Personal Life Goals for November

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MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Yes I am starting early....I have fell off the goal wagon and need to get back on.

Watch a Christmas movie together!!!! Spend some time talking about holiday values and what we want Christmas to be like this year...

McDonald's Monday...breakfast every Monday with DD17...a senior so she will be off and about next year!

Game night....November 11th...try new appetizer.

GET more sleep...staying up too late playing on the computer. LOL

Keep up with daily chores and cleaning routines...I hate routines but it is the only way to stay on top of stuff...

Purge office needs to be decluttered!!!

Get back to work on my calendar project!
Create three more trinket boxes

Pray daily for myself and others.


Retire Member
Oct 12, 2007
Island in the Sun

You are inspiring me to re-evaluate myself - I'll try not to be too hard on myself by setting unrealistic goals but don't worry I won't be an underachiver either!



Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
I'm so glad you posted this! Over the summer when we were doing this I did very well...knowing that I had to come and report of all of ya'll makes it easier to keep it up!

So, here goes:
Marriage: continue to meet my sweet DH every Friday for lunch, and try to add in an evening date here and there. Plan a Christmas shopping trip without children, with an adult dinner and shopping!

Family: continue themed family breakfasts; host Thanksgiving for DH's family on the Saturday after Thanksgiving

Friends: plan fall gathering with two couples and their children for November 10

Self: maintain new haircut and color; do my nails more often

Home: continue daily routine, with focus on getting ready for Christmas. Follow Christmas Countdown

Work: Get started as soon as supervisor gets my caseload l lined up;

Hobbies: work on Christmas crafts

Spiritual: work on Christmas Sunday school lessons-get back into the habit of doing my Bible study every morning; pray for DH, our family, extended family, Sunday school class, Youth group and church staff

That should keep me busy in November!!



Retire Member
Oct 15, 2007
Finish listening to a romance novel on tape with dh. Go Christmas shopping at least once together.

Figure out how to move ds12 from public school to homeschool with out going crazy. Remind dds that they are still loved even if I don't homeschool them.
ds is now a home schooler.

Get business licenses, file for assumed business name, get website set up.
Got business ID #

Call friends I haven't seen much since we moved.
Called two friends

Hummm maybe buy a bra that fits right

decorate for Christmas

Connect with people at our new church and start to settle in there.


MHH Member
Oct 20, 2007
Okay, this is a good topic to help get me motivated!
Marriage: Continue to communicate with each other. Have time to laugh together!

Family: Making time to talk with both my kids individually about what is going on in their lives.

Work: maintaining a good attitude even though I don't care for my job! I need the paycheck!

Friends: Continue calling them each week and staying in touch in any way that I can.

Self: Continue to lose weight! I have only 6 more pounds to lose to reach my Thanksgiving goal!!!

Home: Learning to appreciate what I have instead of comparing to what my friends have. This is particularly difficult.

Spiritual: Pray everyday instead of when I find time. This should be a top priority.

Hobbies: Opening my mind to new experiences. I tend to stick with the norm.

Wish me luck!!! :globe:


MHH Member
Oct 20, 2007
Marriage Go to Dinner at least once for a Date Night. We have stopped doing date night since school started, and I am starting to miss the fella!
Family Well we get an extra day this year for Thanksgiving Break, so I hope to spend more time wiith family and less time rushing to get things accomplished over the break.
Work I am going to be more orgainized at work, and spend less time in the evenings going back to the classroom. This will also help improve the amount of time I get to spend with my family.
Friends I purchased several "musical" and talking cards for friends I haven't seen in a while, I am going to send those and let them know I am thinking of them.
Self I am going to cut out the soda, and try to drink more water.
Home I am going to continue to clean and declutter and get ready for the Christmas decorating Thanksgiving weekend.
spiritual I am going to make Church everyweekend this month, not every other Sunday.
Hobbies With all these other goals who has time for hobbies LOL!


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
south Texas
Reading everyone's input is just SO inspiring!
I am really thinking of joining you all in January as a New year's resolution...
I do need to think about my marriage, family and self first before my job totally takes over my life as it does each school year!
Keep inspiring me and I'll just think about your goals and then maybe come up with my own...
Thank you MHH-ers! :smile:


Santa's Elves
Marriage-Set up babysitting so we can have ,at least, 2 dates this month.
Family-Plan kids Christmas get together
Home-Work on Holiday spruce up list
Friends-Plan shopping trip to HomeSense(have e-mailed B to check her calendar.)
Self-Drink water, try some sleep-inducing strategies
Work-Set up an 'ideas' notebook
Hobbies-Get booklist and crafts ready for December;work on blog
Spiritual-continue getting Jared to SS and set up Christmas eve plans.
:snow: :sleigh: :snow:


MHH Member
Oct 13, 2007
I love this! It's great to read everyone's goals, it's very inspiring.

