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Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Not doing so good. As I write, we are without water. Had a time finding the person to get a permit as we need a new well. Finally got that yesterday(permit) and they will start Monday morning drilling a new well. This has not been a good year at all and hope 2011 will be better. Not going to be much Christmas here. Debating whether to put up the tree. Trying to look for the positive in all this but right now I don't give a hoot. Hope the snow holds off until the well is in. Just thought I would vent a little.BUT..."And that's the way it is."


Retire Member
Jan 7, 2010
Things are looking real good in my corner now.

All decorations are finally up. My husband brought down the tree pieces from the attic and tested the lights. All strings are working...this is a first! Tomorrow he will set up the tree for me to decorate on Monday afternoon.

Gifts are all made or bought except a couple little items may be needed yet for a car repair kit being assembled for one son.

Wrapping has started enough to place some gifts under the tree right away for that festive touch. Next week I can resume the wrapping.

It should be a relaxing few weeks ahead.



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
Spent 5 hours shopping today with DD and all her gifts are wrapped. That's good with finals coming up! One more tree to decorate tomorrow and I'll be done!


MHH Member
May 2, 2008
I'm not exactly where I would like to be this year but I'm doing better then last year. I just have a few gifts to pick up after work on Tuesday. My tree is up and window decorations are done. I need to decorate the bedrooms and bathrooms and that shouldn't take too long. I'm going to try to take care of that today. I started some baking yesterday and feel really good about that. Having my house decluttered this year is helping because I can find everything for a change! Also, it helps with keeping the house in order because everything has a place now! Even though I joined in the wrapping party I still have to complete the rest. That shouldn't be too difficult to do... I just need to do it!! I hope everyone is taking out some time to enjoy the season no matter how busy they are. It goes by so fast!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Food gifts are almost done and will be delivered today, cards are all sent out, and now I need to start wrapping. I still have to get Eli's stocking stuffers and one more gift for each child from the in-law's. They sent a check. Then i'll be sitting good. I'll bake again closer to Christmas for us and Santa. I should go pick up one of those vacuum seal machines so I can send DH cookies but I think they are expensive. I'll have to look.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Almost at the end of my rope
This is the most disorganized I've been for a long time! I'm having a hard time getting myself motivated. The tree was delivered a week ago. it's almost decorated, but I just can't get myself going to finish it, and get everything else done. I'm having a brunch for my church quilting group in two weeks! My ornament collection numbers about a thousand, and I don't know which ones to use, I don't want to go through them all, whine, whine, whine! I haven't thought about addressing cards, or writing a letter. My shopping is almost done, though. Well, maybe I can get it together tomorrow.

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
Real life has put a wrench in some of my plans...I have a last minute business trip (required by a client) Dec 12-15th...and I wrenched my knee playing paddle tennis last has made climbing stairs/lifting boxes (& a 2yo) quite difficult!

On the bright side, my gift shopping is done, I have 80% wrapped, all "to-be-mailed" gifts were dropped off at the post office this morning, Toys for Tots packages are loaded in the trunk for drop-off tomorrow and I FINALLY ordered photo cards to send to family (all 200 of them!) My Christmas boxes are wrapeed and ready to be delivered this weekend.

The boys' small tree is up. We are going to get a real tree for the living room tomorrow night. There is a wreath on the door, but not much else is done decoration-wise.

I took the boys to see Santa at the mall and we even had breakfast with "Scuba Santa" at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ this past Saturday. (That was a hoot!) So, all in all, I think I'm doing OK. the boys don't seem to notice that I'm behind, anyway! ;)

The one thing that I'm stressing about is baking...I love to do it, but I just don't see how or when I'll fit it in. Sadly, that's the part that I most enjoy!

Oh well! Thank you all for keeping me motivated all year - I can't imagine where I'd be now without all of the planning and prep we've been through together!


Retire Member
Dec 31, 2009
I'm doing OK here. I am finished shopping for the most part. I am about 75%finished wrapping. The decorating is finished. We are having 13 people over for dinner this Sat. evening and that's what I'll be concentrating on this week. I still have to address my Christmas cards and I'll be working on them this week as well. My daughter and I will be having a baking day on the 18th. I have 9 different cookie doughs in the freezer so we'll be baking those up and making fudge, peanut clusters and whatever else we have time for. I'm just glad that I have been working on this all year. Even so, I still wish Dec. wasn't speeding by the way it seems to be.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Under the neocitran haze, I am feeling some major anxiety. Really far behind due to repeated viruses traveling through the house. This is my fourth illness since September, pretty major since I am usually the one who does NOT get sick.

Cannot even think where to start at this point. Spending the next three days with my sister as she has surgery - then Saturday, I will do everything else Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
I hear you HouseElf. Being sick has run rapid in this house for the past several months. I'm really over it! Goodluck with your sister!


MHH Member
Oct 2, 2009
north adams ma.
everythings getting caught up here just need to do more baking as i enjoy that put out a few more cards and got more in the mail so hung those up.Hope everyone has a good day well i'm off need to get moving.:merrychristmas::tree:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
My last tree and BIG tree is up, fluffed and full of lights. Ornaments to come!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Hellooooo all!

I finally had time for checking back in with all of you! Our party was a huge success this past Saturday! Everyone had a great time!

The hit of the evening was the Wii Just Dance game that a friend of mine brought - picture about 15 kids, ages 4 - 12, all dancing along with the game in front of the TV. It was so cute! They all took turns with who got to hold the remotes, it was great.

And then occasionally one of the adults would join - which was very funny to watch - especially when it was one of the dads. :)

It was just one of those things - not planned - but it came together just perfect at the last minute!

