The Excitement Of Fall

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MHH Member
Oct 2, 2009
north adams ma.
I'm just trying a little something here,trying to put a new twist on Fall as i'm a Fall person i really love it and i was wondering how you all feel about it,what things about Fall do you like?What may be some of your favorite Fall craft ideas?What Fall recipes do you enjoy?Do you like flavored coffee's,like pumpkin pie spice?I just love my Fall crafting as i enjoy waxing leaves,working with the white birch,collecting those acorns to add to my decor,weather it be wreaths,centerpieces.I enjoy things made with pumpkin,fresh applecider,recipes that have nutmeg,cinnamon,the smells and taste's are delightful and pantry is always stocked with those goodies.Coming here mornings is a true delight especially with that amazing pumpkin pie spice coffee and the creamer's not bad either although i perfer the green mountian blend but,that's just me.I'm looking forward to sharing any new Fall ideas whether it be recipes,ideas on crafting,decor just anything Fall related,just would like to do a little chat-up on this upcoming season.


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Nov 4, 2007
I'm also a big fan of fall, and after the sweltering weather we've been having, I'm more ready than ever to jump into fall in a big way! We live rurally and there are so many events in the Fall to celebrate the harvest.

I love how it's already dark here by 9:00. Those early nights make it so much easier to get the kids to go to sleep. It's so much nicer to put them in their footie pajamas and tuck them in than to leave them sweating under a fan.

I bought a book last year, something along the lines of "Crafts for Kids for Fall" so I'm just waiting to get the girls started doing some things from that.

I love all of the pumpkin items: pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin seeds, and picking pumpkins. :) I also love putting apples in the slowcooker with some pumpkin pie spice and a splash of maple syrup. It makes the house smell beautiful and it's delicious. On a cool day, mulling some apple cider with spices and a lemon is nice as well. White hot chocolate with a tsp of ginger makes a nice fallish drink as well.

I don't have a lot of fall decor, but I have some old antique style (really brand new from Michaels) containers I put out and a cornucopia I fill with gourds. I decorate our china cabinet with leaf garlands and fill all of my crystal with little acorns, pumpkins, leaf garlands, and white lights. I put out some old family great grandmother's washboard, my great great great grandmother's teapot, my grandmother's old copper kettle. I don't know why, but fall always fills me with nostalgia. I guess I see it as having been a busy time in years gone by where people would have been busy bringing in the harvest and preparing for winter.

Sorry.....I rambled on too long, but you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to Fall :)


MHH Member
Oct 2, 2009
north adams ma.
FrostyShimmer that all sounds wonderful and i'm glad to know i'm not the only one and i love the one where you put apples and pumpkin pie spice and the maple syrup i'll have to try that one.As i use gourds myself in decorating also i make my own leaf garland with the leaves i wax although with me i find many uses for leaves but,well where i live there are many and they are beautiful.Acorns are nice as you can paint them to fit your decor which is another great idea i found on pinterest so in winter i paint them white and use in decor pieces.This year i want to make a table runner or tablecloth for fall,i had a bunch of material given to me just trying to get ideas of how i want to do it,anyone here have any ideas,i have nice fall type material.


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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I love Fall as well, it is my favorite season.

Some of the leaves on the trees are starting to change and it is beautiful to see. The stores are getting their Fall decor out and I get so excited at the thought of bringing out my decorations. I don't have a lot, but what I have, I really like.

I love everything pumpkin and can't wait to start baking with it. Yum!!

Great thread!!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Fall is my favorite! :) I am so eager to decorate for this year - I haven't been able to do so due to being in the apartment after house fire. This will be our first holiday season in the house and I can't wait!

I have a good amount of fall decor but it revolves mainly around leaf garland, faux bittersweet, white lights and of course - pumpkins! I have a really pretty set of ceramic pumpkins painted white, antiqued and white silvered stems. There is a large, a medium and a small...

