snow. Then if the snow is light two minutes with the leaf blower will take care of the snow too. I use my leaf blower all year long. I've even done my kitchen floor with it. I just opened the door to outside and blew the dirt out the door. Lots easier than a hauling out a vacuum, rake or shovel. Might not be how my mother or Martha Stewart would do it but it worked fine.

Doing housework 15 minutes every day is all it takes. 15 minutes a day equals to 1 hour 45 minutes work a week. And if you can squeeze in two 15 minute sessions daily that equals 3 hours 30 minutes a week. It really does add up once you get started. You don't have to wait until you house is "clean" to do this either.

It's my "no excuse" housework for the day.


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
LOL! I love the leaf blower in the kitchen! And, yes, sometimes I've thought a shovel would work much better than a broom in my kitchen too. I use my vacuum for anything I can - I've even used it on my kitchen table!


Retire Member
Jan 5, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Hahahaha!!! I love the idea of using the leaf blower in the kitchen!!! How true that it may not be the way Martha Stewart does it, but it gets the job done :)


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
momof4--glad to see that I'm not the only one who vacumes the table. I even use it on the kitchen counter after I give the toaster a good clean out-which reminds me that it's time to do so again.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
When the kids were younger and we asked for them to clean the play room and they wouldn't, DH would back up to the window and take the screen out and gently with a snow shovel start putting toys the bed of the truck. You talk about kids starting to move. Of course the John Deere toys were put in front seat! Never really helped they rarely kept it clean. Thats why they had a room and the door could be closed! Now my craft room