February Declutter Club

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Active Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
Woohoo! Got through another drawer...2 down, 1 to go, and the last one doesn't have alot of papers, mostly bigger stuff.

I have some piles for Ken, but most of it looks like he will keep...just needs to be filed, which is ok with me, but I AM hoping some it can be tossed!

I think my next project will be our pantry...it's time! lol


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!

Christmaslvr..... I agree with you: piratemamaof3boys was SO ENCOURAGING when she wrote: "Bit by bit, we will all get there!" What a wonderful post!!!!!!

Today... the weather has a break for ONE DAY: windy but warmer! I am trying to get trash Out The Door..... and reward myself with a trip to the trash cans... and then a small stroll, to look for signs of spring! They have been slow to appear! Daffodills are able to push out of the ground for a few inches... and then endure weeks and weeks and weeks more of snow and ice.... without harm! I would enjoy seeing some of those green stems today!!

Talk to you later!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
Ginger, that's awesome. Everyone else, enjoy your day and baby steps...baby steps!

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
DH and I cleared out the linen closet yesterday...we got rid of lots of tablecloths, placemats, napkins, towels and sheets...some were never even used. DH dropped them off at Goodwill this morning!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
OK. It is going slow. I guess that is what Baby Steps means. Sigh.

I have filled one paper bag of papers for recycling. And... a black bag of trash is Out The Door. Now.... I am working on more. I've done time in the kitchen and worked on papers. Now... I'll spend 15 minutes going through bathroom cabinets.

Gingerbug.... you got a HUGE amount done on Sunday!! It is amazing... how much we can stuff into the basement! And then.... when we decide "it's all too much".... it is incredible how much is in there. Congratulations on your accomplishments this weekend!

OK. I'm going back for ONE fifteen-minute session. This one will be in the bathroom cabinets. Sigh.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Hello. Still 2/14. I did one 15-minute session in the bathroom cabinets. It looks SO MUCH better! I keep going back and doing some more... and then going back for some more. THIS is an area that give you a lot of bang for the buck... so to speak! It cheers me up to have it look nice.

I filled another trash bag..... and another bag of recycling. Now I am working on papers... well.... not right now (because I am here). But..... that is my next goal.

This is not fun for me. However, one good thing is: I am not spending any money while I am doing this. Another is: I am not bringing any more stuff into the house!!

Here is another good thing: it seems that every time we go through a space..... we are able to get rid of some stuff that we would not part with LAST time.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Now it is 2/15. And it is icy cold and windy.... which is The Best Decluttering Weather (or so I keep telling myself!)

I am actually happy about organizing the bathroom cabinets. There is one full bathroom and one 1/2 bath. My makeup is in one cabinet. It was jumbled and messy. I'm getting that organized. And... they do design makeup so it looks pretty.... so you will buy it! So... it is fun to have it looking nice. I might use it a lot more often if it were easier to work with (instead of just a mess). So I will work on them this morning. AND...... I will do one more 15-minute decluttering session in the kitchen. I have discovered that if you work on decluttering the kitchen.... and do NOT bring in more stuff.... things actually get better! This has got to be the hardest room for me... since we eat so often! But... if it one million times harder when there are kids in the house!!!

Our Decluttering Flame keeps flickering! This is a Year-Long Club.... and it is so much better to do this over the whole year..... rather than trying to do something frantic right before Christmas 2011!!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
We are doing a really good job ladies.
Gingerbug, please post photos when you have finished the basement. I think it would be a boost for us to see what can be achieved.

I have tidied the linen closet and have found a few things to give to Goodwill. Also I have found that our local RSPCA will need blankets etc for the upcoming winter for the dogs and cats. Anything that is not good enough for Goodwill can be sent to the RSPCA instead. Saves us throwing it out when it might be useful somewhere else.
I have a few things to be put in Charity bins today.

I have also finished a cross stitch Santa kit that I found while I was decluttering. Today it will be framed and put in the gift closet for a gift for my mum.

Decluttering (X)
Gift for mum (X)

A win win.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Thanks all for the encouragement and motivation....that basement is still in need of many hours but I feel as if I am making some progress and I feel like I might actually be able to conquer it this time...I will keep plugging away. How ever in the world did I KEEP so much stuff....oh dear me. But it is feeling good to let go of some and reclaiming my basement!

