Thanksgiving weekend

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Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Ok, I realize that this post probably isn't going to win me any friends...but I've got to get this off my chest!
I totally understand that Black Friday, the day after the American Thanksgiving is considered the start of the Christmas season. I get that, and for years, participated in that. However, 4 or so years ago, DH's grandfather passed away. He had always hosted Thanksgiving dinner for that side of the family since I've been in the family. We ate around 6 p.m. After he passed away, I was blessed enough to be allowed by the family to host Thanksgiving dinner. However, since we live about an hour to two hours (depending on which relative) from the rest of the family, we decided we'd have our celebration on the Saturday after Tday. Suddenly, that changed the whole dynamic of my holiday weekend. I don't like to mix holidays--don't like eating Thanksgiving turkey with a Christmas tree up...just one of my many quirks!! So, there went the Black Friday Christmas decorating marathon. I obviously couldn't do it the time everyone left and I got things put back together the way I like them...I was exhausted. So, that left Sunday afternoon. Except that I only had a few hours between church services, and the boys were babies...and it takes a long time for me to get everything out of storage...then to put it up...I'd barely get started, then would have to quit. So, time for a new plan. I started doing my decorating on the Monday after Tgiving. It takes about a week, and I host a mother-daughter tea party for my Sunday School class on the first Sunday in December, so I have to get it done.

The first year...I didn't like it. But, as the years have gone on, I find that I actually enjoy having the weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving. I do shop a little, but not at the manic pace I use to go. I really like having the focus on giving thanks for the blessings we've received, family and of course the food!! Now, I'm not against listening to Christmas music, wrapping gifts, watching Christmas movies, etc. that weekend. I just like to extend the fall a few more days!!

I'm not advocating everyone going crazy and giving up starting the Christmas season on Black Friday...I'm just saying that for my little family, it is working like a charm! When I do decorate, I'm relaxed and it's a lot more fun.



Santa's Elves
Oct 9, 2007
Winter Wonderland
Cathy - what a precious story.

Life has an amazing way of putting a new spin on old traditions. It sounds like you and your family have adapted well to this new schedule.

It's always hard when you lose a loved one. Nothing is ever the same, especially around the holidays. However, despite that you have found a new reason to smile, a new reason to enjoy the holidays, and a new reason to be with your family.

I don't enjoy the after Thanksgiving sales myself. I prefer to do a bit of shopping here and there, but I really don't enjoy the large crowds and the angry people that sometimes appear on Black Friday. A little hustle and bustle is fine - but I can't take more than that! :lol:

It sounds like you've developed a plan of decorating and celebrating that works best for you and for your family. In the end, everyone will be more relaxed and everyone will be able to enjoy the holiday that much more.

Wishing you another fantastic year filled with many blessings.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 10, 2007
Spartan Country-mi
Cathy I can totally understand. I think it is neat the way you spend Thanksgiving weekend. Family ought to come first.
MHO I am not a huge black friday person myself. You do what is best for you and your family. I will get off my soapbox

Little Elf

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Alberta, Canada
A great idea! And you don't have to feel rushed either I bet. We have Thanksgiving before Halloween. (Here in Canada) So now I can concentrate on Halloween, then Rememberance Day on Nov. 11th. I told my dh he could decorate anytime after the 11th so usually the weekend after that he drags up the tree to put up. :) So each holiday will have its own special time.
Last year was my first year here with my relatives from Florida and let me tell you I was pretty disappointed. I hope that this year will be better. I missed out on Black Friday last year but hope to participate again THIS year. I might have to work that morning but hope to successfully get it off. I was soooo exhausted after cooking for my LARGE family last year that I did not want to wake up for black friday. This year I hope to relegate some cooking to other relatives so I am not soooo exhausted!!

SO, I Truly understand where you are coming from. Some adjustments just take a little time. This will be year number 2 for me here in Florida and I hope I can adjust to it better!!!


Santa's Elves
A great idea! And you don't have to feel rushed either I bet. We have Thanksgiving before Halloween. (Here in Canada) So now I can concentrate on Halloween, then Rememberance Day on Nov. 11th. I told my dh he could decorate anytime after the 11th so usually the weekend after that he drags up the tree to put up. So each holiday will have its own special time.
I enjoy the way these holidays flow one after another, too! Our Thanksgiving is always a weekend and I really enjoy that!
Life does throw us many curves, Eh, CathyMac? God's way of keeping us on our toes? Glad it's working out for you now, though! :tree:


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
I think the bottom line is really that everyone has to do what works for them. I used to really get myself in a tizz trying to get all my decorating done in two days, but now that I spread it out, it's relaxing, fun and exciting. The kids and DH love to come home and see what I've done that day. I like our new plan, plus now I think Thanksgiving gets the time and attention it deserves. Our church doesn't start doing Christmas things until the first of December, so we sing Thanksgiving hymns on the Sunday after Tday. I love it. :pilgrim: And, I love this little pilgrim!


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fallsington, Pa
I have never liked Black Friday-one time-many years ago I went and it was awful-I swore I would never do that again-I enjoy the days after Thanksgiving to just do what I want-relax-take a nap-eat leftovers and if I want to do a little shopping sometime over the week-end I do but since I usually have my shopping done it not a
pressured thing -just sort of roam the stores-life is to short-we need to relax and enjoy the season more. WOMAN

:friendly: :friendly: :friendly: :friendly:


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Sounds great to me. I love Thanksgiving and even though I love Christmas too I am very happy to start the season at the beginning of Advent. We don't have Black Friday here, but we do have Boxing Day that for many signals the end of the Christmas season. I do not do the crazy shopping on that day, I stay home and enjoy the rest of my holiday - till 12th night thankyou!

Do what you love, and love doing it. :grin:


MHH Member
Oct 21, 2007
Hi Everyone,

Here's my twist on Thanksgiving. My sister hosts it (and I am especially thankful for that this year, because my Dad died unexpectedly last month and we are all still in shock over it). My sister has a large home and we can all fit around her table. So, as we do not have guests for Thanksgiving, I have decided that I decorate for Christmas the few days before Thanksgiving (no visitors that week and we do not have children). Then, we celebrate at my sister's house and I spend the long Thanksgiving weekend doing all kinds of fun things. My mother and I have taken a ride to Bethlehem, CT to drop off my Christmas cards and this year, I want to do something different. Years ago, I used to enjoy being part of the madness of getting up to shop at 4:30 or 5:00 am in the morning on Black Friday, but now we go where the crowds are not, LOL. We have also spent the day baking on the Friday after Thanksgiving with my sister and nieces.



Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Shar-so sorry about your dad. Mine passed away in April, this will be the first Thanksgiving without him. It'll be different.

I like the way everyone personalizes their weekend. Isn't that what life is really all about?


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Almost at the end of my rope
Woman, I'm with you! I don't like Black Friday, either. I'd rather do anything than fight shoppers in a feeding frenzy all day! Anyway, if we've been doing our Christmas Countdown and Rudy days, we should have our shopping done, shouldn't we? :haha:

I like to spend Fri. and the weekend with my family, and putting away fall decorations. Notice I said nothing about my family helping me put them away! Then on Sun. or Mon. I go to the nursery and pick out my tree, which is delivered the first week in Dec., and then the fun begins! :package: