Good evening peeps...As the spooky month of October is not too far away...Has anyone here ever used a Ouija Board or took part in a seance.....I have used a Ouija Board when i was in my 20's and i must say it defo gives you the spooks...How about you peeps.
Good evening peeps...As the spooky month of October is not too far away...Has anyone here ever used a Ouija Board or took part in a seance.....I have used a Ouija Board when i was in my 20's and i must say it defo gives you the spooks...How about you peeps.
I have been to see a medium twice for personal readings and a few years back DD and I saw John Edward but were not read.
I thought both mediums were accurate with their information.
Did a Ouija board a long time ago, not quite sure if it was accurate or we were just mucking around.
I remember trying once with sis when we were teens, we sure spooked ourselves! and mom was not happy, she believed in spirits and didn't want us to disturb them
I loved both when I was younger. I used to try to conduct my own seances when I was young and scared the crap out of my friends. I love the weird and peculiar. I have never been to an actual seance, too many kooks out there that will swindle people. But I do believe in spirits and ghosts and that it is possible to contact those that have passed on. I used to have a ouija board when I was young, but haven't seen it since then.
My sister had an Ouija board when we were younger. Use to use them at slumber parties. Remember the thing with trying to go into a trance. You would stare at a light bulb and repeat something over and over and then you would become it. Had to slap them to get them out of it. Only once was a girl kinda convincing. Brings up alot of memories. My birth mom has been to seances and talked about how family members came to her and she has been read a few times. My daughter was read once and the lady was spot on about several things.
I have been to see a medium twice for personal readings and a few years back DD and I saw John Edward but were not read.
I thought both mediums were accurate with their information.
Did a Ouija board a long time ago, not quite sure if it was accurate or we were just mucking around.
I loved both when I was younger. I used to try to conduct my own seances when I was young and scared the crap out of my friends. I love the weird and peculiar. I have never been to an actual seance, too many kooks out there that will swindle people. But I do believe in spirits and ghosts and that it is possible to contact those that have passed on. I used to have a ouija board when I was young, but haven't seen it since then.
I also believe in ghosts and spirits....My dog has barked several times since the passing of my mom...I called here over but she just sits staring at nothing...
So glad you shared this. I, too, have had "visitations" from loved ones. DH visited me at our patio door several months after he passed, told me he couldn't come in, but wanted to check to make sure that I was OK, and then my DFather called to him that it was time to go.. Similarly, after I moved, he visited and told me I'd made a good choice, suggested I add a rocker to the front porch to watch the sun rise. Ha, I've got a dog to wake me up for that! But sometimes I wonder why my pup wakes me up when he does, when the sun's not even starting to rise. But when we're out there walking in the dark, there's a sense of peace and a beautiful sunrise over the pond. It's like he's channeling through my pup to make sure I see that sunrise from the front porch.
I remember being at a slumber party with a gaggle of girls and us doing the Ouija Board.
The girls who's house we were at- her brother and some of his friends banged on the window from the outside and we freaked out! Hahhahaah
I remember being at a slumber party with a gaggle of girls and us doing the Ouija Board.
The girls who's house we were at- her brother and some of his friends banged on the window from the outside and we freaked out! Hahhahaah
I had another reading last month and the date i got was the day my mom passed away....My mom and dad both came through this time ..It was pretty funny actually the lady told me my mom was ranting on and my dad could not get a word in well that sure sounds like my mom lol.
DH and I are hosting our camping club's Halloween rally this year and I am wondering whether I should get a ouija broad and let people use it at their own risk.
Was talking with someone a few months ago about ouija boards and he said they were doorways for demons to come through.