I'm working on a craft project right now, embroidering a long black felt runner with a bittersweet vine pattern in a few shades of orange. We have a long bookcase in our main floor hallway and I'll use it there.

I plan to make a couple of fall wreaths and a couple of fall swags in a week or so - they'll be used on various doors - both inside and out. I have a good supply of artificial picks and sprays, leaf sprays, pinecones, etc. Some made it through fire because of their location in the house, other things I picked up a garage sales this spring.

I am definitely looking forward to fall FOOD! Comfort foods, baking, all things apple and cinnamon and pumpkin!


Well-Known Member
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Nov 4, 2007
I forgot one of my other favourite Fall traditions. I put our seasonal kids books away after each season so they're new and fresh when the season comes around again. I'll be so happy to pull out Pumpkin Soup, A Pipkin of Pepper, and Going to the Pumpkin Fair again :) If you have display shelves, children's books can be a lovely way to decorate as they tend to have beautiful covers in colours that complement the season.

angelpugs - I've never heard of waxing leaves. I'll have to look into that because the girls love collecting them.

AuntJamelle - I've never had a Fall wreath, but I'd like to get one this year. I wonder how difficult they are to make.

Happy2bme - I've got 6 cans of pureed pumpkin just waiting to go. Incidentally, I can not bake a pumpkin pie without singing, "I knew a man who lived in Tennessee and he was heading for, Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie....." just as I slide it into the oven. It does make it taste better, go ahead, give it a try ;)


Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
PUMPKIN SOUP!!!! My favorite fall kids book EVER!!!!

As far as wreath making goes, I'm keeping these simple. Going with grapevine forms - they make it super easy to just slip the stems of artificial flowers, sprays and picks in as needed. I like to avoid using hot glue as much as possible so that I have the option to easily break down the wreath and reuse the form differently later.

I just play with it until it looks balanced. Floral wire, covered or just plain and a pair of small wire cutters are handy to have around too. I use those things for all sorts of decor projects throughout the holiday season!


Well-Known Member
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Nov 4, 2007
PUMPKIN SOUP!!!! My favorite fall kids book EVER!!!!

I love it too. I'm going to try to actually make pumpkin soup the day I bring it out this year. I'm just hoping my picky eaters will be willing to try it. In case you didn't know, A Pipkin of Pepper is the sequel :)

You've inspired me to give the wreath-making a try. We have a craft store in town...I wonder if they carry wreath forms. It's worth a try!


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
I love fall....the changing leaves, the smells, pumpkins and mums, cooler weather, the festivals and fairs. Bath and Body has their fall scents out and I just loved the pumpkin latte scent. I love reading Pumpkin books with my students and making all things pumpkin....muffins, gobs, pies, cookies.

Can't wait to start decorating!


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Western North Carolina
I am a total fall/winter girl..goes back probably to growing up in Upstate NY and all the gorgeous maple trees..there is also the feeling of anticipation and preparation for the winter and Christmas holidays...I don't drink coffee but I sure know when Starbucks starts selling their pumpkin spice latte, it is like a national holiday at the lab! My fall decor runs closer to a Halloween decor, but you have all inspired me to try and sort some pieces out I can use before then...I love football, and that is such a fall sport, and we have a big Mountain State fair in Sept that I love too...I love the changing light, and the early dusk, and how beautiful it all is...
Angelpugs (and anyone else interested). There is an author from your neck of the woods who writes the most gorgeous descriptions about New England seasons-Gladys Taber- she wrote in the 40's and 50's-you probably already know her work-she was a dog lover too..I LOVE her books, they can be a little hard to find, but I have seen them in the library and Amazon ..she was one of US..
Gosh what a lovely topic-thank you!


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
My favorite season!

Cooler weather, earlier nights, cocooning, fall colors. we have lovely color changes here with the mountains near.

Last year I made some owls for my Fall mantel and I use some subway art too.

