July 2011 Declutter Club

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
I think it's a good idea for the right person. I get both thoughts. We are taught food storage is a neccesity, but if storage is limited, it's hard. Go for it..see if it works. I meant he worse thing that will happen is you have to buy more food!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Ok SN you made me hungry!

I did go with very little food stored a few years ago. You are going to love it.


Retire Member
May 15, 2010
Perth, Australia
I organised my kitchen pantry back in my "kitchen month" - I think it was March?? Maybe April??

Anyway, it is so much easier for us when there is less excess food stored. There are a few items we keep extra of, but only by one or two (eg: tinned tomatos or beans). These are the ones I know will get used up within a few weeks.

I figure that if a food item is sitting there for a year, it's not going to get eaten anyway, so it might as well be thrown out!

Oh, and it's easier to plan menus and shopping lists when I can see what we already have!


MHH Member
May 2, 2008
I have always stored food. I find it very difficult to stop for food after work. However, I learned to be very selective about what gets stored. I make sure I have a back up for necessary items like oil, bread crumbs, coffee ect that I use on a daily basis. This has been a great time saver. In addition, I try to only store Items that I have bought on sale in which there was a significant savings... for example coffee. This week it was on sale and I was able to save $2 a can. That was worth using my limited space. Also, I will store Items I need for baking that goes on sale this time of year that has a long shelf life. Last week vanilla was on sale and I saved almost $3 on a bottle...These items are stored on a shelf near the garage. They don't even make it into my kitchen. I have really limited the amount of food I keep in the kitchen and the cabinets and it has been a real stress reliever. Not only that, when I have company in the kitchen and I open the cabinets, I don't have things crammed in or falling down to cause me to be embarrassed! lol...


Retire Member
Aug 18, 2008
SN - I like the idea of storing less in the kitchen, but I think I am entering the "boy eating me out of house and home" phase. He's 11 and a half. Is it too young for him to start eating everything in site? He and his new found friends do nothing but burn off energy riding bikes and having air soft wars in the development. So, I loved your ideas of healthy snacks to keep in the pantry and fridge. We have less room here than our old house, so I need the food I have on hand to be beneficial....not bad for us.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Nursemomtothree -- he is NOT too young at all! Eleven-yer-olds are AT LEAST as mature as 13 and 14 year olds... of generations past. And.... especially for boys!!!! Having plentiful, delicious food for them and their friends..... THAT is a "language of love" that they REALLY understand and APPRECIATE. When they come into the house.... with that ravenous hunger.... the fact that your have PREPARED to comfort and nourish them..... THAT shows their little hearts.... that you REALLY love and care for them!

Oh.... I forgot to add things like pretzels.... each kid seems to prefer one style or another.... thin sticks or huge fat pretzels! Popsickles were safe from my husband (who worked at home).... and a good supplemental treat in summer. Popsickles do not take care of the hunger pain.... but they are very fun. A plate of sandwiches can be made up in advance and left in the refrigerator. If there is something that your son likes to microwave.... have supplies of that,,,, for him and his friends. (By the way.... his friends will respect and appreciate the fact that you care for them too.... because they are good friends to your boy!)

And, by the way, our house was undoubtedly the MESSIEST of all their friends houses. But their friends houses didn't have the food.... and that is what mattered most! Funny, hu?

I thought it was interesting that my DAUGHTER felt those good food snacks was important.... but she did play sports all through junior high and high school..... so she was pretty famished when she got home, too. With HER friends.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
July 15th today!!! Friday. Work in the kitchen is going slowly..... and making a mess. I can see how much better it WILL be...... when things are rearranged.

Various members of my family are going through lots of different "real life" events. So "real life" is intruding on my personal Christmas in July celebrations. It is always a balancing act. And... we neded patience..... with ourselves... AND.... with people we love!

Inside one of my cupboad doors.... I have a pretty litle soft magnet that says...... "If you would have peace........ you first must have patience."

So... my work project is going slowly...... interrupted by my own real life events........ and also by the real life events of people I love.

Luckily..... Gingerbug has created "a place of patience".... for us all..... here on this thread. A beautiful, patient YEAR.... of decluttering. Our own 2011 Decluttering Club. Quite the brilliant idea!

There is a real estate office nearby.... that has a "year-round drop box for food donations". So.... whatever doesn't fit comfortably into the smaller kitchen storage space.... will go to the local Food Pantry.

On another topic..... can you believe that at the end of NEXT MONTH..... we will be about to begin the REAL Holiday Grand Plan..... complete with Christmas Preparations! (Or..... a different plan to get organized for Christmas.... if you choose something different.)