For thos with a BIG job like mine....here are some tips:

1. If the space is actually being used...not just storage (my basement is both) THEN after you have decluttered or reclaimed an area....always go there and pick it up or put it "right" before starting the next corner, area, or stack....otherwise it will accumulate while you continue to dig out another area.

2. Visually divide the large space (my basment has one room and bath...the rest is a large open area) So each time I start to work I pick out a "spot" or heap and work on it...once I complete it i may move onto another or call it a day....depending on time.

3. MOVE OUT....anything you decide to get rid of immediately...even if you just haul it to the trash cans outside or to the trunk of your car to drop off somewhere. Get it out so when you are done with your session you really FEEL the freed up space.

4. Be heartless, be ruthless, and be realistic....if it's been sitting in a box for TEN years.....do you really need to keep it? Currently trying to work on laundry area...too many clothes...many of which I AM NOT going to wear....so ptich or donate...you cant wear that many things in one season!

5. Don't buy a lot of storage "stuff". We do not want to STORE....we want to declutter....I mean how many totes full of stuff can you have? Its fine to create a pile of stuff to keep and then decide (how or where) you are going to store it...sometimes I actually get rid of a bit more during this phase because I don't have any place to put it. I have a couple storage "purchases" on my list but am not buying them until the end...till I know exactl WHAT...I still need to store.

6. It DOESN'T MATTER...how much it cost....if you aren't using it...get rid of it...

7. THINGS are NOT MEMORIES.....they may evoke memories but those memories are there even without the things...and some objects actually make us sad or evoke melancholy memories....so we REALLY need that?

8. Keep only those things that are beautiful and make you smile...or are useful in some way. If they are those things then they need to be stored in a handy to get to spot or in a display that honors the object in some way....NOT in a dusty musty basement....Rather than having 50 random things that remind me of my mom....one or two carefully chosen things that hold a place of honor is better,.

These are just some random thoughts....hope they inspire you to tackle whatever BIG job you have been putting off...



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Great ideas Ginger!

I feel I have to wait until the kids leave home to do a big job BUT I am decluttering alot compared to usually so that feels VERY good. I love having free spaces on my shelves and in the cabinets :)


Active Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
It wasn't a big decluttering mission, but I found some things in the pantry just by a quick scan that could be tossed....2 shelves look better already!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
2/16 today! I got out of the house for a long time yesterday... and I will be gone for a long time on Thursday! SO.... today i HOPE to get some decluttering accomplished at home!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Paperwork. Boring. The big paper-recycling container outside is full. Years of putting papers aside... to deal with "LATER". That doesn't work so well.

For a break.... I am going to take a trash bag around the house. I want to see things look DIFFERENT!

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
SparkleNana - you are truly an inspiration! Keep up the great work!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
SN agreed, you really are doing a great job with your decluttering. Keep up the good work.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Paperwork. Boring. The big paper-recycling container outside is full. Years of putting papers aside... to deal with "LATER". That doesn't work so well.For a break.... I am going to take a trash bag around the house. I want to see things look DIFFERENT!

You are doing so very well at decluttering your life! Each and every little piece of paper will make you feel so much happier.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Colleen in Pa.... thank you for your sweet words! They made me feel better! This decluttering business is tiring, boring, frustrating, takes a lot of time and is hard to do. If it were EASY..... I guess we would NOT need our Decluttering Club. It wouldn't even be an issue... if it WERE easy to take care of our "decluttering needs".

Today... it has been easier for me to take a big black trash bag, and throw stuff into it. Some silk flowers that I once loved. Frozen food that is way beyond being good. A pair of pull-up slacks with a waist that is too big. (My Thrift Shop is overwhelmed with ladies slacks... for some reason. So I am NOT going to donate slacks to them.) I was in a good mood for this.... and filled two big bags.

Of course, I have been doing regular, real-life things too. Laundry, dishes, cleaning. And lots and lots of shredding & tossing papers. Baby steps.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
SN you are working so hard at this and then you just keep going!