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Santa's Elves
There was a fun discussion on the other forum about Nativity scenes - people's favorites and what kinds they have in their home.

I thought I'd revive it, as I surprisingly got a new one yesterday! My parents just came home from a week in Mexico and my Mom bought be this charming Mexican nativity. It is small and just darling - the characters are Mexican faces and flowers painted on them. It is a huge set- holy family, donkey, cow, 3 wisemen, 2 shepherds (boy and girl), 2 angels (boy and girl) and 3 tiny little sheep.

I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going to put it and am thinking about the perfect little mexican style creche for the set. :)

My favorite nativity is the olive carved set and creche we bough this year from Ten Thousand Villages. I also have a gorgeous ceramic set from my Mom (with one of the wisemen on the camel which I like) and a thick glass set which was my Grandma's.

I think when my kids leave home, I'm going to give them each one to take with them for their first home.

But we are a LONG way from that stage here. :)

Tell me about your nativities!


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Christy, your nativities sound beautiful. I have is one that my Dad made in his candle shop many years ago, It is all white...very unique. He only made 6 of them and I have the only white one, the others being pink or blue. I know that sounds rather strange, but my MoM's favorite color was pink and Dad's was blue. I treasure it as they are both gone now. I also have angels and Chrsitmas trees that he made....makes the holidays really special for me.

Linda ::candyheart:

Holiday Joy

MHH Member
Nov 4, 2007
I have a very beautiful and detailed ceramic set that one of my sisters made for me and gave to me over several Christmases. Camels, animals, shepherds, the whole nine yards. It's very precious to me, and the one that reigns on the fireplace mantel every December. I have a some others; one is a Fisher Price nativity, perfect for wee folk to play with. Another is a Playmobil set with lots of fun pieces to manipulate. It might be two sets combined -- wise men and the holy family. Another set is a chunky set cut out of wood and painted very simply. DH cut them out for me one year and I painted them. There are a couple of others, but these are the main ones.
Our nativity set is quite big, and is knitted! (I didn't do the knitting- I haven't progressed beyond scarves yet!!!!). We have Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men, the manger (also knitted), Jesus and a shawl that goes over him, the shepherds and a few sheep. I have actually seen the basic same set somewhere with a donkey as well, and I'd love to have that too- but I've never been able to find the pattern for it. My auntie is on standby to knit it if I ever track it down!

Seeing people mentioning a creche reminds me of a few years back when a church group I went to at the time played host to a group from the USA. They came into our weekly Ladies' group meeting and got very confused when we were talking about who was on the rota for the creche the following week. For some reason the fact that this was in July seemed to baffle them even more. At last their leader stood up at the start, did the 'hello' bit- then explained the confusion. To us a creche is a place where babies and young children are left and looked after while the parents are doing something else- eg during a church service, or in soem shopping centres, at some sports centres, etc. It has nothing to do with christmas (unless you've left them to go christmas shopping!).
It still often catches me out for just a moment when I read it though!


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
My favorite it a ceramic one my DSIL painted for us when we got married. It is large - the tallest pieces are about 9-10 inches high (the 3 camels) and has 22 pieces. A few pieces have chipped over the years which really saddens me, but I always arrange the set so you can't (really) tell.

chilli, our church sells olive wood ornaments, nativities, etc made in the Holy Land around Christmas to raise money for Christians there. I always swoon over the nativities. One day DH might get the hint and buy me one ;-)


MHH Member
Oct 21, 2007
I have a real weakness for these.....and am trying to reduce the number I have. But, when we went to Mexico this past summer...what do you think I brought home? You guessed it! I also got sets for my Mother and I hand-carried 3 home in my carry on luggage. They all made it too:)

I have several from years past. In fact, last year, I gave one to each married child that I knew would be special to them. They loved them.

I have very simple to very expensive (Waterford set I picked up in Ireland at the factory). I display them on my book shelf on varying heights to make it more interesting. One of my favorites was one I found in North Carolina. It looks like little children in a Christmas Nativity play. Some of the boys are even wearing tennis shoes. It is very dear.

Anyway, I am trying to show restraint....but if I go somewhere fun....and I find one.....chances are really will find a home in my house! :-D


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I found some made by Willow Tree that are absolutely gorgeous. They are pricey, but so beautiful. I would love to buy one, but no one ships to Canada. I am going to keep looking until I find someone that does.

:bigsnow: Melanie


Retire Member
Nov 6, 2007
Little Falls, Mn
I've been collecting old paper mache pieces from the 30's and 40's. I have everything to make it complete except for a stable. I would like to make a rock type one with a light in it to look like the stable in the movie "The Nativity" but I don't know if I am quite creative enough!!


Retire Member
Dec 30, 2007
I have a few. Some are more Holy family figurines, candle holders, decorative pieces instead of full blown Nativities. I also love to find Baby Jesus or Nativity ornaments. I love sets that are different. I have one of Mary holding Jesus & his manger contains a rumpled blanket on the straw. I have a small candleolder and it has a wise man kneeling behind the manger beside Mary & Joseph. I would love to have a larger collection one day.

Sounds like a lot of beautiful Nativities are owned by our members. It would be lovely to see pics of them all!

Bren :jumpinghearts:

P.S. One year our library had a collection on loan of Nativities from around the world. They were so interesting to look at! So different, yet so much alike.


Santa's Elves
I have yet to see the movie 'the nativity' I wonder if it's worth buying.
I want a nativity the kids can play with; I have all the wood cut out for a children's pageant one to paint but it's on my UFO list! It's a pattern I got from Kenna and Donna if you are familiar with them.


Retire Member
Nov 6, 2007
Little Falls, Mn
Jackfrosty.... The Nativity movie is definitely worth buying! Awesome movie!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
I have a pretty little frosted glass one that looks pretty with the candle behind it. Then from when my dd was little (she's 15 now), we have a kid set from Avon. Well, little ds, 4 yrs., played with that this year!

Oh, I might look for that movie, too! Thanks!



Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Almost at the end of my rope
I have a beautiful Waterford crystal set that my husband gave me for Christmases several years ago -- one piece at a time! I also have a miniature Fontanini set, and a larger Fontanini set. I thought I'd add a piece to it every year, but as I added pieces beyond the basics, I thought a year or so ago that it was getting too cluttered, so I've stopped adding to it.


Retire Member
Oct 22, 2007
You might want to check out the Jim Shore Heartwood Creek nativities-one is very traditional Jim Shore and the other is his look in blue.

A few years back I had a program for the Presbyterian Women in December, and I asked anyone who wanted to bring in nativitiy sets. Wow, what beauties and what stories these ladies could tell about their sets.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 26, 2007
Central Vermont
:frosty: I own the complete Jim Shore Nativity. Being an avid quilter it was natural. I received the Holy Family one Christmas from dh, the shepherd and animals for our anniversary and the following year I got a great deal on the wise men from the Hallmark clearance shelf. I also have many of his angels and they keep watch over the Christ child. This set stays up year-round.


Retire Member
Dec 10, 2008
I'm bumping this thread up because I am interested in buying a Jim Shore Nativity between now and next Christmas. I would love to see pictures of your Jim Shore nativity scenes.
