February Declutter Club

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New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Good morning sweetpumpkinpye and Ahorsesoul! Cheers and strength and energy to you both.... and to everyone who is in this 2011 Decluttering Club with us! I have to keep reminding myself: THIS IS A MARATHON........ not a sprint!!! We will probably have set-backs, injuries, all kinds of hiccups.... but we WILL keep going! TOGETHER! Whether it is every day.... or once a month.... it ALL HELPS!!!!

OKay..... today will be a morning trip to a nearby city. When I get back this afternoon.... perhaps I will have "fresh eyes" to look at things! Talk to you later!


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Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
yesterday I finally got to my junk drawer in the kitchen. I pulled the trashcan over to me and started sorting. Fly lady suggested not dumping but picking through it. That's what I did. I put stuff on the counter that was going back in, got 2 baskets I was not using and put them to use ont some thing like my 4 sets of measuring spoons, to keep them together and put some stuff away in a better place. Then all the trash, yuck! It's much better now. Not sure where my focus area will be today, guess we'll see where it takes me.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Back from the day's travels... which included the monthly stop at Wal Mart. so... there is A LOT to put away. And... I am pretty tired and stiff....... So, the few perishables are put away. I am going to rest and take my time with the rest.

Nothing more than routines will get done today.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I keep looking at my junk drawer and cannot find anything to throw out. I will get DH to have a look and maybe then some stuff will be gone. Surely I do not need everything in that drawer


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Hello on Friday, 2/18, of our 2011 Declutter Club. One thing I have slowly learned is.... doing our "routines" is SO important! No matter HOW impatient we are to make progress on our "decluttering journey"..... it is the "routine work" that makes our lives pleasant and workable...... WHILE we do everything else! The "routine things" are NOT decluttering. (They are things like dishes, laundry, "straightening up".... that kind of thing.)

And..... so far today.... all my energy has gone into doing the "routine things". (And.... to resting up from yesterday's exertions.) Now... I am watching Dr. Oz.... and I am inspired to do some decluttering. Hhhhmmm.... I will start with a big black trash bag.... and go around the house.... trying to toss things in! Then.... after a little rest.... I will start doing some paperwork. Tossing and shredding.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
OK.... actually, a lot of things got thrown into the trash bag... and OTD! NO paperwork got done. BECAUSE... the temperature was so nice outside.... that several neighbor ladies decided to share a bottle of wine, outside, to celebrate the day! It was wonderful! We stayed outside for about an hour and a half.... and had a wonderful time! Very refreshing! Life is not about "decluttering" alone!

Back to work tomorrow. Tonight... I'll watch a movie with dh!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Glad you had fun SN! You have to take time out of decluttering & enjoy life too. :)


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
There are NINE remaining 15-minute decluttering sessions left.... in my modest goal for February. I will attempt to do TWO of them today. Maybe even more.

Today will be: routines AND decluttering. (Readers faint from excitement.) I am going to search the television schedules for today.

How about you?????


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Luludou --- WOW! How did you get so much done in your ds's room? Was he away? However you did it.... great job!

I spent ONE 15-minute decluttering session in the kitchen. I seem to be moving so slowly today! Gggrrrr! That brings me down to EIGHT sessions remaining in February.

Luludou... I am going to try to fill one trash bag in honor of your work today!!!!!


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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
lol! SN, yes DS slept at a friend's house so I threw some things away... lots left to do.

Wish I could get some furniture out of the house too... but teens are 17 and 19... one day they'll leave and might need a few pieces.. so it'll have to wait.


Active Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
Morning girls! Happy Saturday! Not sure what decluttering I'll get to today. I have lots of things that have been lingering that I need to tackle before I start something new.

luludou: Wow, you got lots done while the kids were gone!

SN: Sounds like you had a great day yesterday...spending time with friends had to be rejuvenating!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
OK.. I did the two 15-minute decluttering sessions in the kitchen... so now SEVEN remain for February's goal. More routines and more general decluttering throughout the house. The Christmas tree got taken down and packed into its box. (This was late because of my broken leg.)

I have done more "touch-up" cleaning, organizing and decluttering in the bathrooms. They look much better! One of the rewards of having company.. is that you yourself get to enjoy "company-ready room! In addition to enjoying your company. Win-win.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
SN well done on getting a bit more decluttered.
The kids and I were talking about the toys that we had stored up in the roof space. DH bought down all the stuff that was stored up there and we got rid OF ALL OF IT. We threw out 4 garbage bags of stuff and have about another 4 ready to go to the charity bin.
The only things left up there now are 2 car seats from when the kids were little. When we get a dumpster at home they will get tossed out.

It is really a great feeling to know that the roof space is absolutely empty.
Next is to tackle the out door shed. I know that there is stuff in there that can GO GO GO.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Yesterday, my 11-year old neighbor's mom called... and asked if the little girl could "help" me with anything? I said.... how about helping to take down the Christmas tree? She rushed over! First, we made hot chocolate with lot of whipped cream. Then... she and I took off the ornaments and stacked them on the table. I brought in their storage bin, and we stacked them in. Then.... my visitor went off to my room to watch the Disney Channel. Dh wrestled the tree into its box and we taped the box semi-shut with strong packing tape. A nice late-afternoon for all involved!

Now... I am gathering all theChristmas things together.... to arrange one trip into the attic from a strong, young person!

This inspires me to get MORE work done in the office/guest room (where the rest of the Christmas stuff is resting now). Hopefully.... that will happen today!!

Baby steps.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
I can't believe how wonderful everyone is doing...I can almost feel the energy level increasing in this thread....I find that getting rid of "juink" ...REALLY makes energy seem to flow!

I'm still plugging away...manages to get another large item out of the messy basement and hope to work there today....off and on...so we will see! When I go down there now I see progress but still much to do (SIGH)


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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I haven't gotten rid of anything lately. I still have the box of clothes in the truck to drop off somewhere but I haven't driven the truck since I put it in there so I guess I need to move it to the van.

I think today I will make time to go through Eli's closet and declutter it, getting rid of baby stuff. I'm still trying to decide if I want to have a yard sale in the spring so that will determine what I want to do with everything. Our town has a city wide in May I think, but then I would have to store the stuff until then.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Katrina I also have to do that space... it's in our projects some day. Not easy to go up there and there is so much accumulated!! Old car seats (no longer good), toys, etc... wish DH would put some shelves up there it would help to clear up.

SN good for you - you are doing so good.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Hi everybody. Luludou.... I've got that attic space full of stuff too..... that will be a BIG project for later!
MrsSoup.... you HAVE done well in past yard sales. AND... you know how much work it is, too! Tough choice.
Gingerbug.... definitely... there are "energy bursts" available at different points in our "Decluttering Journey Through 2011!"

And... yesterday was a great, unexpected bonus.... having the offer of help to take down our Christmas Tree. (I always leave it up for a long time.....but THIS TIME is SO LONG because of the broken leg!) Anyway, having that packed and ready for the attic..... inspires me to get ALL the Christmas things OUT of the office/guest room.... and make ONE trip to the attic. I have accumulated lots of Christmas stuff... gift boxes, tons of wrapping paper, etc. etc. I'll try to "downsize" when I get it all piled up together!

The "routines" have been done. Now... to look for enchanting television programs... to entertain me while decluttering.......