Cutting the Clutter for Christmas!

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Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I realised last year, when I decorated a tree at home and was able to decorate another tree in the house we borrowed for the season, and still had leftover tree decorations, that I may have too many!!

So while I haven't done it yet, I had already decided that when I get the other box back from MIL's attic (it went there in case we were going to be down this year again, but it is not looking likely - although we have yet to decide properly), that I am going to go through them and donate a lot of the spares to the local charity shops. Hopefully before Christmas itself so that others can get to use them this year.

Or else put aside a box of things and make my siblings go through it, as a few of them are starting to be thinking of putting up trees themselves now (none yet settled away from home, but more settled in temporary places where decorating is on the agenda and veering towards being settled by next year in other cases).


Premiere Member
Another way to get your "excess" Christmas out of the house is, if you have a blog, have a giveaway. I have a box of Christmas that I don't want to keep but don't want to take to Goodwill or throw away. I think I will have a couple of giveaways on my Christmas blog. It will cost a little in shipping but I will feel better about it if I know my stuff goes to another Christmas nut!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I did a mini purge of Christmas items this summer - grabbing items out of the attic and I'll never use again and taking them to Goodwill.

Alot of things I purchased years ago when I was first starting out on my own and first starting to buy my own Christmas things. Alot of it is either no longer my taste or it was purchased when I zero funds for really nice things and it was falling apart.

I got rid of alot of Easter stuff too. And it was nice to see space open up in the attic!

I will be keeping a close eye for other donatable items as I get decorations out for this year. I've been a growing fan of the "less is more" look when it comes to holiday decorating for the past couple of years.

I still have lots of trees - which means lots of ornaments - but when it comes to mantles and countertops I have tried to simplify the finished "look" - letting really beloved pieces shine in center stage instead of crowding a bunch of things together.

DH is a huge clutter phobe, so he keeps me on my toes. Or course, he has his own weaknesses when it comes to clutter, but I won't get into that here...ahem :)

I can't wait to start decorating this year! I'm hoping I'll still be able to get some things out of the attic myself (will be about 6 months along at that point) but I can badge DH to do it for me! ;)


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
I am FINALLY really beginning my September Rudolph Day! Seriously!

I am gathering ALL the Christmas stuff that is "floating around" --- and bring it to bankers boxes in the family room/dining room. MOST of the Christmas things are in boxes in the attic. Most. But there seems to be a whole lot down here -- riding the waves of clutter in various rooms.

My favorite thrift shop already has a Christmas corner -- set up beside the entrance. It would be really nice to bring some donations over -- some Christmas decoration donations. But first - I have to transport everything to the family room.

Between errands, laundry, exercise, weekly house blessing ---- my energy is beginning to lag. And the "sorting work" gets done sitting down. Sorting Christmas items. AND --- the endless sorting of the oceans of paper that keep surging into our homes!

So -- hopefully my energy will be good for lots of "sorting" today!


Retire Member
Jan 6, 2008
I got rid of quite a bit of Halloween stuff this year, and I'm going to do the same with Christmas. You are quite right about the clutter factor. I have too much stuff.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Clutter! If we can just continue to think of getting rid of clutter as part of our "fun Christmas preparations" -- then it's all good! AND -- putting Christmas decorations "on top" of clutter........ well, that just doesn't sound very festive!

Have you ver watched the television program "Neat"? It is an "organization" show. You know, they NEVER seem to go in and say -- "You can certainly keep ALL your stuff - I'll just arrange it for you and make it look wonderful!"

Nope. They get down to what the room can hold comfortably. Actually - LESS than it can hold. They always leave space -- on the shelves, in the room, etc.

Also -- the FIRST thing they do on this show is to ask the people "What would you LIKE to be able to do in this room?" Then -- they design a way to use the room so that the people who live there can comfortably do that in the room.

It might be a change of pace to ask ourselves "What would you LIKE to do in this room -- for the holidays?" Hmmmm. I'll try that today.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I think that I may have to much stuff. Last year my DH bought me totes so I could put all of my Christmas stuff in and I ended up with 4 totes. I was a little surprised that I had that much. This year when I bring it out I think I will really go through it and only keep what is really special to me. I will ask the children to pick their favorite things and the rest can be given to charity. Then I will start 2010 with putting away my special things not junk.

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
Have you ver watched the television program "Neat"? It is an "organization" show. You know, they NEVER seem to go in and say -- "You can certainly keep ALL your stuff - I'll just arrange it for you and make it look wonderful!"

Nope. They get down to what the room can hold comfortably. Actually - LESS than it can hold. They always leave space -- on the shelves, in the room, etc.

