Weekend Pizza Party For New Neighbors

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New Member
Jan 3, 2008
A party for the new neighbors. OK - they're not that new!!! But I've recently chatted with the new neighbors -- and they are wonderful and friendly. I ran into them on the street - another benefit of gardening.

The new neighbors have a girl who will be going to the public high school next year. (She is in private school now.) One of my friends has a wonderful son at the high school. So - I've invited both families for pizza at 5:00 Sunday. Plus another family -- they have a daughter at the private school - and they also know the family with the boy in high school. We all live on the same street.

So, there will be about 16 people (including kids). Dominos has medium pizzas for $5 each - if you buy at least 3 medium pizzas. S0, I will get lots of pizzas, paper plates, etc. and I will provide all drinks. Sodas, beer and wine, water too. And tubs of ice cream and cones for dessert. I will ask each family to bring a big salad for 16. And I will make a salad too.

I pray that it doesn't rain so we can be outside. I know all of these people and they are friendly and charming (even all the kids are charming.)

I think I will also include a couple of widowers in their 80s -- one very charming, the other not so charming but he does LOVE being invited out to eat. (He is really pleasant and happy when all he has to do is show up and eat.) And maybe a few other neighbors - maybe 20 in all.

This is very informal and easy, as you can see. My husband refuses to commit that he will even show up -- but he likes all the people (except he hasn't met the new family) so I'm pretty sure he will show up. By the way, he is extremely charming and funny and nobody can believe that he is an introvert and doesn't like to entertain. Everybody is unique in their own way!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
That is such a nice gesture!! :applause: Hope you have fun!!!


MHH Member
Oct 14, 2007
Tall Corn state

Can my DH & I join you?!!! Sounds like so much fun!



Santa's Elves
Oct 13, 2007
West Midlands, UK.
What a wonderful idea. Have a great time!


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
Have a wonderful time! I'm sure your neighbors will be grateful.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
I wish we ALL lived on the same street! Can you imagine how much fun we would have? Monthly pot luck dinners - where we work on projects and eat and laugh? Christmas teas and coffees in each others houses -- to help each other with decorating and to admire each others decorations. Oh -- we could help each other give Christmas parties. We could arrange Christmas carrolling up and down the street! We could have breakfasts and try out our new recipes!

Well, we WILL continue to celebrate with each other in virtual reality! The pizza party went well - I can recommend it. Instead of the $5 medium pizzas, Dominos was having a special with 2-large 2-topping pizzas for $12.99. I got some good vegetarian ones - black olive/mushroom, cheddar and tomatoes, and plain. Then - beef and cheddar (the hit), sausage & pepperoni, and pepperoni. Each family brought a salad - turned out to be 3 green salads. People ate a LOT!
I had sodas and waters and beer (only one beer drunk). And wine. People also drank A LOT. We went through 8 bottles of wine. Four extra neighbors dropped by and stayed, for various reasons. Three of them happened to be very good looking, friendly and charming men. This did brighten things up for us women! Also, the men like them too because they are very funny!

It rained all day and our house is very small. And our living room and family/room dining room are small. I was ready to slit my wrists about how crowded we would be. I had planned for it to be outside. (Oh - and my husband spent the day lying on the bed, watching sports shows, doing the NYTimes crossword, napping - and saying he wouldn't be able to come to the party because he didn't feel well.) So - I opened a bottle of wine early for myself. It made me very philosophical and calm.

I had forgotten that when people are all crowded in together, it makes it very easy to talk and makes it kind of exciting. All the adults ended up in the living room, standing around the buffet where all the wine bottles were arranged. Having refills for their wine glasses by just stretching out a hand seemed to be very fine with the adults. The kids all went into the dining room/family room and played video games and ate pizza and drank sodas. (The video games and sodas are forbidden or limited at their homes, so they really enjoyed them.)

People stayed a long long time. I am tired today, but it was fun. Oh - and my husband appeared, freshly showered, when the first guest arrived. He had a terrific time - loved the new neighbors - loved talking to the neighbors who dropped in, loved the vegetarian pizza and salads. He stayed until the last guest left, and then retired to watch Sunday evening programs. He was extremely funny and charming and interesting as always.

So - I say - Party On!!!! :party: