I'm just trying a little something here,trying to put a new twist on Fall as i'm a Fall person i really love it and i was wondering how you all feel about it,what things about Fall do you like?What may be some of your favorite Fall craft ideas?What Fall recipes do you enjoy?Do you like flavored coffee's,like pumpkin pie spice?I just love my Fall crafting as i enjoy waxing leaves,working with the white birch,collecting those acorns to add to my decor,weather it be wreaths,centerpieces.I enjoy things made with pumpkin,fresh applecider,recipes that have nutmeg,cinnamon,the smells and taste's are delightful and pantry is always stocked with those goodies.Coming here mornings is a true delight especially with that amazing pumpkin pie spice coffee and the creamer's not bad either although i perfer the green mountian blend but,that's just me.I'm looking forward to sharing any new Fall ideas whether it be recipes,ideas on crafting,decor just anything Fall related,just would like to do a little chat-up on this upcoming season.