So far:
DH and I going to the lights switch on in November. Kids refuse to go to it, so now it's our date
Last year we did "Reindeer games" every weekend. We'd play one silly game e.g. hook the candy cane, Pringle Tube Roll etc to win prizes. On the other weekend day we'll watch a Xmas film and have a special dinner.
We'll be taking the dogs to the private dog field on the 23rd. For the last five years, we've always done it on Xmas eve... Then spent the rest of the day cleaning the car and washing the dogs. Changing it this year! I also cook Quesaritos on the 23rd which is a tradition lol.
On Christmas Eve we'll be picking up Xmas dinner which is (don't judge me!) TACO BELL! Usually I do a treasure hunt for the Xmas eve box, but not sure whether to do it this year or not.
Christmas day will be us four humans&2dogs, eating too much food and staying in PJ's all day. Or at least I will be!
That's all I've got so far. I feel like changing things up a bit this year. I posted a thread a few months back asking for traditions/ideas, so I'll have to find it and incorporate some where possible. I also like the idea of doing something for myself this year too. Perhaps a late night study session at the city library when it's late night shopping. I can study then have a browse around the shops and see the twinkly lights etc. I'm such a boring person