June 2011 Declutter Club

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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Ok I have been watching some of the episodes of Hoarders online and all I can say is WOW!!!!! Just what I have watched has made me decide I really am glad that I don't have that much stuff. And never will. One reminded me of my grandfathers piles all around we must have taken 10,000 or so aluminum cat food cans out of one pile that he was saving to turn in used to drive us nuts. One summer my cousin and I had the brilliant idea of cleaning out his garage yea summer led in to fall and fall into winter before we were done. He didn't even want us to throw out rusty old nails thousands of them we had to send him away for days at a time to just get rid of anything.

I am going to try and get some more stuff out the door today. Makayla has decided she wants to have a garage sale to raise money to buy herself a sewing machine.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Saturday, 6/25/Rudy Day/Rudy Weekend! Woo Hoo! (Remember.... celebrate when you can.... it doesn't have to be on the 25th!!!!)

As I wrote on another thread (or two or....) I have been given the gift of TIME...... Time Alone In The House! Well.... time without my beloved in the house. (Ds#2 and ddil#2 are "technically" in the house.... since the live in the basement apartment. But THAT is totally separate and they have their own wonderful lives to live!!!!) And.... I do NOT have to cook, laundry, and pick up after them! I know.... it is my own fault that dh oesn't pick up after himself! The good part is..... he really doesn't "see" messes..... and he NEVER complains about the state of the house!

But.... I can "get ahead of the day-to-day game".... while he is on his trip! AND.... there is one BIG thing: I am revamping our filing system! And.... I have some metal "sorting devices".... that hold file folders "upright"..... so you can easily file stuff. I can NOW..... move these sorters (with folders) out to the dining room table! Because.... dh will not be eating meals and reading newspapers and doing crossword puzzels and counting out pills.... and doing all the things that people do.... on a dining room table!

Right now.... I have all these sorters (and folders) on the guest room/office bed! THAT is NOT so good.

Once I get everything moved to the dining room table.... the office/guest room will look "like a room".... rather than an "office construction area"!!!! And THAT....... will give me a big psychological life!!!!!! AND the incentive to do some more work in that room. Oh Joy!!!!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Saturday, June 27th! The metal frames holding all the file folders.... are now on the dining room table. And.... already!..... MOST of the papers tha are "to be filed"..... are also in the dining room, now!

So.... the guest room/office...... is looking MUCH BETTER..... already! Bit by bit, all morning, I have been going into the office/guest room.... and doing "small" bits of work! This is extremely exciting to me! First.... I decluttered and organized all of my clothes.... which live in the big closet in the office/guest room! Now.... they are beautifully organized..... and it is a PLEASURE to look at that closet!

I am VERY excited about the "paperwork files" getting beautifully organized, too!

And right now.... I am working on all the MANY small bits of clutter.... which are left in the office/guest room! It is getting better!

We'll see what "Real Life" hands to me this week! So far.... there will be a good amount of time.... to work on the office/guest room...... and STILL keep up with routines. So.... the only "Wild Card".... is..... what "Real Life" comes up with.... this week!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
All those small bits of decluttering will suddenly turn into a beautiful room. You will be shocked when it happens.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
SparkleNana- I thought about our conversation last week about every event having a beginning, middle and and an end.

I keep repeating it to myself.

When I came home last night from my weekend away, I plopped my bag on the end of the bed and thought, "I'll get to this in a while." Then I thought, "No, the event won't be over until you do the end (of unpacking the bag)."

So, I got that taken care of and started a load of laundry!

It felt so good to wake up and have everything from the trip put away!



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Took 11 sweaters out of the armoire this morning... now I have to get them out the door before I change my mind!! I do not wear them.. so why keep them (I keep reminding myself of this).


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
When I came home last night from my weekend away, I plopped my bag on the end of the bed and thought, "I'll get to this in a while." Then I thought, "No, the event won't be over until you do the end (of unpacking the bag)."
So, I got that taken care of and started a load of laundry!
It felt so good to wake up and have everything from the trip put away! Annie

Waking up to see those unfisished things is the reason I do a lot of things. I may not feel like doing them but when I feel good I certainly do not want to be doing ufo things.


Retire Member
May 15, 2010
Perth, Australia
Good Morning Ladies!

I haven't been in this thread for a while - I've been doing both decluttering (one room a month), and the Off Season HGP.

So.... This month was my spare/guest room. It's always been a dumping ground for bits and pieces since it doesn't get used. It was at the point where you couldn't even walk in - you had to navigate over various boxes and other items.

Well.... last night I was feeling motivated (at about 11:30pm), so I pulled out ALL the boxes and items off the floor. Then I vacuumed the room. and my hubby WILLINGLY and OF HIS OWN ACCORD helped me put back only the items which were to belong in there - NEATLY!!

So, now the room is neat and tidy and there is nothing in the middle of the floor. I can even get to the desk at the back of the room if I want to.

YES - I have a big pile of things for donation. YES - my bin is full (luckily it's being collected today....)

That will all be gone soon though.

I am so happy now :D


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Great job Sarah. And give your DH a pat on the back (or something else) for his helping.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
Lulu...11 sweaters gone...You rock!

Annie, I agree with you about the bag. I bring home my daily bag or two..or three sometimes and if I take care of it right away, stuff gets done. If not, things get forgotten, I'm scattered the next day when I'm not ready to go..and on and on and on. I even remember something I read on flylady one time. Someone said they even empty their groceries as they bring them in. When I've got a car full of groceries, I do this just to give myself a break in between.

And Sparkle, you got the best gift of all. Isn't it amazing what you can get done when your left alone. I've learned to appreciate those moments these days....rare moments! When I start getting grumpy over it, I kindly remind myself my daughters only home for 2 more years, so stop whining. Then I'll have all the time I want. ;)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Not to much decluttering has been going on here. Tomorrow is garbage day so off to get a garbage bag and fill it and then another and another. I want at least 7 garbage bags gone today.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Go Kim!!!!! Go Kim!!!!!

KimD..... what a FABULOUS goal!!!!!

For a moment.... I thought of joining you in that goal!!!!!!

Then....... I realized..... that getting rid of THREE BIG GARBAGE BAGS ..... would be a fabulous goal...... for ME today!

So... I'll be working along with you! Woo Hoo!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Saquilla- I am with you on the guest room! My guest room is really an office room and it is functional. But the closet, oh my! I have it so jammed packed- the doors (the sliding kind) are bulging out. I must get in there and clear that stuff out. Every time I go in there my nerves crawl.
I told the pet sitter, "Just ignore that."
So lame.

MinnieCo- If I don't have things ready for the next day- lunch packed, outfit ready- the night before, it doesn't happen in the morning.



Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
oh my gosh, 7 bags and a closet getting done.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Ok in reality only 5 garabage bags made it out of the house yesturday, but that's ok because hopeing alot will go out the door today. I am thinking that today might be a good day to work on my girls room. The real catch all of everything for me and for them. Makayla never sleeps in her room she is a sleeping with mommy girl, so her bed still has Christmas stuff that needs to go in the attic on it. I think that Maranda ended up in the boys room last night because we have no clue where her air conditioner was put last year probley in the garage somewhere. So think its time to work on this room. And yes I am going to embaress myself and take pictures and put them on my blog. Off todo that now.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
5 bags is still good. Enjoy the clean up.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Ok I have been in the girls room for a couple of hours so far and have not gotten anywhere but so far almost 3 bags of garbage out of there and tons of dirty clothes. I have laundry moving also but still fear the rain. right now I am finishing painting the upstairs bathroom and the girls closet