Apple crisps, pumpkins, candles, firewood, ...
On my blog you have my favorite things about fall, fall journaling, my owls, ...


MHH Member
Aug 31, 2010
SW Louisiana
Here in the deep south we don't get to experience the beautiful fall colors as most of you do. My dream is to travel one fall to see this up close and personal. It won't be this year with my father in law's declining health but maybe next.

One odd fetish I have with the approaching cooler weather is having my floors spotless and shiny. I call it "sock ready". Mom always started a deep fall cleaning and I can remember sliding across those pristine floors and having so much fun. I have always strived to have my sock ready floors.

I went to Bed, Bath & Beyond looking for some new fall scents but they aren't out yet but their "Homestyle" scent is close to a fall scent.

I love cranking up the fireplace..................which we don't get to do very often in a tropical climate. I do enjoy decorating my mantel.

My favorite fall foods are sweet potatoes, candy corn and lots of good southern gumbo (seafood, chicken & sausage, shrimp & okra).


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2008
I love fall...Like Connie said, I'm also a Fall/Winter gal. Totally!! I'm getting a little tease in Colorado right now. It's been in the 70's for three days and in the low 50's at night time. But that will go away on Saturday, it says we'll be back up in the mid 90's.

I love the colors, I love the food, I love pulling out sweaters. It honestly just makes me happy. Heck, Pumpkin makes me happy!


MHH Member
Oct 2, 2009
north adams ma.
Living here in the Berkshires/green mountians as i am surrounded by,one side is berkshires,the other side is the green mountians of vermont i'm just 10 min.from the pownal vermont line.Oh ,yes i do love pumpkin as i'll even cook a pumpkin down our leave are changing here so i'm busy waxing and i will go to the cider mill for apples and things.I'm already doing all those fun fall things it is exciting.Snowlvr yes,i have and your right,also if anyone wants simple wreath making you can find some ideas on pinterest,MinnieCo,i enjoy getting fall clothes especially sweaters got a nice one with fall colors also got a sweatshirt with a nice fall scene on it.


Premiere Member
Nov 1, 2007
Good morning everyone.
All of this talk about fall gets me so excited.
snowlvr-It does give me the same feeling of anticipation and prep for the coming holidays. I am very familiar also with Gladys Tabor. My grandmother used to read her book and when she couldn't see well enough to read anymore, I used to read them to her. She was featured in a magazine each month at the time and the article was called Butternut Wisdom. That's how my grandmother heard of her.Now that I'm older myself, I would like to read her books. I tried our library but in this small town in Vt. I can't get them.
I am a great lover of the fall like many people are. My family did a survey one time and everyones favorite holiday was Christmas but fall was their favorite season.
Just to let everyone know, I was in Joann's yesterday I stopped in on my way to the Dr. and they they had brown and orange mini lights on one string. I am definitely going back to get some. they didn't have very many boxes of them so I have to get a move on those. I thought they would be great for my fall holiday tree for when we get company in October.
Okay, enough. Have a great day everyone and enjoy your fall planning. Remember, take care of you. Dorene


Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Thank you, thank you for the tip on Gladys Taber! I've checked her out on Amazon and I am SO in! Ordered a copy of Stillmeadow Road :) Can't wait to read it!!!

Another book I used to love to read as fall approaches - or during - is Autumn From the Heart of the Home by Susan Branch.

I lost my copy in the fire but hope to replace sometime this year. I never tire of going through all the lovely pages of hand drawn illustrations, kind of a sketch/watercolor style, with recipes, lists of things to love about fall, etc.

I feel like she is a kindred spirit :) She notes books and movies to watch during fall, many are already old friends to me. She lives in New England so you get that charm - the whole thing just comes off as whimsical and sweet and calm. Love it!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I was fortunate enough to find some of Gladys Taber's books through the library and they were wonderful.

I love Susan Branch as well. Her blog is such a delight.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
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