So.... as I see it...... we have about a month and a half..... before things get really busy!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
The only thing that I have been doing is bringing more stuff into the house lately. That and traveling back and forth to the hospital, since my dad is there, he has had one emergancy surgery and will have at least two or three more within the next couple of weeks. I am working on getting the things I have brought in ready for their new home today so that is good at least


MHH Member
Jun 10, 2011
My focus is going to be on the garage and basement this next week because we need to have a garage sale within the next week or two.We can really use the extra cash.We have some bills to pay and we need a dining table and chairs.I saw one on Craigslist for $75 with 6 chairs.I hope we can get it, maybe even this week if it's still there.We've lived here since February without one.We only have 2 bar stools for our counter so we let the younger boys sit there.I don't like sitting in the living room...or standing.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Aug 31, 2010
SW Louisiana
Hey everyone,

I am so glad that I found this particular area since this is exactly what I'm in the process of doing at the moment.

SparkleNana; I raised 3 active sons along with nieces, nephews and it seemed half the neighborhood so I can relate to the fully stocked kitchen being somewhat overwhelming at times.

I can also see that you've never been through a real disaster in which you had no stores open for 3 weeks, no infrastructure and no resources, other that what was already in your home. I hate to be the voice of doom but now even the Dept. Of Homeland Security tells everyone to have a weeks worth of food, water, meds and supplies on hand at all times. With the ever increasing prices of everything it would be prudent to continue stocking whenever you hit a good sale on things that your family loves. The savings alone just in storing food this way vs. daily market runs would more than pay for Christmas or add a storeroom onto your home at today's cost.

It's sounds like the problem isn't the food, it's the adequate or poorly designed storage for the food. Please reconsider dumping your food storage and instead consider nice shelving in a storeroom to accomodate the extra. We do not need to keep 6 months of food in our kitchen although we do need to keep more than a days worth on hand. Find a place in your basement, garage or an unused closet and set up some shelving to house the extra. I waited many years but I finally have a storeroom and I love it. It houses both upright freezers, extra fridge and walls of shelving with everything extra from toilet paper to toothpicks.

Okay, I didn't jump in here to start dishing out advice but Nana, I went through 2 major disasters, cancer in a child and my husband lost his job at one point in the past 6 years and it was my extra food and supplies that fed many people from my own family to the fire department and I was so very grateful that my parents had taught me to always be prepared for bad times whether it was job loss, illness, or a disaster. Awe, it could never happen to me right! I even lost my home completely in Rita, along with most of my food storage & supplies but I'm so thankful that I immediately restocked because it was when the BP oil spill happened that my husband lost his job. We never had to rely on food stamps or any other handouts because we had what we needed to feed my family for the six months he was out of work.
Just please think about this as you are decluttering your kitchen.

DH and I are new empty nesters however our home still functions as though we have a full house so some serious decluttering is taking place. As each child flew the nest they left behind everything they didn't want or didn't have room for. It's been years and we have continued to be a storage facility while their homes are nice and decluttered. I've set up huge rubbermaid totes with each of their names and started filling them with everything from their personal records, vital documents, toys, collectibles, and even photos of each one growing up. It's theirs. I am not a storage facility and they don't pay me to occupy my home.

When you bought or built your home, you paid so much per square foot. Well, when you loose hundreds of square foot to clutter of yours or someone elses possessions that you don't use then you are throwing money away each time you pay your mortgage, the electricity or the property taxes. I don't know about you folks but I want every inch of my money's worth.

DH isn't awake yet but this weekend is the storeroom and garage while it's still below 100º. I can't get to my holiday decorations otherwise. Arghhhh!
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Today I am going to finish up the bathroom upstairs today, it needs to be finished being decluttered scrubbrush cleaned and put back together
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New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Those were very good points, ejagno.... and you are right! The Dept of Homeland Security DOES want us to be prepared for at least a week.... to keep our families safe and fed...... in case of any kind of emergency. And there are PLENTY of kinds of emergencies!

And I think that some kind of "outside storage shed" is the answer. We have no garage. Our basement is completely taken up.... it is the home of ds & ddil#2. Our house is a very small, one-story ranch house. And... ds, ddil#1 and dgd have a 50% chance of coming here to live.... at the end of August. So... dh and I must clear out enough space.... for them and for the possessions they need for the next year.

We DO have space outside. And a storage shed would be fine. First... I need to clear out living space... between now and September. I also need to save the money for the storage shed. But I do think that is an excellent idea!

By the way.... when the big earthquake hit Japan in March..... ds#1 ran right to the grocery store. He bought tons and tons of food..... and loaded up his rental car. He and bottled water and many supplies. There was a period of shock throughout the country. And it was hours.... before most people thought about stocking up on food. I don't know how he thought of it so quickjly. But he was able to help the people living in his apartment building..... with milk and things to keep them and their children comforted.

For this weekend.... I am doing lots and lots of 15 minute periods of decluttring. Along with the routines that keep daily life smooth. AND.... along with dealing with the "real life" events that hit me... and my family and friends.