And then...Sunday came...and there I was...DH at trashed...DS to be taken care of...and me with the STOMACH FLU. AAAAARRRGGHHH!!!!

DH finally got home and helped with DS for a while - then after DS was in bed DH started throwing up - it was unreal!

We both missed work on Monday - childcare still came and stayed with the kids upstairs while we were curled up in little balls of misery downstairs - and got some rest.

House stayed trashed until late Tuesday night when I finally had the energy to start cleaning up.

At which point I discovered that one of the florescent light bulbs had fallen out of a light fixture in the back, unfinished part of the basement. {sigh} It is still there. Just blocked it off, just in case one of the dogs got back there.

THEN on Tuesday, due to weather, childcare couldn't travel to us because of roads - so DH missed work again.

ANYWAY...blah, blah, blah - it has been A TIME OF IT!

However, it could have been worse. DS could have gotten sick, etc., etc. Trying to count my blessings!

jyclassy - So sorry to hear about the well situation!!! That really stinks! We had to put in a new well a couple years ago - but not in the middle of winter. I hope everything is back to normal really, REALLY soon!

HouseElf - I hear ya on the sickness thing, obviously - I hope you have "served your time" for the year and can spend the rest of the holidays germ free!!! I am certainly hoping that for our household!

Big {{{HUGS}}} to everyone else having a rough go of it right now. It can be hard to drum up Christmas spirit and motivation when you feel like life is drumming on YOU. {sigh}

I have not had time to take stock of where I stand with the rest of Christmas prep. I still need to seal and stamp my cards so I can mail them.

I need to get another batch of cinnamon rolls in the freezer (doing those instead of cookies for gifting this year).

I need to finish shopping for DH.

I need to finish shopping - small things - for a few of my friends. Ornaments, bottles of wine, that type of thing.

And I have NO wrapping done yet. But a friend and I are tentatively planning to do a massive wrapping session together this Sunday afternoon. Hopefully we can make that happen!

So...tonight I will take a look at all of my lists and make a plan to start tackling some of this stuff!

Good luck every one!


Santa's Elves
Gifts done, baking done, wrapping 90% done, decor done, Dec 24 menu done and all non-perishable groceries from the list done! I have so much finished that the kids, DH & I are going to try and go see the new Narnia movie this weekend- a spare weekend in December, I love it. :)

Found out this week I only have a 3 hour shift between Dec 16 and Jan 3. SO happy to have the time off with my family. And my DD14 has a Home Ec homework assignment where she has to cook for us 3 times - I think I love it. LOL :)


Retire Member
Jan 13, 2010
I'm behind too this year. My tree is up but not decorated. I hope to do that this Saturday. DH put the lights outside, but nothing is done on the inside. My life is so hectic. I just don't have the time or energy this year. I will get it done, but it's stressful. Financially, for the first time in my life, I don't have the money to buy Christmas gifts. So I'm not behind in wrapping. (which I usually end up completeing on Christmas Eve) The best thing about that is we will still celebrate the True meaning of Christmas, Jesus' Birthday. I'll have a cake and we will sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. The important thing is we will still be together as a family and there's always next year for gifts.


Premiere Member
Dec 27, 2007
Austria - Europe
Hi everyone!

I am very busy here and I have to say, I have postponed some parts of our Housework Plan to January 2011.
Otherwise I can't enjoy christmas season at all.

Decoration is done so far and most of our gifts are bought and wrapped. We also finished our gingerbread house last Sunday. Upcoming weekend we will bake our cookies. Dinner for Christmas Eve is in planning stage. My siblings and my father will come on Christmas Eve so I think that everyone should bring something for dinner.

For relaxing in the evening I do some christmassy crafts, as a quilted christmas pillow or some stockings. Furthermore I read some christmas crime stories whenever I find time for it. Hope I get my craft projects done until christmas eve, otherwise they have to wait until next year.

Due to all these tasks I don't find time to read/write here a lot. Please excuse that! After christmas I will be back here again more often!



Retire Member
Jan 7, 2010
I'm continuing to make good progress.
The tree is now decorated to complete the decorating.
Gift wrapping is being done slowly but that's fine as shopping is finished I think. All will be wrapped with time to spare.
Cookie baking began today. Tomorrow I'll ice them and pack for giving.
Holiday cleaning is now being started at a comfortable pace.



Retire Member
May 2, 2008
I'm getting there....slowly! My tree is up and the house ,inside and outside, is decorated. Nearly all of my gifts are wrapped and under the tree. But I've had a tummy virus for the last few days so everything has ground to a stop. I've not got my cards written yet hopefully I'll do it tonight. We've had terrible snow here so shopping trips have been cancelled. I'm waiting for an online delivery but it will probably be delayed due to the weather. But I'm not going to stress too much. I should be able to go out and do the rest of my shopping on Saturday and I'll wrap as I go along. I'm still enjoying the season eventhough my plans never seem to go right lol!:)


Retire Member
Nov 1, 2007
Our holiday house in North Idaho
I have most of the inside decorating done, just have to get the ornaments on the main tree and a few accessories out, probably won't get anything up outside, the snow hit kinda hard already. Have most of my shopping done, need to get a couple things and some candy for the stockings. Started wrapping, but have much more to do. Getting the cards done today, planning my son's bd dinner which is next sunday. Haven't done any baking yet, but have all the supplies. Have the Chrismas menu's done, need to pick up a few things and need to figure out what time everyone can get here.

Feel a bit disorganized this year, didn't get any of my ruddy day projects done, so need to do better next year. I know at the end everything will come together fine because it always does, just need to plan better next year.