Organising of Holiday Recipe Notebook

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Santa's Elves
Oct 13, 2007
West Midlands, UK.
I want to ask everyone how you plan on organising your Holiday Recipe Notebook?

Will you start a new notebook and divide it into sections by the categories that Connie Angela has given on the schedule, New years, Valentines, etc?


Will you file them in the recipe section if you already have a notebook for that particular subject, such as Easter, Halloween etc?

Just wanted to get everyone elses ideas on this as I've given it some thought and can't make my mind up on which way to go.

I did think it would be wonderful if Melinda could design us a cover and spine and some dividers.



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
Hmmmm ... good question. Since I have only one notebook, Christmas one, I'll put my recipes there. But I'm new. I'm thinking I may actually start having a few notebooks .... after I see how others do it! I am interested in the answer to your question as well! ::eek:rnament:


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
Good question, snowbelle. Now I don't know. I keep my regular recipes in 2 binders already and was just thinking I'd add more dividers there. It never occurred to me to put them in the holiday sections of my seasonal notebooks...hmmm

I'm anxious to hear what others are doing too.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I do have my Holiday recipes in my Holiday Notebooks. Then I have one Recipe Notebook for the rest. Right now it's a 2-inch notebook but may need to increase the notebook size soon. I do not have dividers in this big book but it needs it.
I have a binder for my Holiday Recipes but it is mainly for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Many of the recipes would work for other holiday's.

What I would like to do is to have another notebook for all of these other holiday's that we are working on and I believe that notebook is going to be my Happy Everything Notebook that I started last year. The vision that I have for this notebook is for it to be more than recipes. For it to hold information, party ideas, pictures and recipes. That when I am planning something for EASTER...I just go to my Happy Everything Notebook and turn to the EASTER section and find everything I need. I will keep Thanksgiving and Christmas in the Holiday Recipe Notebook. I will duplicate recipes if I need to. That way I am not looking in several different notebooks for a dip recipe.

For example. My Grandma's Rolls. I have this recipe in my MAIN recipe notebook....this holds all of my everyday recipes. It is also in my HOLIDAY notebook. And I'm sure I will find a place for it in my EVERYTHING notebook.

Does that make sense?

I will also be using the dividers that Melinda has on her site but also making some of my own with my Scrapbook supplies!

I'm so excited to get started!!


Retire Member
Jan 3, 2008
South East of UK
When i read your post snowbelle i thought i would be able to put them in my main, all year notebook i'm starting to put together. (Thanks to all the brill posts i've read). Now i've read all the posts on this thread and thought more, i don't think everything will fit in.

This is what i aim to do now.
File our families fave recipes and ones i can't resist from holiday cooking in this main notebook as i have dividers for every month and it will be no problem :rotflol: to add festival dividers within the monthly sections.

For all the other recipes i have in so many places and all the new ones we will have, i will write these out on index cards i bought yesterday and put them in a cute little plastic mini file i found. This has 13 sections so will allow me to have quite specific sections labelled in this. I know it's not strictly a notebook but once i have them all on index cards in one place perhaps that will be the next step!
I get the feeling notebooks can become addictive!! :pink:
I bought on clearance last month a few 3/4 inch binders that has the insert pockets for the cover and spine for a dollar each!!! I am going to use one for this!!!

I have my Holiday Notebook with all the printable pages kept blank in case there is a problem with my printer, I can go to my copier and make copies!!!

I am also going to be making Notebooks for my family members and I am going to include sections for the Holiday recipes, Family Favorite recipes, Mammars' recipes (my grandmother's)and "Take out" recipes with all the copycat restaurant recipes I found on recipezaar (like the ones for the TTR recipes).

My MAIN recipe binder will also include ,and slowly be adding, a printout of my common freezer food directions. I have a small refrig/freezer right now so I tend to take the frozen foods out of the boxes to have more room and cut out the directions and place in a cabinet. So I plan on making myself a mastercopy on the computer and printing it out for my notebook!!! Along with the guides for how long foods can be kept in the freezer etc...


MHH Member
Dec 22, 2007
Great Smoky Mountains
My recipe notebook is seperate, and I'll file the recipes by the categories provided by Connie Angela. I'll simply place a section in front that is titled "Family favorites". I need to keep things simple, or I stop using them. :thud:


Santa's Elves
Oct 13, 2007
West Midlands, UK.
Thanks for all your great ideas on this one ladies! I'm still thinking about it.



Retire Member
Dec 27, 2007
Go Colts!
This, of course, if subject to my whims and my change :-D but, for now I think ...

Christmas and Halloween will go with my Christmas notebooks and the rest of the recipes will go in my Grocery/Kitchen notebook. I have a recipe section there for frequently used recipes and I'm planning on adding a section for holiday and seasonal recipes. I *may* keep my Christmas/Halloween recipes there, too ... it really depends on how many recipes I end up having, I guess. I don't want it to get crazy ;-)


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fallsington, Pa
Because I have so many recipes I need to file away I am going to have a recipe book for each holiday- WOMAN

:cloudnine: "heartstrings:


Santa's Elves
I copied my friend's recipe notebook. :-D I bought a sweet little 5 inch x 7 inch photo album for my recipe notebook. The pockets for photos are the perfect size for recipe cards and recipes don't get splashed while cooking.

I have regular, every day meals in the first half and Thanksgiving/Christmas and Easter in the back half.

It's perfect for me. :)