April Declutter Club

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Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
Hi all, I haven't been around for a while and am just getting caught up reading everyone's posts. You're all doing an AMAZING job!! I think I've gotten the house to where we just have to tackle piles as they develop...there's not much more I can get rid of here. Now once we move and I schlep my boxes back across the country...that will be a different story. Either before we move or once we get there I will not just put my boxes back into storage, I plan on going through them all and hopefully letting go of alot of it.

Funny you're talking about Hoarders...I have the show set to record new episodes and after you all reminding me, I realized I have 2 shows recorded that I haven't watched, so I just put it on. I too, LOVE Peter Walsh! From back in the Clean Sweep days....loved that show! I have a few of his new shows recorded, but I haven't seen any new ones recently.

So I will try to take care of "hot spots" as thing accumulate...


Well-Known Member
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Oct 13, 2007
This was not in my plans to declutter, but I am glad I had to do it. It was one of those projects you hate to do...and put off as long as you can.

DH and I used to drive a Chevy Astro van that I filled with leftovers from my last rummage sale....planning to go through it when I had time..and kept puttin off. We gave it to someone last week, which forced me to clean it out!

About 6 large trash bags went to Goodwill.


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Apr 10, 2008
Nancy, last year I was in that position. Definately keep up on those piles and putting things where they go. I realize I was lacking a little in that area this past year! Finding things in weird places. Other things right in front of my eyes that I couldn't find. Like my cell phone charger!

MissJane, 6 bags is awesome. Jsut think about how much stuff that really is. Remind me of the butter thing with weight loss. Stick those bags on the outside of your house and see how big they are! LOL


Well-Known Member
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Oct 13, 2007
Not only the bags of stuff, but they came and got the van out of our yard today! WOO-HOO! I hadn't even thought of that until just a few minutes ago!


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2008
Wow...Jane, a VAN!!!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 24, 2007

I have enjoyed reading over all these posts. A lot of cleaning out being done!

When we went through my "Room of the Week" today ... DH and I found all sorts of things that made us say, "Why do we have this?" So, it was either thrown away or Freecycled away!


April 17-23
Hall Closets
[X] Take everything out of coat closet and sort through
[X] Vacuum floor and dust shelf
[X] Put back only what needs to be in there!
[X] Take everything out of hot water/heater/AC closet
[X] Vacuum floor
[X] Put back things only if they can do there and NOT be a fire hazzard!
[X] Go through Towel/Sheet/Medicine closet

Pam Spaur

Well-Known Member
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Jul 17, 2008
Muncie, IN
Three boxes went to the thrift store today! Out of my apartment and out of my car! Yay!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
I did a fast look at the shirts in my closet. I now have a dozen shirts for the thrift shop. This didn't take me but a few minutes, less than 5. I just grabbed shirts I hadn't worn in the last year.

Pam Spaur

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jul 17, 2008
Muncie, IN
I did a fast look at the shirts in my closet. I now have a dozen shirts for the thrift shop. This didn't take me but a few minutes, less than 5. I just grabbed shirts I hadn't worn in the last year.

Yay for you, too!


Retire Member
Apr 4, 2011
Yesterday was regular weekly cleaning upstairs and today was downstairs so all the trash is out in the barrel waiting to be picked up tomorrow. I finally finished cleaning out the last closet and I got a few things to go to the attic and a couple things to go to the basement, plus a bag to donate/freecycle and lots of trash/recycle. My husband did a great job going through old computer stuff and getting rid of most of it. I started cleaning out under the spare bed so I have to finish there next. My goal is to get rid of everything except one bin and then put that bin in the freshly cleaned closet. I can't believe all of the stuff that was in there that we didn't need.


MHH Member
May 2, 2008
It's just great reading about everyone's accomplishments! I just started decluttering again and boy am I finding it difficult. I already got rid of the obvious clutter last summer. Now I'm trying to declutter things that are still useful to me, I don't think I want to get rid of and really can't find a permanent place for!! I need help!!! At least I have taken care of the closets and draws that were already decluttered so that helps. As a matter of fact, sometime when I'm frustrated, I open up a cabinet of closet and look at it to remind me that I can do it!!! My DS21 is home from college this week and he has decluttered a lot of his things. Tomorrow he promised to bring an old TV and computer monitor to Best Buy to be recycled. That should help in the garage. I'm sad to say a lot of the clutter now are my holiday crafts that are not organized... Sometimes I had to duplicate items because I couldn't find it. DH keeps telling me to just get rid of it, so does DS. Maybe they're right. Decluttering can be so hard at times!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
You have done such a good job of decluttering. You will get the rest done too. Decide what you goals are with decluttereing.

Once I decided to gather and organize all my scrapbooking supplies I figured out I didn't need to buy supplies for years. Now that I know what I have I feel so much better. You can do this, I know you can.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2008
I was going to say, still haven't done anything, but I did go through the medicine closet today and tossed several old things my husband had been keeping and not using. Gone, gone, gone!!


MHH Member
May 2, 2008
Thank you for the words of encouragement Ahorsesoul!! Your right! I guess right now I'm looking at it as clutter while if they were all organized I would feel better and they would look like supplies. Plus, if I know what I have I would probably get back into crafting again with a positive feeling. I also would know where everything is and whether or not I have the supplies to do it. Then I wouldn't feel guilty if I needed to buy something because I would know for sure I'm not wasting money and re-buying it!!


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2008
Finally talked DH into going through his closet. He managed to "partially" fill a small trash bag, but some is better then NONE!!!

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I managed to get rid of 2 boxes to goodwill today, as well as a bag of out of date medecines to the local pharmacy for proper disposal.