Also -- the FIRST thing they do on this show is to ask the people "What would you LIKE to be able to do in this room?" Then -- they design a way to use the room so that the people who live there can comfortably do that in the room.

It might be a change of pace to ask ourselves "What would you LIKE to do in this room -- for the holidays?" Hmmmm. I'll try that today.

SparkleNana - I love that show! My birthday present from my mom this year was to help me "Clean Sweep" (another organizing show) my basement and attic - where all of the holiday decorations are stored. I couldn't have asked for a better present. Sometimes it just helps to have someone else standing there saying "Do you really need that? Do you really Love it?" It's a great motivator to get rid of stuff!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Colleen what a great gift. I could really use a gift like that. I am very sentimental and tend to second guess every thing that I am trying to clear away. Everything seems important to me. Having someone helping me would be a great way of really clearing the clutter.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Almost at the end of my rope
Last year when I was undecorating, I put all my ornaments in big bins with labels on the sides and top stating what was in the box (gold ornaments, Santas, angels, Radko, etc.). I hope to consolidate some other bins containing odds and ends this year, getting rid of things I haven't used for a long time. I'll offer some things to my cousin who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. She's rebuilding her Christmas collection.


Premiere Member
I think that I may have to much stuff. Last year my DH bought me totes so I could put all of my Christmas stuff in and I ended up with 4 totes. I was a little surprised that I had that much. This year when I bring it out I think I will really go through it and only keep what is really special to me. I will ask the children to pick their favorite things and the rest can be given to charity. Then I will start 2010 with putting away my special things not junk.

Seriously.....4 totes.....I think I am up to 10 at least. LOL One for each room plus at least 2 for the living room. And then there is the tote of stuff I don't put out because I don't have room for the things in it but I don't want to get rid of yet. And I am up to 5 Halloween/Fall totes.......2 for 4th of July and 2 for Easter. Help me, I'm drowning and I can't get up!

Definitely have to think about giving stuff away on my blog this season!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Do we have to admit how many totes we have? ahem...

I really couldn't even say - lets just say there are ALOT

Stacks from floor to ceiling in the unfinished storage area in the basement, taking up one large corner of the room

And then there is the stuff in the attic...

Yeah, I would not feel bad about 4 totes - of course, everyone is different and 4 totes may really be alot from another person's view...

But if nothing else, if your DH gives you a hard time you can tell him how lucky he is not be stuck with someone like ME who can't even COUNT the number of totes! LOL


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Or like me!

The large number of totes, bins and boxes I have is uncounted...... and shall remain uncounted. Let's just agree that -- it is A LOT.

I am NOT ashamed. And my family views it with mild alarm........ but knows that there are much worse things that could happen!

The Halloween stuff goes outside -- so I figure that is unlimited.

The house is small and has small rooms. So the Christmas things are kept to a restrained number because of that. (Although there ARE a lot of outside lights!)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
LOL.....when my DH has a little whine this year as I ask him to drag in my 4 totes do I have permission to show him the last couple of posts in this thread. I don't know know if I feel better because I only have 4 totes or if I am running behind in the christmas decorating area and NEED TO BUY MORE STUFF.
Thanks ladies.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
You have my complete permission to disparage my "Christmas tote collecting mania"

Throw me under the bus! I won't feel a thing! :)


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Be my guest too, sweetpumpkinpye! We all have to do whatever we can to make it possible to live with family members who do not love Christmas as much as we do!

I am continuing to declutter in fits and starts! Darn real life is very insistent about taking huge chunks of our time!!! It definitely gets in the way of time we would like to devote to Christmas prep!

I purshed dgs3 in his stroller around dd's neighborhood this afternoon -- and I was delighted to see a number of houses with great outdoor Hallowen decorations! So -- even though I was not doing anything directly related to holiday prep -- I was able to happily observe that other people had been at work!

I very much appove of this demonstration of holiday celebration for the world to see -- and to enjoy! What the world needs now..... is MORE celebration!


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
Be my guest Sweetpumpkinpie. Sparkle Nana I couldn't have said it any better. Not too many people in my neighborhood decorate for fall or Halloween. I have to drive through other neighborhoods to see the wonderful decorations.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Halloween is not something that is celebrated here although over the past few years decorations etc have been sneaking into our stores. My husband used to work in retail and they were always pushing for halloween because there is nothing between Fathers day (early Sept) and Christmas, and of course the stores like to sell sell sell.
So as Australian we don't know much about the traditions behind the Holiday but I am always interested to read about peoples Halloween prep.
I suppose some folk get more involved than others but it does sound like a fun holiday.