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  1. Gingerbug

    Free Ebook...The Birthing Tree

    My novel The Birthing Tree is FREE in ebook format until midnight tonight (Sat. July 18th) Enjoy! It's a light paranormal read, nothing too scary. Please don't report me for I am administrator here!
  2. Gingerbug

    Hello All

    Hello everyone, I'm like a ghost from the past. I am the original founder of MHH and it was soon after we started that Jeff got involved and has provided a wonderful home for us for many years. I continue to contribute by paying for the domain but Jeff shoulders all other burdens. As time ebbs...
  3. Gingerbug

    Feb: Great American Pie Month

    Time to share your pie making tips and recipes as February is Great American Pie Month but I'm declaring it International Pie Making Month so would love to hear recipes from around the world!
  4. Gingerbug

    Christmas Notebook Revamp: Week One

    As noted in the Christmas notebook thread, many of us are in different parts of life where a full-blown Christmas notebook just isn't as needed as it was in the past. This past year my most used sections were simply gift tracking and menu planning. As I might have mentioned elsewhere this year I...
  5. Gingerbug

    Great Pumpkin Days 2019

    I'm wanting to create a list of Great Pumpkin Day conversation topics/projects/ideas etc for each month this year. We will just run it January through September. If you have any ideas to include please post and I will add it to our list. If you are willing to "host" one of the months let me...
  6. Gingerbug

    2019 Rudolph Day Movies

    Starting the list: In celebration of my Whoville project. I will volunteer for January and we will kick the year off with The Grinch (the version of your choice) January: The Grinch (Gingerbug) February March April: Miracle on 34th Street (Pam Spaur) May: Home Alone 2 (housewife2) June...
  7. Gingerbug

    Rudolph Day 2019 Project

    So I found a fantastic Grinch quote picture at Kirkland's day after Christmas special. Its red canvas with the quote in white. I love that made me start thinking I needed a Whoville Village BUT when I googled it I decided I couldn't invest in the Dept, 56 version as its quite...
  8. Gingerbug

    January: National Soup Month

    January is National Soup Month (as well as some other things) So watch this thread after January 1st for some soup trivia, recipes. and ideas for celebrating soup!
  9. Gingerbug

    January: National Hot Tea Month

    January is National Hot Tea Month (plus some other things too) so watch this thread after January 1st for some Hot Tea trivia, recipes and idea sharing. We might need to chase away those post-holiday blues!
  10. Gingerbug

    19 in 19

    I've tried this a couple of years without being too successful but I think I will try again in 2019. The premise is to read 19 books in 2019 but to also include different genres so you are stretching your reading. So you have to read different ones in different genres to count. You decide 19 in...
  11. Gingerbug

    Celebrate Me 2019

    For my two daughters in 2018, I bought each of them a little celebrate me gift each month and gave it to them on their birth dates....21st and 24th. Of course, they loved it...who doesn't like getting a little surprise. We also did the 24 Days of Christmas gifts. This year I will look for...
  12. Gingerbug

    Holiday Happy Hour 2018

    Tomorrow is our Holiday Happy Hour party. One year I had three of them...three Fridays in a row. It was fun but this year there's only one. Signature Drink: Crandandy Cooler. A fruity juice drink with vodka. Its red and Christmas yummy. Hot Wing Dip: Serving this in a casserole crockpot...
  13. Gingerbug

    Choosing a Planner 2020

    I think choosing the right planner is difficult. Now that I'm retired my planner plays a different role than it used to. I've played around with several different styles over the past few years but I always come back to the Happy Planner as my favorite. I like the classic size and the mini. I...
  14. Gingerbug

    To Do List Dec. 16-22 2018

    It's the week before Christmas......what is on your to do list? Final push before we celebrate
  15. Gingerbug

    Word of the Year 2019

    I thought I would go ahead and start a thread for 2019 since its only 19 more days until January 1 2019! Hope everyone's Christmas prep is under control! Plus it takes time to pick out a good word to live by. I have to admit that last year I didn't do a great job living my word. We actually...
  16. Gingerbug

    Jumpstart January 2019

    This year for JumpStart January I am going to focus on one major project in January. That will be sorting, decluttering and organizing my Christmas stuff. I started this a couple years ago and got about 1/4 finished. Then the next couple of years things got totally out of hand. There is...