DH and I went to the storage unit today with 2 black bags of winter gear, DD's cotbed (she got a full size bed this week), and a load of towels, cot sheets, and curtains that we don't use. BIL is nearly finished building and SIL is about to start, so lots of things there will find good homes. I also brought down my 2 hats as we won;t have any weddings this year, but maybe next year they'll get another outing.

But we have cleared out the visitors room, which was the aim for April. So I am happy with that.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
My Ongoing List

Below is my ongoing list of cleaning/decluttering ...

... and guess what? I am almost to the end!

Guess that means ... I can start over? Hmmmmm.


The first two weeks of Jumpstart January will be Christmas Recovery....
January 1-15

[X] De-decorate living room and tree and ... mark the boxes!!!!
[X] De-decorate the kitchen and the dining room ... mark the boxes!!!!
[X] De-decorate outside
[X] Create a gift closet
[X] Clean out Christmas notebook, print updated pages
[X] Clean out refrigerator.....get rid of any lingering leftovers.
[X] Pack away holiday DVDs, music, books etc.
[X] Create or organize gift wrapping box/storage spot...put in new rolls of paper, tissue, ribbons, bags, etc

Cleaning Weekly/Monthly – 2011

Christmas Recovery
Living Room
Front Porch/ Entry Way
Master Bedroom
Kids Rooms
Carport/ Screen Room
Computer Desk Area
Dining Room
Hall Closets
Laundry Room
Backyard/ Shed

January 16-22
Living Room
[X] Clean ceiling fan
[X] Dust
[X] Wash window
[X] Vacuum under sectional couch
[X] Vacuum sofa and loveseat and futon
[X] Vacuum carpet and under carpet sectional
[X] Organize entertainment center (go thru tapes and CD's, DVD's, mark on list, give away if not needed)
[X] Go through book shelves (look at all titles - give away if needed)
[X] Look at all knick-knacks (give away if not needed)


January 23-29
Front Porch
[X] Clean the light fixture.
[X] Sweep the porch.
[X] Sweep down the walls and get rid of cobwebs.
[X] Wash the windows
[X] Trim hedges
[X] Front Door oiled
[X] New Wreath


January 30-February 5
Master Bedroom
[X] Clean and re-hang curtains
[X] Organize nightstand drawer, sweater stand, chest of drawers
[X] Clean window
[X] vacuum/ dust mini blind
[X] Clean out under bed
[X] Clean out closet
[X] Dust
[X] vacuum


February 6 - 12
Master Bath & Hall Bath
[X] De-clutter medicine cabinet and other shelves
[X] Clean cabinet doors, switches, vents, light fixtures, tub (Mr. Clean sponge)
[X] Clean shower
[X] Clean toilet, counters, sinks, mirrors (the usual)
[X] vacuum the wooden slats to cupboard doors
[X] Organize under sink
[X] sweep floor, clean baseboards
[X] Go through son's tubby toys


February 13 - 19
Son's Room
[X] Clean under bed
[X] Go through toys and books
[X] Go through closet
[X] Dust
[X] Vacuum

Feb 27-Mar 5
Screen Room/ Carport
[X] Clear out Rubbermaid Unit
[X] Clear out Mike's tool area
[X] Sweep/ Vacuum
[X] Clean up recycle & trash can area
[X] Check wind chimes, replace if broken
[X] Wash down freezer
[X] Defrost freezer
[X] Wipe chairs, table, treadmill, bench etc.


March 6 -19
Computer Desk Area/ Craft/ School Room
[X] Go through desk drawers
[X] Dust and organize the pile of paper crap by the computer
[X] Air blow out inside of computer ... hubby helps
[X] Go through filing cabinet, organize the home school files
[X] Go through shelves above the computer, organize, give away (contains books, Christmas bags, boxes of stuff)
[X] Go through book cases, organize, give away
[X] Organize under large craft table ... my Christmas present hiding place!
[X] Organize, closet, give away unused items (contains craft stuff and stuff-stuff)
[X] Dust everything else
[X] Go over bulletin boards and take off old news
[X] Vacuum


March 20 - 26
Kitchen Surfaces/ Kitchen Inside Cabinets & Such
[X] Wash down all fronts of cabinets
[X] Wash down frig, stove, micro, dishwasher
[X] Wash down all counter tops
[X] Organize Cabinets Under: Sink, By Stove, By phone, Micro cart
[X] Organize Cabinets Upper: Sink, By Stove, By phone, Above frig
[X] Clean out frig and wipe down
[X] Wipe out stove
[X] Clean inside dishwasher w/vinegar rinse
[X] Wipe out microwave


April 17-23
Hall Closets
[X] Take everything out of coat closet and sort through
[X] Vacuum floor and dust shelf
[X] Put back only what needs to be in there!
[X] Take everything out of hot water/heater/AC closet
[X] Vacuum floor
[X] Put back things only if they can do there and NOT be a fire hazzard!
[X] Go through Towel/Sheet/Medicine closet

April 24-30
Laundry Room
[X] Wash down inside/outside of back door
[X] Go through shelves and throw away or give away
[X] Reorganize the soap shelf
[X] Reorganize the nail and screw jars, replace some
[X] Mike go through work bench
[X] Wipe down washer, inside of tub and fabric softener tube
[X] Wipe down dryer and clean lint trap outside of house and front panel
[X] Mop


Backyard & Shed
[] Clean out shed, throw away or Freecycle unwanted items
[] Sweep out
[] Check toys, throw out old broken items


Dining Room
[] Wash down table and chairs
[] Take off seats and vacuum
[] redo material on seats and cover with plastic vinyl
[] dust and organize food wine rack