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  1. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day 2012 May

    Happy Turkey Day to one and all. Pick up some turkey legs to grill this weekend. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/grilled-turkey-legs
  2. Ahorsesoul

    Time to Wrap Up Thanksgiving

    Take some time to jot down any notes about what happened (or didn't) that you want to remember for next year. This does not have to be neat. Scratch some things on paper and put it into your Thanksgiving/Fall Notebook. I made a note not to buy the brand of turkey I picked up this year. Was...
  3. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Safety for leftovers-Freeze them now

    If you haven't eaten them by now you probably won't so either toss them or freeze them. Not just the turkey but the gravy, stuffing and side dishes. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/food-safety/AN01095 http://d.wisegeek.com/how-long-can-i-safely-eat-leftover-turkey.htm
  4. Ahorsesoul

    Bacon wrap your Turkey this year

  5. Ahorsesoul

    4th Turkey Day April 2011

    I am up late. Finished reading the latest Black Dagger Brotherhood book that I picked up yesterday. Not a vampire fan at all but do like these books. This holiday can be for anyone who wants to be blessed and thankful for the people in their life. I never thing of it as related to the...
  6. Ahorsesoul

    3rd Turkey Day-March 2011

    I'm up cooking an early Turkey Day dinner. Yep that's right, it's another Turkey Day this week. Another month closer to Thanksgiving. I'm roasting a turkey with sausage, carrot, onion and red pepper dressing. I'll have leftover green beans and Brussels Sprouts and salad for the veggies, not...
  7. Ahorsesoul

    First Turkey Day of 2011

    Yes, it is this coming Thursday so put Turkey on your weekly menu! If you froze leftovers from Thanksgiving now is the time to use them. They will last another two months if you just are not ready for turkey. Find a good recipe now.
  8. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Day leftovers: Freeze it or lose it today

    If you want to keep your leftovers use them or get ready to toss them tomorrow or Monday. Turkey does not keep long in the refrig but 3 to 4 days. Turkey gravy only 1 to 2 days. Mashed potatoes 3 to 4 days (remember they are not just potatoes in them--add eggs and some flour and fry patties for...
  9. Ahorsesoul

    Leftover Turkey, what are you making?

    Here are some ideas and please post your own. http://thepioneerwoman.com/tasty-kitchen-blog/2010/11/got-leftovers/
  10. Ahorsesoul

    Thanksgiving Pizza

  11. Ahorsesoul

    Leftover Turkey Assignment

    Now is the time to gather together some leftover turkey recipes AND make your shopping list so you will have the items needed on hand for a quick dinner. My three for this year: I'm going to use Lisa's recipe with turkey instead of chicken...
  12. Ahorsesoul

    Turkey Buying Tips

  13. Ahorsesoul

    Video-new way to cook your Turkey

  14. Ahorsesoul

    March Turkey Day 2010

    I made a turkey last night. DH work gave him one for Christmas so I figured I had better get it cooked and out of the freezer. It was small so I didn't cut the legs off to stuff them using the recipe from Feb. Turkey day. I'm going to keep my eyes open for some large turkey legs. I really want...