Marriage: To be more of a snuggler with my hubby. He's very affectionate while I am not always in the mood to just sit and hold hands. I'm going to work on this!

Family: DH and I are close to being empty nesters and enjoying 'our' time but we do still have one teen at home. While he is very busy with sports, girlfriend, school activities, etc he still gets lonely at times with his older brothers away at college. I have started setting aside Wed. evening to take him out to dinner. It's just our special time and means alot to both of us. Dh is teaching that evening so it's just him and me. I want to continue this habit throughout the school year.

Home: As I have mentioned sooooo many times before ;) , we moved into this house this past summer. My goal is to maintain a clutter free environment and keep things homey yet streamlined. I can't wait to decorate for the holidays--that's never clutter in my book and really makes a house feel like home!

Friends: Be the one that gets everyone together! It seems like we're all sooo busy these days but it really only takes one person to say, 'Hey, want to...?' and every one is there having the best time. I'm going to try to be that person on a monthly basis. It will be hard to do during wrestling season with my youngest but I'm going to try to get everyone together even if it only means games night and popcorn on a Sunday afternoon.

Self: Walk my dogs at least three evenings a week. I'd like to do it every night but that's my minimum goal. It's good for me and I really enjoy the time I spend with them outdoors.

Work: For me, this would be school. I just need to stay on top of it.

Hobbies: I don't have time for a hobby and I really don't miss it. Is this wrong?

Spiritual: We need to find a new church since we're in a new neighborhood. I hate walking into a new church but our other one is too far away and we like to fellowship with our 'neighbors' so we just need to do it!

Wow, it feels good to write down all the things I've been thinking about lately!


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
You gals are so inspiring! I've never set personal goals on a monthly basis. This is great!

Plan at least 2 date nights this month, so we can stay connected.

Plan family activities related to Thanksgiving that are meaningful and memorable.

Host a girls night a spa evening.

Self: COntinue to walk daily, even though the weather is changing, and to stay on my eating plan.

Home: I need to work on being satisfied with our home, while we save and plan our new home.

Remember to leave school in a timely manner....what isn't done today will still be there tomorrow!

Scrapbook one page a week.

Pray daily and stay positive.



Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
South Carolina
WOW! What a wonderful thread. I am going to have to think a bit before I can post my own goals...You folks are very inspiring - and not just for Christmas!


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Welcome to Personal Life Goals....I have to admit....I fall off the wagon every now and then but acxtually writing down my monthly goals helps me accomplish at least some of them...please join us...its wonderful to read everyones ideas for their lives!!! :grin:


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Self: maintain new haircut and color; do my nails more often-I should have included my fitness goals as well. I'm walking 3 miles two days a week and working out at Curves three days each week. I plan to up my walking to 5 days per week again, along with working out 3 days at Curves. I also want to really focus on eating well-fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grain fiber is the plan. I need to get back on the water wagon and drink, drink, drink! AND keep my hair and nails nice!! LOL!! :santalol:
Go on a date with Keith once a month. I have a baby sitter lined up for next weekend and we are going to see Fred Claus!

Mommy and Erick time. I have a babysitter for Meghan and I am taking him to the Airforce Museum.
Read Books to Meghan after Erick goes to bed.

Give the Mom's Group another try. Force them to like me.

Go to bed at 10pm every that Meghan is sleeping through the night.
Get up at 5am 4 times a week and work out.

Keep family room and children's rooms clutter free.
Organize boxes in the case the In-Laws come for Christmas.

Take kids for a walk a couple times a week. (weather permitting).
Start doing crafts with Erick...coloring, finger painting.
Read more with Erick. Encourage him to use his words.
Get a potty...introduce it to Erick.

Keep working on Quilt
Finish button Christmas Tree project
Keep up with blogs.
Work on Holiday Recipe Notebook Blog.

Pray every morning.
Read Devotionals


MHH Member
Oct 31, 2007
I just love the challenge of setting goals for myself, it helps teach me that what I can dream about can be turned into reality............

MARRIAGE:- I love my hubby so much, and at the end of the day when the kids are asleep we just tend to flake out and watch nonsense on TV-well no more........... Now we will talk, play games, cuddle and wait........................ Maybe have a date night once a week. How lovely would that be?

FAMILY:- I am so lucky that I can be a stay at home mum and housewife, I know that raising my family is the most important job in the world and my Hubby is so great at supporting me. Eventhough I am at home I find that I waste a lot of time with the kids by doing "just one more job". My goal in this area is to spend an hour with my daughter(2) and my son (5) just playing. Nothing else.... I've felt so guilty about this for so long, knowing that it will happen will make me feel much more content... Also I have scheduled a Games Night on a Tues and a Movie Night for a Fri, when we can all be together...
Any age appropriate ideas for these would be greatly welcomed.

FRIENDS:- I have a great support network of friends that I've known for most of my life..... so my new goal is to make some great new ones... I may even find some here....

SELF:- OK. This is the hardest one for me......... I would love to have a regular Bath/Pamper night just for me, where I can listen to my favourite country music (Hubby finds it wierd that I love American Country music, when we live in the UK- he can never find the artists that I love in the UK shops!!!) lots of bubbles, candle light and of course the relaxing glass of wine, (on special occasions I may even stretch to bubbly- why not...........)

Home:- Try to wiz through my chores, so I can spend more time with my kids, and try not to get too distracted or procrastinate about what needs to be done.

Work:- I love my job...Housewife........ and I must start saying with passion to other people what I do, without feeling guilty or feeling as though I need to include my previous career into the conversation. I need to be proud of my new career!!!!!!!

HOBBIES:- I don't really have any hobbies, I like to cook and write, maybe I should think about this one. Its a doosey?????????????

SPIRITUAL:- Write every day in my grattitude journal. I have a habit of buying beautiful journal books and writing in them for a few weeks and then it trails off till I find another pretty book. I need more continuity with my writing as I have so much to be grateful for, and in times of trial its lovely to reread my blessings and to feel grounded once again.

Hope everyone achieves their goals, as I feel that they help us achieve a strong and happy identity, and only when you feel happy yourself can you radiate that happiness to everyone around you.

Good Luck and God Bless.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Almost at the end of my rope
Hot Mama, I can really empathize with your feelings about being a stay-at-home mum. I am at least a generation older than you are, but it seems like yesterday when we moved to a large American city in the early 1980s. I was a stay-at-home mom, and when I went to parties, and all these rabid career women asked me what I did, I may as well have hung a sign around my neck that said "Parasite"! The funny thing is, that right after a particularly oppressive experience, I got a contract to sing with a large opera company. It was amazing how much more interesting I became overnight!! People, mostly women, who wouldn't have given me the time of day before, couldn't wait to talk to me! These were women who were beginning to think about scheduling a baby onto their calendars, so long as they didn't interfere with their career goals! Unfortunately, many of these neglected children are now having major problems as young "adults". I think it may be possible to do it all, but only if you have a lot of help! You have the right idea! You will never regret the time you spend with your children, and are, indeed, blessed to be able to do so. My mother worked all the time I was in school, but she was lucky enough to have the same hours as her children. I realize that many women are not so lucky. But to paraphrase Barbara Bush, when she spoke at, I think, Wellesley College, "At the end of your life you will never say, 'I wish I'd spent more time at the office!'" You hang in there! You are doing the right thing, and it is a worthy career, and deserving of much respect! In case you're wondering, my opera career was part-time and brief, and I was lucky enough to have my husband at home when I wasn't. I was always primarily a stay-at-home mom. Good luck to you!


MHH Member
Oct 31, 2007
ChistmasRose, thankyou so much for your words of support, they brought tears to my eyes. Its heartwarming to know that someone out there in the "cosmic universe" understands someone else. I have to tell myself over and over every single day that I only have one shot at this dream job, yes , somedays are hard and very frustrating, but I love my family and I need to do what is best for them, not necessarily for me.
"I live a small, but valuable life"-- You've got mail.

I was really surprised to hear that even years ago you encountered the same type of prejudice, I would have imagined that it would have been much more acceptable to be a stay at home mum. I often find, that especially at the school gates, when I am dropping my son off at school, the working mums fly by saying things like "Oh you lucky thing, you can go back to bed now." making me feel guilty and inadequate. Little do they know that in 10 mins I will be on my hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor, stopping my 2 yr old from breaking her neck, loading the dishes, making the tea, and generally having just as full a day.

You are right when you said we can have it all. I truly believe that there is a season for everything, my season right now it to wipe runny noses and enjoy my time with the kids, and the season will arrive when I can involve myself with my career. So, I gave it up for a few years, but what did I really lose? ????? I certainly know what I gained!!!!!!!!!

Thankyou for sharing your experience with me, it gives me hope that I am not alone in my thoughts about being a stay at home mum.


Santa's Elves
Thank you both! I'm a SAHM too and I really don't care if I ever go back to work-but not because I'm lazy! Because just as others feel a calling to be in the work force, I feel a calling to be a wife, mother and home maker. Why is that so wrong?
I was tempted to dress up as a stereotypical SAHM for Halloween-Housecoat,soap opera digest in my pocket(next to my bon bons) rollers in my hair and bunny slippers! Maybe next year! The reason this is funny is that it is so wrong! :santalol:
I am a SAHM and I just had a shirt made that says....


I am always being asked if I work. They mean outside of the home and I have a perfectly fabulous job working right here in my home raising TWO wonderful children!

I love my shirt and I get all kinds of comments on it!