Fly Lady

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I have checked out flylady again after a few years and might start up with her plans and program after the holidays.

I thoroughly enjoyed the student control journal. I made copies of it for my boys and they absolutely love the idea of having their very own binder...I mean heck mommy has enough :haha:

Right now I want to refocus my plans to the Christmas Countdown since I fell off the HGP bandwagon.. But I will check out flylady's sight about cruising to Christmas and maybe I can adopt it for next year!!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Re: Fly Lady--I do I do

I love Flylady. I cruise with her. I can't believe how much time I have since I started with Flylady. I really do only do about 15 minutes of cleaning.

I do have her Christmas Journal printed but not filled out. I like the OC one far better.

I think a lot of people get carried away when they first start Flylady's program thinking they have to do it all the first day. I started her program to prove she was wrong! You can't possibly keep a house clean in 15 minutes. I'm so glad I was wrong.

I remember sitting on the sofa almost in tears one day. The mission was to mop the kitchen floor. I sat there looking at that huge floor. I'd just had a stroke and my fibromyalgia was really bad. There was no way I could do that whole floor. Then I had a light bulb moment. I was looking at two rooms worth of floor. The mission said do the kitchen floor, not the dinning room. My kitchen and dinning room were together. So I mopped the kitchen part only and not one inch over the center line. I didn't scrub the floor or do the baseboards or wax. Just mopped it.

I still remember how proud I was to have done my first "Kelly's Mission". That's the moment I realized I did not have to look at all the work that needed to be done but concentrate on one small job. It was a turning point in my thoughts and my life.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I've read through her site somewhat, but quite honestly, it gives me a headache. LOL It's too crowded and jumbled together. I'm more of an order person with easy to find links and easy to navigate web pages. My mom likes FlyLady though. I may look more at someday. Right now i'm doing the CC.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Vancouver, B.C. (Canada)
Like HouseElf, I've never heard of FlyLady either. However, like you, I am also doing the O.C. Christmas Countdown. How is the Countdown going for you or it is still too early the comment? :snowman:
MrsSoup said:
I've read through her site somewhat, but quite honestly, it gives me a headache. LOL It's too crowded and jumbled together. I'm more of an order person with easy to find links and easy to navigate web pages. My mom likes FlyLady though. I may look more at someday. Right now i'm doing the CC.
So I am not the only one to find it confusing sometimes!!! I had read through the day by day and then there are additional links to other list ideas and then I keep going and don't remember how to get back to find those additional links etc....It drove me NUTS. I recently (about 2 monhs ago) decided to go and check her site out again. It is not the BEST site persay but it can be helpful. Like I said earlier I really enjoy the student control journal to help my 6 yr old twins and 8 yr old get started with their own game plan. They absolutely love that I printed them a calendar that tells them when their baseball games are, what time, and what field we are on. They wake up on game days and check the calendars and when we arrive they have to tell me which parking area to park since they know what field they are playing on. It is sooo cute :grin: I am gonna give flylady a try in January and see how it goes.


Santa's Elves
Ahorsesoul- I, too believe it can be live changing.
I think a lot of people get carried away when they first start Flylady's program thinking they have to do it all the first day.
I found the site overwhelming. However-I think if I tried not to do it ALL and focused on one thing (like Kelly's missions) I would find a big difference-I may take a look at it again-But I think I should focus on just one countdown-unless I find a few extra hours in the day!(maybe it could help me do that)


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
I do Fly Lady - The site is a little hard to navigate, but really, you sign up for the e-mails and 99% of the infos comes through there - the daily missions, the control journal setup, ect. So you don't have to go on the site all the time - I rarely visit the site. I am still fluttering, but working on it - Fly Lady and OH / OC have helped me a ton!

kmwiegand :boo:


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
I tried Flylady early on in my mission to get organized, those e-mails drove me crazy. Every time I turned around there they were, telling me do this do that. I didn't know enough then to pick my battles now I do I find her site very confusing. Me, I'm very much at home on OH and OC and soon to be here. :haha: :haha: :haha:


MHH Member
Oct 16, 2007
I too, tried out FlyLady "back in the day" when I was first starting out with getting my life on track. Since I work full-time, the emails drove me up the wall. I finally gave up and have my own schedule now. However, the one thing I did take away from it and still use today is that I never spend more than 15 minutes cleaning one room. This really pushes me to work fast and not get sidetracked. I still set a timer to keep me on track and moving throughout the house. AND, I still do 3 rooms (45 minutes) and then take a 15 minute break (with timer...I can't be trusted without it! :haha: ).


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
How funny. I've never really read her website. I started Flylady in 2001. I read a little and signed up for her program and just follow the emails. When I read the welcome letter it told me how to start and that I could delete any emails I wasn't ready to do. I took her at word and my delete key was and still is used often. I never work for over 15 minutes.

The first thing I did was to clean my sink and keep it clean.The first time you do this job is probably the longest job she has you do because it does take longer than 15 minutes. Then you start on a morning routine, then an evening routine. You don't start the anything new until you have one step down as a habit and feel that you can go on.

The first time I did my sink, the counters and rest of the house was a mess. Didn't matter, my only job was to keep the sink clean. Then you have to declutter. If you don't declutter you will always fall back into the mess you had before you started. Every day I took a bag and found 27 items to get rid of for the day. Could be a piece of tissue, an old shirt or a chair. But I did this for a few months. I kept a box in the living room that I put items I was taking to the thrift store. When friends came over they "shopped" in my thrift store box. Warning, this is addictive.

The first time a good friend came over and asked how I had gotten my house so nice, I was so proud that I have continued. She couldn't believe that I cleaned up my house one small area at a time. It was almost magical that all these small areas became one clean, decluttered house. A few months later my dh said the house looked nice. I asked him what was gone. He couldn't name one item and I had decluttered not only small items but a coffee table and a large chair.

No, it didn't happen in a day, a week or even a month. It took months. Every system works and it works for everyone. The only catch is you have to keep doing it. It's just like a diet, they work, it's that people stop doing it that causes it to fail. There is no magic wand that will clean your house. You need to find a plan that you like and keep doing it. Do it step by step and don't expect it get clean overnight. Your house didn't get messy overnight and it won't get clean overnight.

My house is now company ready in 15 minutes, even for overnight guests. I do something every day but never for longer than 15 minutes. I have lots of free time. I am not an organized person by nature so I am amazed that I could do this. I've had a stroke and have a very bad case of fibromyalgia so I need a simple easy plan or I get burnt out and quit.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Ahorsesoul said:
How funny. I've never really read her website. I started Flylady in 2001. I read a little and signed up for her program and just follow the emails. When I read the welcome letter it told me how to start and that I could delete any emails I wasn't ready to do. I took her at word and my delete key was and still is used often. I never work for over 15 minutes.

Ahorsesoul, I am totaly with you I never look at the Fly lady site and I get the emails in digest form so there is only one a day.
I like to read the testimonials and I don't think we are being untrue to the OC or anyone else! I love the OC but it does not work for me. But does that mean I should leave here and find another board? I hope not. BUT by doing the morning routines and shining my sink I have a peace of mind that I have never had before and like your self I have some health problems that are holding me back.
Fly Lady has seen me through some tough times and I hoped to find some people to do the Cruzin through Christmas with.


Santa's Elves
I checked it out yesterday and bookmarked it-There are a few parallel's to the countdown-so I hope to use it to pad my weeks to December! Today I want to do the Family Values worksheet from the countdown and then I'll go through flylady to see what I can do that corresponds! First I'll check out my sink. :huh:


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Also, for those of you who tried in the past and didn't like the e-mails - she now has two separate e-mail lists. One is for the reminders (zones, reminders, ect) and one is for testimonials (at least I think that is how it is divided up). Also at the begining of the week she sends out a week summary with the daily missions and zone work - so it is all in one e-mail and you can just delete the rest of them. I am on individual and I just delete the ones that I am not interested in without even opening them!

Chinook Girl

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
I follow Flylady the best I can, I like the daily missions and the zone cleaning helps, sure would like to know how she fully cleans her house on Mondays in 1 hour. The timer thing sure does make me get to things, in 15 mins I find I can get lots done.


Definitely not a Fly person myself for too many reasons to go into here :). I do believe people should do what works for them and brings them joy.

Peggy and her sister, whose name I can't recall, and Marla have message boards some place if that interests anyone. You can probably google it.

Becca said:
Definitely not a Fly person myself for too many reasons to go into here :). I do believe people should do what works for them and brings them joy.

Peggy and her sister, whose name I can't recall, and Marla have message boards some place if that interests anyone. You can probably google it.


Are you talking about Pam and Peggy of SHE?? Here's a link to their site....


Yes, I knew their names both started with P. You would think I would be able to remember both names. Oy! :slap:

The message board link is I believe they moved recently.
