new at notebooks! suggestions and help needed!

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MHH Member
Dec 23, 2007
i'm starting a Christmas/winter notebook, and i'm thinking I want to do a Fall notebook and a Spring/Summer notebook too. but i have no idea where to start..i've started printing out some of the forms.....but a lot of the forms do not apply to me.....i love the idea of a kids craft section (thanks to whoever posted that idea!!!!) but not sure what else i need????? help!!

i know i need something to keep track of the gifts i've purchased, i know i need something for holiday recipes/food, a section for baking... that's all for the Christmas note book...
but what should i put in the other two?????????

suggestions and help is GREATLY!!! appreciated! thank you in advance!!!!
:confused: :help:
Whatever is special to you during those seasons!!! If you are into gardening or crafting it all depends!!!

My Binders include

Christmas Binder
Recipe binder -being formed with connieangela next month
Mini Planner binder -mini binder bought @ goodwill with 2008 calendar refill pages bought at WalMart
Home Binder-NEW with the guidance of FlyLady
Control Journal/Binder-NEW also with FlyLady


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
I decided on doing seasonal notebooks. In each one I have a calendar section listing bdays, anniversaries, etc.; a home maintainance schedule for the season; a menu planning section where I keep track of our dinners (I like to tweak our dinners based on the season); and a section for each holiday/activity during that season. Under the holiday/activity sections I include all info I need for that day/time of year - crafts, book & video lists, seasonal recipes, menus for special dinners, lists of ideas or info I might need, etc.

FALL- back to school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and I include my version of the Holiday Grand Plan/Christmas Countdown since it starts in the fall and is pretty much over at Thanksgiving.
WINTER- Advent, Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day - might include Jumpstart January/Easter Countdown since it will start here
SPRING- St.Patrick's Day, Lent, Easter, end of school
SUMMER- vacation, July 4th, camping

I agree that many of the printables I've found don't fit me either. I've altered some to fit me and made up some of my own on Word and just print them out as I need them.

Hope this wasn't too wordy and it helps!


Santa's Elves
I love my Christmas countdown binder! It is a seperate entity.
I have One Mega binder for the other holidays and I rotate upcoming holidays to the front. My tear files are included in this one . They are envelopes hole punched and named for the different sections at these message boards. they act as dividers for these sections as well.
I also have a household notebook with health, cleaning and school info sections. This is my first year for notebooks, also, so I am open to new ideas!


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fallsington, Pa
I have notebooks for every holiday-Holiday Grand Plan-Organized
Christmas-Christmas Countdown-My routines each day-Menus-etc-and now I am looking forward to starting some new
ones with Holiday Magic and all the wonderful ideas that are coming
to this new site-without all of these notebooks I would be lost.


:bigsnow: :bigsnow: :bigsnow: