No buy February

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Kim Loves Snow

Santa's Elves
Aug 3, 2008
Richmond, Virginia
Can one of you kindly explain to my sweet DH what No Buy February means? He came home with not one, but two 19" flat screen TV's. I had mentioned several months back that I'd like to have a small TV in the kitchen. So he bought one. At one point in time I mentioned that my mom might be able to use a small flat screen in one of her guest bedrooms so he bought one for that one too. Is it bad that the HHGregg manager RECOGNIZES my DH when he walks in the store???? Yes, that is bad. He told the sales guy to 'give him a deal' and they did. Both Tv's for the price of one plus $10. Still....I wish he had hidden it and wrapped in for Valentine's day or something. He is like a little kid when he buys you something - you almost alway get it right then and there without any cute paper and bows! :0) So much for no buy February!

PS: My parents are going to kill us! We bought them a 42" tv for Christmas as a thank you for all the help, love and support they had given us over the past year with his injury, our wedding, my hospitalization and surgery, etc. I PROMISED them we would not do something like that again and now I have another TV sitting in my house for them.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
wow Kim, 2 TV's. that's crazy. nmI have been doing pretty good. Party because I havn't had the extra cash but also b/c I talked my self out of "just looking" in certain areas of Target, and didn't buy any snack food there. I am redoing my coupons in notebook form and needed more of the card holder sleeves. They didn't have the small pack I needed so I raided DS 9s book. HE doesn't use them right now any way :) I did tell them though.


Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
Can one of you kindly explain to my sweet DH what No Buy February means? He came home with not one, but two 19" flat screen TV's. I had mentioned several months back that I'd like to have a small TV in the kitchen. So he bought one. At one point in time I mentioned that my mom might be able to use a small flat screen in one of her guest bedrooms so he bought one for that one too. Is it bad that the HHGregg manager RECOGNIZES my DH when he walks in the store???? Yes, that is bad. He told the sales guy to 'give him a deal' and they did. Both Tv's for the price of one plus $10. Still....I wish he had hidden it and wrapped in for Valentine's day or something. He is like a little kid when he buys you something - you almost alway get it right then and there without any cute paper and bows! :0) So much for no buy February!

hmm....I think your still good with the no buy February. Since one tv is for a gift, that one can be excused. This makes your TV essentially free. The $10.00 can be counted as tax and not EXACTLY a that doesn't count :). Plus think of the good you are doing by getting a free tv and saving someone else from buying it in no buy February. Now you can watch it without guilt :D


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Can one of you kindly explain to my sweet DH what No Buy February means? He came home with not one, but two 19" flat screen TV's.

Kim, you didn't buy it so You are still on a No Buy February.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jan 1, 2008
Kim IMHO your DH did great on more than one aspect. No offense to any of the gentlemen reading :) but your DH actually "heard" what you had said & responded. And he got a GREAT deal. So I say good job big guy:)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I agree with the things SN said.... I think the no buy February has more to do with not making frivolous purchases. We buy so mindlessly sometimes with no thought of whether we need it or not, where we are going to put it, or how we are going to use it....I like Becky's 24 hour wait rule.

I have a 95 year old grandmother that never bought things unless they served a purpose. She and my grandaddy managed to save a really nice nest egg by living a simple life. They had everything they needed, paid cash for everything, even vehicles, and lived a comfortable life. I could learn a lot of lessons from her.

I do think it is a good idea to see if we can fill a need by buying used or second-hand because it saves money and is a form of recycling.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I like Dakotamamaw's rule of waiting 24 hours. Here's another hint that has helped me:

If you see something you want, leave and if after a few days it keeps entering your mind that means you really do want it, so you should allow yourself to go back and get it.
9 times out of 10, that item won't even enter your mind.

This also works with fast food or really any kind of food cravings. Have you ever noticed you can get a hankering for something and days later you still feel that way? It's at that time, you go ahead and treat yourself.

In our society, more often than not, something sounds good to us to eat- and we run out and get it. But if we simply wait it out- many times the urge to eat (whatever) goes away.

For me, a few weeks ago I spotted a darling sweater. I wouldn't let myself get it. But that sweater keeps entering my thoughts. I went tonight to see if it was still at the store and it was- and now marked down to only $12.00!!!!! It started out as a $60.00 sweater. So, yes- I did buy it!


Kim Loves Snow

Santa's Elves
Aug 3, 2008
Richmond, Virginia
You ladies are so great! I feel better about the tv's now.

Jinglemom - Most excellent thought process!

Tricia - Thank you for showing me how wonderful DH is to have heard me and then treated me. You are so right. He did well.

MissJane - Living simply is a great way to live.

Annie - Great points! I have started trying that walk away from it method and it is working for me. AND, what a great result from waiting - your $12 sweater!!!!

Thanks everyone for making my day and making me feel better about the tv's.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Today.... I bought three $1 paperback books at the Clearance Aisle at Borders Book Store. It was my entertainment to go there. It was also my exercise.... to walk around outside and inside.

This is an indulgence..... but...... a very modest indulgence. The alternative was eating out.... or even getting a coffee out.... which I did not do! I REALLY needed to get out into the civilized world!!! I feel it was more of a "necessity" than an indulgence. I'm getting pretty "stir-crazy" here!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I can always justify my spending habits. No No buy February for me. I got some buy one get one free products from our local Priceline through the week. These items were on my Christmas list for DD and if I did not get them this month would have had to pay full price later in the year. Other than that I am doing pretty well on only buying essentials.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
We face a dilemma....... what if we come across some After-Valentine's Day Bargains?

I have found some of these to be very handy "last-minute gifts".... small things. When I go to a child's birthday party (in our extended family)... I bring a small wrapped gift for each other child too. (That is four extra, small gifts each time.) So.. since I DO do this.... I guess it is justifiable to buy in advance... at a terrific price.... if I see something good.

I only mention this because dh and I may be making our monthly trip to Wal-Mart today. (Maybe not. I'm just sayin'.........)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
SN-If it's something you know you can use, go for it. I find sometimes I buy some gift thinking I have someone to buy for then don't end up using them. Same thing for little things for goody bags and school parties. So I am trying to think before I buy stuff like that. Or buying candy b/c its on sale and goodness knows I don't need extra candy sitting around and no one else in the house does either.

I havn't posted much but have done a good job at keeping away from fast food the last few weeks so that's good for me.


Active Member
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Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
SparkleNana, I think if you buy only what you know you will use for the next party...then you're fine! I get into the habit of wanting to buy 20 things..."just in case"...and end up using none of it. So much money wasted! So buy just what you know you'll use! And no guilt!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
SN i think that if the item is in your note book as something that will be used later it is fine.

With the B1G1F I was talking about I did just that. I know that for Christmas I will be giving DD a box of all her favourite cosmetics and beauty essentials. The list includes things like face wipes, mascara, lip gloss, eyeliner etc. With the Priceline offer I got the mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss and eyeshadow and only paid for 2 items. I am now way ahead in finishing that gift.

If you can really be sure you are benefiting by buying an item then do so.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
I agree ...for several years I picked up lots of "little goodies" and then some got lost in the shuffle and never really used...NOW ...I try to have a specific purpose in mind and jot it in the notebook. Saves waste and over buying...

But I LOVE after holiday clearance....heheheheh


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Ginger I too love me a good clearance. I just have to have a purpose now before bringing stuff into my house.