THIS PLACE.... this 2011 Declutter Club..... helps us all.... so much! We get different, thoughtful perspectives (thank you, ejagno). We get encouragement and inspiration.... and laughter. We are here with our precious friends. Our MHhHFamily.


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Aug 31, 2010
SW Louisiana
SparkleNana; I'm so glad you didn't take offense to my post because it was really said out of love, compassion and experience. Thank you for taking it that way.

Well, I was finally able to pull my SUV into the garage for the first time in 6 months. There is still some organizing to do but the majority of the big stuff is done. It did get hot but the heat index only got to 98º. I was so excited that I even vacuumed my garage stall. I swear I wanted to decorate it. LOL

Tomorrow I will attemp to make some serious progress on the store room. It has become a catch all and is so bad that I barely have a path to my freezer. We have to go have lunch with my in-laws so it will be a start and stop job. That's okay, one step at a time.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
July 17th. Sunday.
How are you doing with "bringing things into your home?" Oh, I know.... there is a steady stream of "Incoming Stuff".... no matter what! Mail. Groceries. All kinds of things that we "use up and need to replenish". Things that other people need... and bring in. The list goes on and on........ . At least..... we are TRYING to keep up with what is "incoming". We TRY to keep a steady stream of stuff..... "going OUT"!

How are you doing with..... "retail therapy"? Are you TRYING to keep it to "retail looking".... and only "buying what you NEED.... not what you LIKE!"

Another part of the kitchen got decluttered and cleaned yesterday. EVENTUALLY.... it will be painted. But that step is WAY down the road.

Happy Trails To You!


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Aug 31, 2010
SW Louisiana
Good morning;

I like the going out of the home the best right now. I currently have (4) four waste management trashcans full sitting at the road or Monday morning pick-up. If I do anything today I'll have to go borrow a neighbors trashcan. I've been eying the one across the street at the empty house. LOLl

Nana; We are all taking small steps. Our homes didn't get cluttered in a day and they sure won't get spotless, organized and decluttered in a day. It's the light at the end of the tunnel that keeps us foused..................and the wonderful support here of course that keeps us going.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
ejagno well the empty house isn't using it, it probley wouldn't mind if you borrowed it over night.

I ended up sleeping most of the day yesturday. In a min I am going to change out of work clothes and get to that bathroom


Retire Member
May 15, 2010
Perth, Australia
Hey everyone!

I'm pretty proud at the moment as I have managed to "kick" DH out of the living room!!!

In June, I decluttered the back spare room, which was just filled with boxes and random things, and now he has agreed to use it for his hobby room. This means, all his hobby things are going OUT of the living room. So... the living room can just be a regular family TV area - it will be so much easier to keep it tidy. I'm so pleased... he's not big on change and isn't bothered about the mess that is all over the hobby table (lpaintbrushes, fake grass, tubs of gravel etc) which really bugs me since I have to look at it all the time. Not to mention it's really not safe for our youngest girl who has just started to walk and is attracted to ANYTHING she's not supposed to touch, or grab off tables.

Not any more!!

YAY!! :D


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Saquilla..... wha you have accomplished is HUGE! You have actually created TWO "new and comfortable rooms".... through your work of decluttering!

Your living room will be so much more peaceful (AND SAFE... for your little daughter!) And your husband will be able to enjoy a peaceful, functional room.... for his "hobbies"!!!!! GOOD JOB!!

Work continue in the kitchen.... another bag of outdated food and general "junk" is bagged up and ready to go in the trash.... as soon as I finish this post! I will need my "backup" trash can this week.... since SO MUCH CLUTTER has been going Out The Door!!!!!


Retire Member
Apr 4, 2011
I haven't been doing too well in not bringing stuff into the house these past couple of weeks. I went to a craft fair this weekend and got 2 Halloween items and one giant candy cane (I thought it would look great on a door), none of which I need. We are going to have a 3 season porch built and I've been buying all the stuff I need for out there like furniture on clearance and curtains etc...Most of the decorations I have already or I took from my Mom (yay for her to declutter her stuff). My nice clean organized basement has kind of gone out the window right now because I'm storing all the furniture for the porch down there. At least all this stuff will have a home once the porch is built and I'll regain my space everywhere else, but the waiting is terrible. I hate waiting. On top of that we haven't done any work decluttering and cleaning out Hubby's garage yet because it's been so hot here. My days are spent inside with the AC's blowing. The one declutter thing I did last trash day was to put a huge old broken AC at the curb and the metal collector came so that's now out of the basement. I think I will throw away the rest of the basement stuff this week along with regular trash so the basement really will be done once the porch stuff is moved out. I can't wait to start a cleaning plan at the end of next month. I'm itching to start Fall cleaning, but it's just too early and too hot right now. I'm glad other people are making great progess, keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 10, 2008
I was able to finally get into my laundry room and tossed alot. I also got those boxes to the goodwill, so that was nice. Overall, I had a productive weekend in the cleaning and decluttering dept.