Let's talk about SUNSCREEN

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Santa's Elves
Nov 20, 2007
SO- I heard a piece on my local radio station about sunscreen and was surprised to learn a few things.

I will start off with a confession- I am pretty good about putting sunscreen on my kids but not so good with putting it on myself other than my daily facial moisturizer that had SPF 15 in it. :frown:

My biggest surprise was HOW MUCH sunscreen you are supposed to wear... They said you don't get the full SPF listed on the label if you skimp on how much you apply. They said that the average person going to say the beach, should apply no less than 1 ounce of sunscreen ( which is the equivalent of a shot glass full) to cover their body. So an 8 ounce bottle ( which is average) of sunscreen should only last you (one person) 8 applications, not all summer! And , if you are actually out in the sun all day you should be reapplying that 1 ounce amount several times! Also the average t-shirt gives you almost zero protection and you really should apply sunscreen under the average shirt. They recommended a product called Sunguard, which is something you add to your laundry wash to add SPF to clothing. This is especially recommended for kids. Here is the link for that http://www.sunguardsunprotection.com/.

I think I need to Celebrate me (and my kids) by having a more generous slather fest.

Here is a link to some sunscreen facts.
http://www.aad.org/media/background/fac ... screen.htm

I challenge you to do your skin a favor and dig out the shot glass and give it a measured whirl the next time you apply you sunscreen!

Also - do you have a great brand of sunscreen you use? Tell us about it !

Let's talk sunscreen, ladies!


Santa's Elves
My DH is TERRIBLE about putting on sunscreen! In fact he has an awful burn right now. Our backyard is a Sun/heat magnet. We have a small pool and I am definitly going to look into that product pixiestick! Also want to get the boys those swimsuits that zipper up the front-
http://www.sunwiseswimwear.com/ttc/swim ... /1_14.html
Because of the water I like the thicker sunscreens that don't wash off quite as easily. I'm guilty of not using alot of sunscreen, luckily I don't burn very easily and barely tan-I kind of 'tint'. :grin:


Retire Member
Jan 10, 2008
Yes, and don't forget that the shade might offer no protection if you're around reflective water or sand! Plus check that sunblock expiration date. And don't forget your ears or scalp. (I remember wearing my hair in pigtail braids and forgetting to protect my scalp at the part. Ouch!) Also, in case you don't know, you need to let the sunblock soak into your skin before you swim and reapply periodically for best protection. And just because you're wearing sunblock doesn't mean it's healthy to let your skin worship the sun all day.

One last soapbox rant: please protect your kids. Their skin is so fragile. Even if they don't thank you later, their skin will. And while you're at it, (politely) nag your friends to do the same (with themselves and any kids of theirs). Healthy peer pressure can do wonders for your collective well-being.

I love the smell of coconut sunblock; gets me in the festive summer mood. I usually grab a bottle of Banana Boat sport sunblock with a high SPF -- sometimes the spritz-on type. When I'm at the beach, I'm usually there to swim and/or admire the waves/sea shells/etc. When I get out of the water, I drape a thick towel over my shoulders and, if I'm lingering, I cover up with a nice hat to protect my eyes/face. Swimming at the pool is easy because it's just a few steps away: when I'm done swimming, I head inside.

I grew up around sunny beaches (Hawaii, California, North Carolina, et al) and have always tanned easily. However, being "tan" does not interest me; my health does. To me, tanning is a fad that ultimately hurts your skin and makes you physically age in the long run. And we've all heard this before, but I honestly see little difference between baking in the sun with tanning oil slathered all over the one and only body you'll ever have and a turkey baking in the oven. And when are you ever tan enough? And the effects fade, so you have to repeat the cycle over and over again. Why not just jump off that treadmill and worship your skin as it is instead of the sun? Okay, I'm done nagging. *wags finger one last time* Well, at least for now. :haha:


Santa's Elves
Nov 20, 2007
jackfrosty said:
Also want to get the boys those swimsuits that zipper up the front-
http://www.sunwiseswimwear.com/ttc/swim ... /1_14.html


I agree I have a suit like this for both my kiddos-- I call it their sunsuit instead of swimsuit! They are great! The ones I got are from a different place and they go all the way to wrist and ankles. They really don't get hot in them even with that much coverage.

I also try and make them where a hat- which can be a battle but I keep at it!